Want to replay it

>want to replay it
>remember Peragus

Anyone else?

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for me it's
>want to play it
>remember Peragus
I have a save file I started probably 5-6 years ago, and I'm still there. It might be the worst opening mission I've ever played.

>want to play it in the first place
>remember it's bogged down by RPG mechanics and not an exciting Jedi Knight title

Really now? It's not that bad until you get to the t3m4 part.

Peragus is patrician taste.


Peragus isn't so bad

its the way telos station was designed and the little subplot there that always makes not want to replay it

>want to replay it
>realize KOTOR I is the far better game and play that instead

Peragus is fun though.
Unlike malachor.

>want to replay it
>remember Peragus
>shorter than I remembered

Now Taris was more annoying.

isn't there a mod that lets you skip the entire planet

>>want to replay it
>remember the combat

>want to replay it
>remember Peragus
>download savegame pack and skip it


>not enjoying peragus
It's the perfect, atmospheric spooky murder mystery.

Telos is the problem, not Taris. You could tell thats where loads of cuts were in the game. It's unfinished, boring, and a chore.

Except it's neither spooky nor a mystery.

Skip Peragus mod

KoToR1 feels like a minigame compared to KoToR2.

You can run any character build in kotor2 but you're very limited in kotor1.

Also, kotor1 pushes you to either be light or dark, where as kotor2 teaches you to think about your actions before you act upon them.

this tbph. Peragus had great atmosphere. It's how walking simulators should feel instead of opting for jump scares

oops I meant Peragus not Taris

>Skip Peragus mod
It's not compatible with TSLRCM, though

Dead bodies lying around. Creepy droids watching you. Creepier holorecordings of everyone dying. Sith assassins following you. Unnerving music. That sense of feeling alone but knowing youre not. Youre wrong user

Am I correct in deducing that the female in your picture is jewish?

People misunderstand. Peragus is fantastic the first time through, after that it's a chore.

>download and install skip peragus mod
>get put to the end of peragus
>save game
>download and install TSLRCM

How hard was that?


>Also, kotor1 pushes you to either be light or dark
To be fair. Kotor 2 pushes you even further.

Now you get a premium class based on it, and being neutral almost breaks some dialogs. And your meter rises so quickly you can be full light/dark side before you ever leave Telos.

I kinda prefer it as well.

I love me some Kotor 2 but Kotor 1 just feels more satisfying to me. Kotor 2 would have been much better if it wasn't Star Wars while Kotor 1 kinda thrived on being Star Wars.

That and the planets are just a lot more fun in Kotor 1. Never really realized just how tiny and simple they are in 2. Even compared to the first game.

You shouldn't use such a cute loli for shitposting, user.

This. People just get salty because to get the full experience you need a broad set of skills, which most people didn't have because KotOR I made skills outside of Persuade and maybe Repair almost entirely superfluous.

Even if you don't like it, you can skip it in less than an hour even while getting all the good loot.

This, Telos is the real problem.

Wait. I played through the game a few weeks ago with both mods and had no issues.

Is it different on the updated Steam version and using the workshop versions of both mods?

>which most people didn't have because KotOR I made skills outside of Persuade and maybe Repair almost entirely superfluous.
It's funny because it's the complete opposite.

In KOTOR 1 most skills are locked to your character while in KOTOR 2 your companions skills can actually be used for stuff. So you really only need to focus on persuade while in KOTOR 1 you were pretty much forced to play scoundrel if you wanted to min-man.

If you went down the light or dark side path, then you played it wrong and you didn't understand it.

"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it. It is something no Sith or Jedi has ever truly learned."

It works for me.

I was using the skip peragus mod on my fucking xbox version nevermind pc.
Partly because of the anti piracy check on peragus and partly because once was enough.
The restored content patch made it worth another run through, now i never need to again.

>It's funny because it's the complete opposite.
No, it most definitely isn't.

