What's so bad about materialism?
What's so bad about materialism?
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Poor ppl are jelly
leftwing meme
Poor people mad at a characteristic they'll never satisfy in 10 lifetimes.
do u plan on living where u r forver?
ur gonna have a good time moving
if u r gonna stay u hav nothin 2 wry about
actually nothing
>this is a material world i am a material girl...
nothing is bad in te conception of the materialism the world we live is material and our lives depend on it and we have a classes who have more material values over other classess...
>you see something wrong on thins kind of philosophy?
Some boys kiss me some boys hug me I think they're okay
You will eventually die. Covering needs and desiring comfort is perfectly fine. But you can't take that stuff with you when you go.
And if your an atheist and materialist, you are more likely to fuck over people to get more things, because your personal pleasure trumps all else. And that ain't cool.
I wish I was a filthy rich lesbian alchemist.
From a utilitarian standpoint, it is the worst possible mindset one could have. After you have enough to cover all your expenses, anything extra is just wasted capital that could be put to better uses somewhere else.
not a damn thing
It's worse than Spiritualism.
After you acquire everything, you want more. While you are prospering, others are miserable. So instead of sharing and helping people, you are making the lives of others worse.
What if my expenses include multiple yachts, mansions and boatloads of entertainment crammed into said yacths and mansions?
it leads to communism
It's all material bullshit bro
Name ONE good thing tat ends with -ism.
knowing nothing about
Still gonna die. Just a bunch of desperate cowards trying to delay the inevitable.
Immortality isn't even the main goal of the movement, though. The betterment of the human condition through technology is.
Nanomachines that purge your bloodstream of contaminants and pathogens? Transhumanist goal.
Prosthetics that function equally well as real limbs or even exceed their functionality? Transhumanist goal.
Ocular augmentation that negates the weaknesses of human eyesight and enhances that which is present, with added AR functionality? Transhumanist goal.
You get the picture.
Do you even know what Transhumanism is?
Do what you want with your money, but collecting is a euphemism for hoarding and I hate seeing people spend their social assistance cheques on shovelware that they'll never play and then justifying it as their hobby.
Shelf threads for books, collection threads for games, etc. are all sickening because I see a bunch of shit collecting dust that will see no use. It's funny looking at people's trophy/achievement lists in games especially because you see how little they actually play this shit before it's onto the next thing.
But leftwingers are the ultimate materialists, they want what you have and are willing to kill you for it.
I've got shelves full of books because I come from a time before books could be purchased and placed on computers.
I've got hundreds of paperbacks all sitting on my bookshelf now. I've read every single one of them.
But I bought myself a kindle a few months ago. Now I just download books and read them on that. What a fucking godsend.
P.S. Don't buy a kindle, they're pieces of shit that you're forced to jailbreak to get remotely basic functionality out of.
You didn't have a library card? I gave away a lot of my books because I'll never read most of them again.
quality become irrelevant, when the price is right
>Sup Forums(Sup Forums) hates jews for being greedy materialist jews
>Sup Forums(Sup Forums) thinks there's nothing wrong with materialism
Come the fuck on guys.
>hates jews for being greedy materialist jews
Because they ruin lifes while doing so.
If you get more money, that always means someone else got less.
All materials take energy to make. That energy has to come from somewhere.
If that's the minimum you need for happiness then your wealth/pleasure ratio is mad inefficient. We're gonna need to divide your fortune to ensuring people who can be satisfied with less wealth get their share. Greater good and all that.
I reject materialism for a few reasons
The YOU HAVE TO DO IT or you end up homeless isolation
I SPEND MONEY as an addiction to mask a flaw in my own self
I BUY THINGS IN A DYSFUNCTIONAL family to cure families problems
ADDS ADDS ADDS buy buy buy
There is a ton more problems but I choose the path of inner discovery and it has already satisfied me more than any items can.
Can transmute negative emotions into positive ones with thought and intent
Kundalini meditation lead to seeing purple then feeling energy in my crown which lead to spreading that energy all throughout which lead to putting heat and ice to the energy which lead to other people feeling the energy which lead to feeling others pain which lead to taking the pain out of others psychically which lead to a ego death of my path which was what bad emotions are mine and what's another person's
Now practicing magick to make this energy the best I can
To make the world a healing place
A more free er world where if you choose materialism you will have a place and if you choose spiritualism you have a place and mixtures of both.
To expose secret teachings so anyone has access to them and they will become known to all.
Scientific approval of these things.
Magick to learn all magick
Magick to help everyone in the world heal.
Magick to unslave the world.
Magick to master arts of my choice
It's like promiscuity and gluttony. We all WANT to have a lot of sex, eat til we throw up and surround ourselves with material possessions, but since self-control is a trait we're all expected to adopt, we neglect those desires and look down on people who embrace them.
Hedonism is the true path of the enlightened man.
Because none of this fucking matters.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with valuing material posessions or reveling in your own wealth. However, the flip side to "all things in moderation," is that anything can be take too far. Usually when people get onto materialists it's latter.
>But you can't take that stuff with you when you go
One of the main driving forces behind the free market is the desire for families to pass wealth on to their loved ones. Of course, the death tax and marxist niggers are gumming up the works a bit, but you know.
>Implying there's any real difference between a rich Jew and a rich non-Jew
Nothing matters, but you're still capable of creating meaning and goals that can satisfy you more than an aimlessly hedonistic lifestyle.
What about a monk is content to live in a bare room, subsist on bread and water, and meditate all day. Why shouldn't everyone else be held to that standard? It would be most efficient after all.
>And if your an atheist and materialist, you are more likely to fuck over people to get more things, because your personal pleasure trumps all else. And that ain't cool.
bullshit, decency is irrelevant to religion. you can be terrible catholic, good atheist, hell, you can even be a muslim who don't blow up various public centres. if you're terrible human being, i doubt that concept of divine punishmebt will make you a better person.
Because not everyone is as self-complete and self-controlling as the monk, for a variety of reasons
only pretentious people whine about materialism
Not that user but that is blatantly incorrect. You're under the assumption there is only a limited amount of money.
We have long passed the point in which our money has been backed by anything physical.
At this point, it's all just imaginary money we've all somehow agreed is totally a thing.
Those bazzilionaires don't actually have the physical capacity to get all their money out.
>It would be most efficient after all.
>Still have to provide bread and water to the bastard.
Monk-life is net negative loss, bruh.
good this planet is crowded as fuck let some starve to death and fall sterile cause they couldnt even try to compete
Leave our spirits in the material world!
But not everyone is happy with a "reasonable" middle class lifestyle either. So why should the wealthy man with expensive taste be forced down to that level, but people at that level shouldn't be forced down to the level of an ascetic?
and if everyone has the same amount of money the economy stagnates and has 0 chance for growth
Because it's still possible for people to dramatically reduce their perceptions of what they think they need, without reducing them to monk level. With enough social engineering, it's very feasible to convince the average middle-class millennial (or younger) that they only need a home with a few rooms, basic amenities, a simple-but-nutritious diet, and a smartphone and laptop or desktop computer to provide for all their entertainment needs. A wealthy man with expensive tastes can be similarly reduced to a more reasonable level of consumption that doesn't require him to fill his bloated corpse with every passing fancy.
Nothing if you aren't poor.
Tumblr-tier edgy post, a new year for /v
the belief that you can have a great gaming experience only playing single player games and never touching online mods