Since the last Iris thread went to shit, let's talk about why Iris is the best girl
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Because fucking your friends' sisters to make them salty is always best.
She's a homewrecking cunt
Hey, it's that bitch Luna's fault for thinking she could sustain her husband to be on a notebook. If you lifted Iris's shirt you'd see she has a Lucian crown branded just on her womb because she know who it belongs to.
Extremely mediocre game with disappointingly bland everything.
>Irisfags are as desperate as the character to push her in our faces
>Lunafags are degenerate footfags
>Genetaniafags are obnoxious /ss/ fapping cunts
>Rest are irrelevant
No wonder threads went to shit.
>Late release schedule for DLC
>After the releases of several large JRPGs
Square Enix is very bad at this.
Happy New Year to you user, don't be so angry. Here is real best girl for you, not fake one from OP.
I'm not into necrophilia.
Would Iris be a good mother and queen?
Whats her moogle smell like?
why does this game have literally no physics? is it because it was made on an MMO engine? also how come every item you interact with or pick up just shows up as a sparkle? why is nothing actually modeled?
You ever do that?
Oh great, another Iris thread.
I dont get it. Why is Iris so popular? She barely gets any good development unlike Luna
She isn't popular, its just the same autist create threads over and over again to shove his shitty waifu on your face.
Developing into a skeleton isn't the same as character development.
leave it to waifufags to ruin the site works every time
>She barely gets any good development unlike Luna
She's a cute girl, with a nice personality, in a sausagefest.
Completely loyal to her man, has strong genes that have served the country for generations. Strong enough to slay demons. Yes she'd be a great mother and queen.
Cindy gets a free pass? sweet
I was wondering if I saw it wrong or it was a lightning effect but, does Cidney have a naval pierced? I swear I saw something gray on her belly button once
She'd be a shit mother given how she can barely take care of herself. And she has no experience in politics so she'll run the kingdom into the ground
>Completely loyal to her man
She is gonna jump on another dick because of hormones, and will try to ruin another couple with her autism.
She is barely take care of herself, what mother?
Can't think of any off top of head
She's been in love with Noct since she was a kid. I don't think she'll hop on anyone else's dick. She is such a better match for him it's not even funny.
She'd be a perfect mom who can kill demons
It's because she is 15 user, think of where you are.
Real men prefer Aranea
Next level of fanfiction
Maybe it's because she's actually a fleshed out character who seems like a real human being?
That's a monkey.
That would be the case if we got to see 25 year old iris the daemon killer
>fleshed out character
>did nothing but having crush on Noctis, who didn't gave a single fuck about her.
>has strong genes
Edit when?
>such a better match for him it's not even funny
Except for the fact Noct views and treats her like a kid. Literally a female Talcot to him.
Aranea x Gladio
Aranea x Ignis?
Why not both?
While I think Gladio is a better fit, she definitely seems to like Ignis seeing as she's always with him in every Prompto picture and talks to him fairly often
Aranea can handle this?
Gladiolus x cidney
Ignis x Aranea
Prompto x iris
And noctis tapping Luna in the afterlife
Gladdy with no one
Ignis with Aranea
Prompto with Cindy
Noctis with Luna (and maybe Iris)
I mean these pairings are pretty cut and dry for you
>He doesn't think those ears are cute
Elevens love Iris, Cindy and Luna
I actually think Aranea and Ignis could work out, they seem to get along rather well in the limited interactions they have
BTW, I was playing and one of the pictures Prompto took was of Ignis without his glasses, has this happened to anyone else? Took me quite by surprise
Talcott said Cidney is married to her job and that Prompto was still chasing her after 10 years. Gladio apparently found some trim that he wanted to be with for a bit during the time skip. Though considering the rest of the conversation and previous conversations about him dating, who knows how long that would last.
>BTW, I was playing and one of the pictures Prompto took was of Ignis without his glasses, has this happened to anyone else? Took me quite by surprise
I've had a couple of time where Ignis' glasses were just floating off of his face right next to him. But if you like that, you can do the one tour where a Chocobo steals his glasses.
Best straight couple.
Gladio x random Lestallum NPC
Ignis x Aranea
Prompto x Cindy
Iris x that guy she found when actually grow up
Noctis x Luna enjoying each other in afterlife
Fuck off Isabeau
>Iris x that guy she found when actually grow up
Iris x Vyv, calling it.
forgot one:
Gentiana x Bahamut
So did anyone notice that in Chapter 14 Gladio is married?