What did you actually need skills for in KotOR I, aside from Persuade and Repair? Computer Use? Pointless, and if you wanted to use it a companion could. Has one use in the endgame, by which time you can have so many spikes it doesn't matter. Security? Obviated entirely by a lightsaber except for a single check that is easily bypassed. Treat injury is useful but doesn't have any actual use. Demolitions, Stealth, Awareness all pretty useless.

In KotOR II skills are actually important to have on the main character - Awareness doubles as Sense Motive, and is critical to some dialogue because it can't be replaced by a stat; Treat Injury is used as a dialogue skill in a couple of cases; you need both Computer Use and Repair to repair T3-M4 (which is a lot better than repairing HK in the original), Security is more important than in the original because of breakable items and there are a couple of times the game will give you unbashable containers when you might not have any party members with the Security skill. And then there's Kreia's Lesson of Skill.

More directly, the point that I was making was that to get the full experience on Peragus you need to be able to make (low-level, but still trained) checks in Computer Use, Demolitions, Awareness, Persuade, Repair, Security and Treat Injury and it's going to be highly unlikely a first-time player will have that skill-set - especially coming from KotOR I. I know because I usually play a Guardian now, so I spend my first few feats buying Class Skills.

literallly fuck off

Gotta have that 16 INT from the start and get the most out of your skills.

No I understood it. It's just that they forgot that it's a game and most of the systems are aimed at going full-light/dark side.

At the end of they day I can get some kinda broken dialog since they devs didn't expect players to actually go full neutral that won't really change the story any or I can use the system to my advantages.

>play a bit of a manipulative character that still very light side
>people are talking politics on onderon
>"what do you like PC?"
>"I think that people should be allowed to have a choice in how Onderon is run"
>"HEY, I'm General Evilguy McWarcrimes, I heard you love to suck my dick! Meet me for coffee and killing babies!"
>can't tell him to fuck off so I can help the queen
>oh well, continue playing
>"Hey, let's go attack the queen!"
>invade her palace even though I don't want to
>not once chance to back out and switch sides
>most of my dialog is now super edgy 12 year old shit even though I'm full light side
>not one chance to save the queen
>"Hi, I'm Jedi Master, let's battle"
>don't want to battle him
>"We don't have to fight, cause we are jedi and all, nevermind that I have been helping everyone in the galaxy and trying to restore the jedi order up until I said I accidentally swore loyalty to a evil guy because I like democracy and not absolute rule"
>kill master since I wasn't given another choice
>"let's go to Dantoone and talk to the other Jedi masters you saved"
>"You once saved all of us and even though that Jedi master attacked you when you didn't want too we will now slay you dog of a whore"
>but I don't want to
>"Well fuck you scum! Better defend yourself!

Thanks Obsidian.

>>Kotor 2 would have been much better if it wasn't Star Wars
>When almost the entire game is a critique of Star Wars in general and the first game in particular
>Never really realized just how tiny and simple they are in 2. Even compared to the first game.

>Kotor 2 pushes you even further.
True, but only from a certain perspective. KotOR I pushed you towards taking entirely messianic choices or psychotic ones, and rarely gave you a choice beyond the two extremes or 'isn't my problem'. KotOR II asks you to be more critical when you're thinking about the actions you take and why you take them - yes, you can act like a caricature like in the original game, but there's plenty more variation to make and justify your choices.

>When almost the entire game is a critique of Star Wars in general and the first game in particular

But they didn't know what KOTOR1 was about, since it was still in development while KOTOR2 was being made.

Compared to Taris it's god tier.

You obviously didn't have Kreia tagged along with you the entire game. There's a reason as to why she gives you an XP boost and has a force bond with you.

If you chose your own path then you would've got the proper ending.

"If you seek to aid everyone that suffers in the galaxy, you will only weaken yourself... and weaken them. It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards."

"I cannot force you to listen to reason, only hope that you will grow past these infantile delusions of right and wrong."

