Is he the only one in the video game industry who is as good at narrative and visuals as the great filmmakers?

Is he the only one in the video game industry who is as good at narrative and visuals as the great filmmakers?

Which great filmmakers specifically?

not even close retard

He should be in the film making industry desu

>good at anything

>good at anything but sucking dicks




Ok I will give you that.

what's wrong with his narratives?

Lynch, Kurosawa, Melville, list goes on.

They are derivative bullshit

After MGS:V? No.
Sure, you can make argument that it was all intended to be shit, but somebody who knowingly sets out to create shit, still creates shit.

everything is derivative to some extent.

we have kids in the thread

Kojima drones must be nothing but mentally deficientat this point. anyone who still considers this moron an auteur after mgs4 much less mgs5 has to be fucking braindead.


>Tomozaku Fukushima.
>Research, codec, scenario, planning, etc for MGS1-3: 10/10 video kino.
>Makes Ghost Babel on his own in literally a matter of weeks.
>He leaves.
>Kojimbo, now unbridled by his associate, goes on to make PW, and MGS4/5: 2/10 hack garbage.
>With ballooning budgets, celebrity VA, missed deadlines, and a game that just isn't that good, Konami is forced to put Kojima to pasture.
>Retards on Sup Forums still equate this hack with talent.

Is Kojimadroneism a mental illness?

Should people legit go to therapy for being a Kojima fanboy?

He's nowhere near that good. He's more like Tarantino. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Nope. It least Tarantino has good dialogue, lively and interesting characters, and is humorous.

He isn't as good at narrative, you absolute retard. His dialogue is impressively redundant and he can't keep a cohesive story going to save his life.

Kojima writes good characters too. And he has a sense of humour, even if it's not exactly sophisticated. His dialogue is pretty stilted, though.

MGS5 wasn't bad though, and the PT demo was great.

But MGS5 was bad in terms of direction, and pt was literally nothing.

the direction in MGS5 was fine. it had some good cut scenes and visual imagery.

PT was a demo, sure, but the presentation of it was really good, the sound design was excellent (as it was in MGS5) and it got people really hyped up for the new SH game.

Death Stranding will btfo every doubter and will change video games forever. They even got Reznor to the soundtrack for it.

Kojima is more close to M. Night or Lucas in terms of writing atleast. Stories that make sense to them, but stupid to everyone else. Also pic related.

But gameplay and techology, hes pretty good.

Cinematography is not all there is to directing man. The plot, pacing, characters, and dialogue were average to poor. If it was a movie, it would be completely forgettable at best.