Luna is so uninteresting it hurts. Why bother making Iris like Noct and make her a better character if they won't give reasons why Luna is better?
He's not married. They straight up said that he didn't plan on getting married just yet.
I can't unsee this now. Vyv hatefucking Iris. Best pairing.
>pregnant at 15
What a whore
You hate Isabeau too?
What is this, the Year of the Pleb?
She's carrying the royal fucking heir!
Inseminated by fat neckbeard Vyv
it will be like those cucking hentais
Since when Vyv is royal?
Pretty ironic coming from you.
Bland as shit, indecisive and apocalypse made her worse, only reason she would be your megami is utility.
Why not off yourself like the monkey?
How would the child of Noct and Iris be like?
Because if I offed myself I wouldn't be able to bother turboplebs like yourself
>Shiva with Ardyn
I don't get it. Is this another hatefuck pairing?
>chosen King of manlets impregnating gnome
Non existent.
No one cares for bastard children.
He was considered the savior meant to bring peace to Eos before his dad came back and ended the apocalypse himself.
The astrals will deem their child unclean
like nonexistant one
May be 2000 years ago it wasn`t hatefuck, but gentle and sweet love between Astral and best healer.
Noct + Iris = Yuffie
There you go.
I dunno man, when the alignment heroes are better girls, it's just sad man.
Noctis will die virgin. Good job Sup Forums for ending the Lucis bloodline.
I don't think pre-corruption Ardyn is one to cheat on his wife
This. I bet he had someone he loved dearly.
It`s hard to imagine him not being total dick.
I know, he was a good guy and Astrals are jerks, but anyway.
Just imagine sweet, passionate, and deep sex with him.
They were born to die anyway.
Now no more wars over the magical crystal, people can finally get to solheim levels of technology without going to war over it, no more daemons, shit is just reality based on reality until a God has a tantrum.
Lucis did everything wrong.
>Worships his gods and loves his country
>Heals thousands but takes all infection upon himself
>His gods consider him filthy, his country thinks he's evil
>Doomed to an immortal life with no hope of deathly rest
Ardyn had a hard life.
I want him to fuck me in the ass and whisper in my ear saying "I'm a man with no consequences"
>Just imagine sweet, passionate, and deep sex with him
I can`t fujofics ruined it for me.
Why did her mom invade her closet?
Don't be like that user! Before Ardyn got how he was, there must have been something that he loved and wanted to give his heart to! Believe!
I need Ardyn expansion. I want to see him struggle.
Early Eos Shiva x Ifrit when?
I liked her and Nyx better than her and Noct.
>I need Ardyn expansion. I want to see him struggle.
His lack of backstory is fucking painful at this point.
It isn't. The Astrals deem Ardyn filthy and unworthy of reaching their realm in spite of every good deed he had done.
Silencing him on the train before he could finish saying she looks just like she did during her original Oracle bestowing is just to protect herself and Noctis of his truth.
Only ship which worse than Noctluna is Noct x Iris.
At least I expected some cutscenes about Ardyn`s past and not some sryptic shit, which is hard to hear thx Noctis' grunting
Did Ardyn was actually good guy? There is interesting post on reddit about him:
"FALSE. Ardyn was a good guy. The Gods/Astrals entrusted the task of ending the starscourge to the Royal Bloodline before there was even an Oracle. To dispel the darkness, one must expend life energy to shine light to it. Oracles drain away their life force doing this (that's why they die). And Noctis ultimately ended the scourge by sacrificing himself in a burst of light. Ardyn did the opposite. He took the scourge in like a drug. He devoured the darkness and infected himself. Having tainted himself he was denied ascension into the Astral realm."
This head cannon from some Redditor?
We dunno what happened from a non biased source on him, and Noct got to because he was chosen to be able to destroy the scourge, otherwise some King earlier would've.
Straight up less if headcanon, because all official sources suggest otherwise
she's just a strong, modern girl.
Where the fuck are Cor's djs? He was clearly the hottest in the game
So what will the Multiplayer DLC entail, just hunts, or story Multiplayer?
but they say that directly right in the game.
make no mistake, multiplayer DLC is never actually coming.
Now, why do you say that?