>When almost the entire game is a critique of Star Wars in general and the first game in particular
That's why I think they should have had their own setting. You know, make stuff they actually like and not just spend the entire time going "look, its a game in a kids series but more mature and dark". At the end of they day its still just point out silly things about a couple of kids movies.

>Never really realized just how tiny and simple they are in 2. Even compared to the first game.
What was hard to understand about that?

Fair enough. The writing is generally better in Kotor 2. But the actual system is made worse.

I like both Taris and Telos, but Peragus is too much for me, it's mindnumbingly boring. Mostly comes down to boring enemies.

>You obviously didn't have Kreia tagged along with you the entire game
I did for every single planet save for Korriban(duh) and some of Onderon(because I needed some more influence with Bao-Dur and Mira I think).

>If you chose your own path then you would've got the proper ending.
There is no proper ending.

Granted that anecdote wasn't really about the merits of the light and dark and Kreia's philosophy but rather just how rushed and badly designed certain parts of the game were.

>If you seek to aid everyone that suffers in the galaxy, you will only weaken yourself...
>...Oh, and remember that your alignment affects how powerful certain force powers are and how I can only help train you if you choose a one sided morality...
>...and weaken them. It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards."
>Unless those rewards are force related.

>"I cannot force you to listen to reason, only hope that you will grow past these infantile delusions of right and wrong."
">Sure sure. I'll "think" about it Kreia"
>"Now let's go save the world and never change, it's not like you will give a shit and continue to do every single little think I tell you to do."

>tfw you go a 15 INT 15 WIS 16 CHA Guardian right from the start and be the wisest, smartest, most charismatic Jedi to ever live

>Thanks Obsidian.
That's nothing to do with your alignment, though; that's asking you to make a political decision and be bound by it. The game doesn't care about your alignment, it tallies up the amount of pro-Vaklu and pro-Talia things you do and say to find out who you've supported the most, and I find it hard to believe you got stuck with Vaklu after a single decision unless you were intentionally vacillating. Even in that case, you should've had a chance to change your mind during the first meeting with Kavar in the cantina.

Actually, what you do with the Masters is (almost) entirely divorced from alignment - you can kill them all as a Light-sided player, and leave them alive as a Dark-sided player.

>Guardian right from the start and be the wisest, smartest, most charismatic Jedi to ever live

Not according to Atris

>But they didn't know what KOTOR1 was about, since it was still in development while KOTOR2 was being made.
They had to have known something, because of how Revan's alignment is dealt with and all the dialogue Kreia has about him. Granted, the best parts are best read as a metafictional critique on the nature of different authors and writing for a character, but still.

>That's why I think they should have had their own setting.
When you put it that way, I can see what you mean, but I still think you're missing the point - they couldn't've just made KotOR II without Star Wars, it would've had to be something different. And KotOR II is so brilliant because of what a critique of Star Wars it is.
>At the end of they day its still just point out silly things about a couple of kids movies.
I disagree almost completely, and I think limiting the Star Wars universe to just 'a couple of kids' movies' is reductive and silly.

>What was hard to understand about that?
Nothing, I just disagree. Maybe it's being overly familiar with the first game, or its relative lack of dialogue, but it KotOR I you have Tatooine (one location and three more of huge desert), Kashyyk (literal corridors between an outpost and a single village) Manaan (a busy location but almost all sidequests are accomplished in the course of the main quest, Ahto City > Embassy > Underwater Base) and Korriban, which is the most detailed of the lot but still incredibly straightforward.

In II Korriban is dead but it still has a top-tier sidequest, the Dxun > Onderon and reprise was great, and Nar Shaddaa and Dantooine felt a lot more open and intricate.

>That's nothing to do with your alignment, though
No. It's them just rushing the game out and not having enough time to flesh the RPG parts out in certain parts.
> it tallies up the amount of pro-Vaklu and pro-Talia things you do
I think I did one that wasn't as much pro-Vaklu as it is just helped his camp a bit.
>Even in that case, you should've had a chance to change your mind during the first meeting with Kavar in the cantina.
I didn't. I reloaded like three times to see if I missed the decision. I could be friendly with him I think but it didn't give me the option to get out of Vaklu's path.
>you can kill them all as a Light-sided player, and leave them alive as a Dark-sided player

But god forbid you defended yourself from some insane monarchist who wanted nothing more than to cut you down. Because then the Jedi masters will come down at you like Palatine in ROTJ.

>but rather just how rushed and badly designed certain parts of the game were.
Are you simply incapable of divorcing or even analysing game mechanics as opposed to game narrative and themes?

>Not according to Atris
Atris was just being a really tsun tsundere.
>What are you doing, gallivanting around the Galaxy with these vagrants?
>Baka Exile, like I kept telling you at the Academy... you need to learn the benefits of proper discipline. You can start by listening to me.
>Now, take off those robes.

>I disagree almost completely, and I think limiting the Star Wars universe to just 'a couple of kids' movies' is reductive and silly.
I don't. Because I don't think a serious mature Star Wars really works all that well. It's to silly a setting and to me the tones in Kotor 2 felt a bit off.

Like at one point you are playing space black jack with a robot that goes beep boop and murdering chirping Hamsters and the next you are in a philosophical drama about good and evil.

>In II Korriban is dead but it still has a top-tier sidequest, the Dxun > Onderon and reprise was great, and Nar Shaddaa and Dantooine felt a lot more open and intricate.
Don't get me wrong the content and quests in Kotor 2 as way ahead of Kotor 1. But the actual level design is kinda shit is what I mean.

The physical space in the levels are incredibly small and it makes everything feel a bit too compacted. Kotor 1 just had more and bigger levels. Though arguably less content rich.

>disliking Peragus

The atmosphere and story is great, very akin to System Shock

Telos is the real low point of the game and just a total slog, the environments are drab and the quests are tedious errands

>Are you simply incapable of divorcing or even analysing game mechanics as opposed to game narrative and themes?

I just wanted to post a fun(though a bit annoying) little anecdote about my latest play though. It's a 2 part post you could say.

>want to replay it
>remember Taris

Just skip taris then you candyass.

But Taris is the best part of the game.

>want to replay it
>remember I can't romance Atris

>want to replay KotOR1
>remember you can't refuse to be a Jedi
Unless there's a mod that helps it? I'd like to try it without any Force powers and lightsabers for once.

I don't blame Atris for being tsundere. Revan probably was too.

Why not you know. Just not use force powers and lightsabers?

not even him but are you dense

you have literally nothing useful or interesting skill-wise, you waste levels that could be spent on jedi levels if you level up, and it takes forever to accomplish something very simple

I get people who wanna skip it, even if for me it's classic star wars and I enjoy the immersion. But fuck, how the hell can you say it's the best? shit sucks, senpai

You can always edit your save game so you only have one level of jedi and then rank up whatever your actual class you want. It's not hard.

i want to lick her feet

what compels you to post this

honest question. do you think the rest of us want to know or some shit?

>Revan and Meetra are fairly old
>all the faces you can choose pretty much looks like people that are in their twenties and early 30s

Even Atris looks older than you.

Won't that create problems, I wonder. With huge game-changing mods like TSLRCM, they usually recommend starting a new playthrough to use it

>No. It's them just rushing the game out and not having enough time to flesh the RPG parts out in certain parts
>I think I did one that wasn't as much pro-Vaklu as it is just helped his camp a bit.
Rushed as it may be, I still find it hard to believe you got locked in to his path by making a single choice unless you were actively trying to avoid making a choice (and that in itself the game makes a point about).

>I didn't. I reloaded like three times to see if I missed the decision. I could be friendly with him I think but it didn't give me the option to get out of Vaklu's path.
Damn, I could've sworn there was an option there - but I must be misremembering. I do know it's been so long since I've played Vaklu's path, but I could swear I remember one that bails out of Talia's by telling Kavar to fuck off the moment you see him. Not that I ever would.
>But god forbid you defended yourself from some insane monarchist who wanted nothing more than to cut you down. Because then the Jedi masters will come down at you like Palatine in ROTJ.
I actually like this, though, since it illustrates the Masters really well. Kavar will flat-out tell you that if you stand with Vaklu you'll have to kill each other, because as much as he might like you he's too in love with her. By that stage, the Masters are just taking any excuse they can find to justify killing you, and I liked how it takes actual effort to keep them all alive as a Dark-sided player.

normie scum go back 2 reddit

I'll still miss out on whatever abilities Soldiers/Sentinels/Scoundrels have.

Life is suffering, user. Fucking Lucasarts, I'll never forgive them
>ywn get Atris to join the jedi harem and spend a game adventuring around the Galaxy with her, Handmaiden, Visas and Mira

>even if you're a girl Atris still falls in love with you, she's just not quite as tsundere about it
That said, Jedi Jesus > femExile

>Even Atris looks older than you.
Exactly the way it should be.
>Mira still won't flirt with you with the excuse of 'but you're too old'

>not enjoying a good foot sniffing

I bet you dont enjoy farts either you faggot

so asking you why you posted a pointless statement about your fetishes

makes me a fucking normie?


peragus is literally a tutorial level so i honestly doubt it unless some radical shit happens

>whatever abilities Soldiers/Sentinels/Scoundrels have.
Literally nothing unless you're a Scoundrel.

Who cares about min-maxing in a game so easy as kotor?

I really like it because it's one of the few times you kinda feel like an underdog and you have to try and survive(if only more story wise since the game is so easy). Post Jedi training you always feel like walking grim reaper that nobody can touch and you no longer have that dire but clear cut situation to get out off.

Fairly certain you just get force powers on top of your class abilities.

I.E, if you choose solder you get solider feats and skills and if you pick consular you get consular feats and skills on top of it.

>want to play it
>remember telos
>remember korriban
>remember nar shaddaa
>remember dantoiine
>don't play it

>Exactly the way it should be.
Wasn't she like a teenager by the time you went to join the civil war?

Feels like the Exile should be at least like mid 40s.

I think Atris was supposed to play a much larger role but had most of her content removed. Man if Obsidian had another year to build upon the game, then I feel they would've fleshed a lot more out of it.

I mean, Atris was supposed to join you later on in the game.

>Want to get into these games
>Remember they're turn based

i dunno about you, but I never found kotor particularly easy until the late game. But then, I always played it on hard with some difficulty tweaks so maybe that's why

t h e y f i g u r e d m e o u t

>normie scum
And this is how everyone knows you are from Leddit.

>prologues are bad meme

They are real time with pause though.

>Wasn't she like a teenager by the time you went to join the civil war?
She's meant to be your age, roughly, and the games make it clear that Jedi remain Padawans much older than in the later years of the Republic (just look at Bastila)
>Feels like the Exile should be at least like mid 40s.
Nah, you're not that old (unless you want to be), since you were recruited as a Padawan - or very young Knight, I can't remember if it's ever clarified - to join the Mandalorian Wars by Revan, and KotOR II takes place just under ten years afterwards. I always think of the Exile being around thirty, and that fits best with the intended ages of the other characters - Atton's around that age, Visas and Handmaiden are both 25, and Mira (who rebuffs you because she thinks you're too old) 23. Notably, though, Mira doesn't think you /physically/ look too old - just that the huge gulf in experience between the two of you is off-putting for romance. Though her whole backstory has something to do with it as well, and it's implied a few times she might be more interested than she lets on.

>I think Atris was supposed to play a much larger role but had most of her content removed.
>Man if Obsidian had another year to build upon the game, then I feel they would've fleshed a lot more out of it.
She most definitely was, do you know the details and if not do you want me to shatter your dreams and ruin your life?

Yeah, it's honestly one of the worst things in gaming I can think of - not just that they had to cut the game short, but how badly they were fucked over by Lucasarts in doing so (such little notice of the time being cut, and it was cut for no good reason at all), and /then/ Lucasarts refused to even let them patch the game or release the cut content as a mod, even for free.
I mean, the Restored Content Mod is good, but none of the /really/ interesting things could be restored because they were cut too early. Fuck Lucasarts.

>he can't endure through anything but 'perfect' gameplay to enjoy games
You should just kill yourself.

>but I never found kotor particularly easy until the late game. But then, I always played it on hard with some difficulty tweaks so maybe that's why
KotOR has a lot more unintuitive mechanics than II, such as Base Attack Bonus varying by class, and worst of all you're not told about shit like that; so character building is harder. It's why it's easy to build a Force-focused character in I that finds it almost impossible to hit someone in melee, but you don't get the same problem in II.

Oh, I already know the whole story behind kotor. Nothing sends me into fits of rage after hearing about how fucking inane Lucas and LucasArts where,

Don't even remind me on how they panned off the Exile as the weal bitch who got cut down in one swipe.

How is it unintuitive? It's literally a barebones D&D 3.x tabletop system at its core and that's the most common shit around. Maybe I frequent /tg/ too much I guess?

What I meant was that I minmaxed because the game was hard or at least I remember it being so. The encounters were challenging, even on Taris, and rarely did I felt like I was steamrolling until the very end where you're meant to slog through endless waves of troops to demonstrate how strong you are.

>want to replay it
>remember Peragus
>remember Skip Peragus mods

I also can't stand it although i'll admit the atmosphere is top notch. It's just boring, but I'm glad I played through it once or twice, it's a nice setup for the rest of the game.

Also fuck all of you who don't like Taris, it has that god tier urban atmosphere, comfy cantinas, cool sith embassy, shops, bounty hunters, twilek sex slaves and all the rest.


>want to replay it
>all the player character heads look fucking retarded

restored content mod shortens it to like a half hour

Is there a compilation of mods for Kotor 1 that fixes

- bad textures
- no widescreen
- bad effects like the lightsaber


pls advise

for me its Nar Shaddah, peragus is a stroll compared to that

What did Lucas himself do?

IIRC, he had no involvement with either of the KOTOR games, but he personally shot down the idea of Revan making a cameo in TCW (specifically, in "Ghosts of Mortis") as a dark side Force ghost because dark side Force ghosts break his rules for the setting (and because Revan turned back to the light [this was before TOR]). This is why Revan is now completely non-canon until further notice.

why does lucas have to be such a faggot about everything

seriously he's like such a raging autist

No but there is a widescreen fix


the widescreen fix is pretty good too, afaik

oh fuck off, you're not even very competent until you get a billion levels.

I mean I just use flawless widescreen -progpram.

HK-47 is the best companion to talk to


nar shaddah was an absolute mess

theres like a million different things happening at once without rhyme or reason. not to mention several blatantly unfinished areas

i didnt have problems following what wa happening in it, its the fact its all so long. NS is about as long as Peragus+telos put together, and its where you want to go 1st to get 2 party members, and maybe get atton out of the way.

So after 1 long slog you go right into another long slog, it can really drain my motivation to keep going

There's also the fact that 2 rewards you with bonus experience for using skills.

You can easily gain an extra few levels from it

Peragus is pretty cool, Telos is worse. Also there's a mod to skip Peragus if you're such a pussy

And that's why everyone goes Jedi Jesus.

He's the only one who looks like he's seen some shit

Are these games better than Mass Effect?

I've played Mass Effect for 2 hours and I'm not feeling it