What does Sup Forums think about Diablo 3?
I know it was shit when it was released, but did Reaper of Souls fix the game? I figured i'd ask you guys first before i drop $$$$ on the expansion.
What does Sup Forums think about Diablo 3?
I know it was shit when it was released, but did Reaper of Souls fix the game? I figured i'd ask you guys first before i drop $$$$ on the expansion.
What? People still play this? Jesus christ, I know some people have diablo 2 and get bored every 3 or 4 years, but fucking diablo 3? That fucking abomination? I thought time killed that game long ago
outdated opinion desu
D3 is a fun hack and slash nowadays, it doesn't really have much depth but it's fun to play a build to completion.
>did Reaper of Souls fix the game?
It fixed precisely nothing. Cringeworthy story with intrusive storytelling, unsatisfying level progression (if you don't unlock skills you like, levelling up does nothing at all), talent system giving you zero commitment to your chosen build and all the other issues sans RMAH are still there.
However, I think RoS does an admirable job at working around the issues given what it has to work with. For example, to counteract the three flaws I mentioned, it introduces an "adventure mode" such that you don't have to go through the terrible story again and again (Act 5 is actually pretty good, though), levelling is effectively meaningless and the actual progression takes place at max level (through Paragon levels, gems you can level up etc) and it introduces strongly synergistic gems and items (you can change your abilities on a whim but at least your gear build is committed to something).
Now, if the selling point of a game is "you can skip the terribad story", I'm reluctant to call it "good" but I would say the expansion and subsequent updates make it "work". Even with the workarounds there are major issues (for example, the game showers you with legendaries such that after just a couple of hours of play at max level you might be throwing away BiS items if they don't have perfectly rolled stats) but it also doubles down on the strengths D3 has (like impactful combat) so, while it doesn't have the longevity D2 has, it's enjoyable on small bursts.
its fucking garbage
Totally forgetable
>Into the trash it goes
Original D3 was better
Easily the best hack n' slash on the market.
People are bored now because there isn't a constant drip-feed of content like PoE. Haven't played in a few months myself but no other games in the genre are as smooth or intuitive to play as D3 ROS.
it's much better than the release version
also much better than PoE that people keep praising on Sup Forums because this place is full of hipster contrarians
I enjoy it, play a few weeks each new season. RoS made legendaries not garbage anymore, and added a variety of builds (even if there are still the OP builds).
It's a nice game, but I get bored after one or two weeks and stop playing until next season, then replay two weeks etc..
Just play Diablo 2.
sub-hijacking thread
is it worth playing diablo 2? did it age well?
I liked the original D3 and RoS
Admit it, AH worked on Diablo.
D2 was a very nice game, but gameplay and some features didnt aged well at all.
Not worth playing now if you dont have the nostalgia factor
Just look at the Battle.net page, each update is months apart and it literally adds nothing, every season is the same shit like the last one which gets boring really fast if you have played every class. Within 2 weeks into the season most of the already almost non-existant community has stoped playing.
It has issues, but it hasn't aged as badly as some other games from the era have.
Nah, AH sucked, you had 1 / 42145 chance to find actually good items, forcing you to spend gold / money on the AH. Now you can actullay get pretty ncie stuff by yourself, and for free
it managed to chug along. outdated in mostly resolution and other smaller QoL features
new patch coming out in the next few days adds DX11 and 64bit support, sharper textures and smoother gameplay
also a HORRIBLE tribute to Diablo 1 that blizzard thinks is cool but it really isn't and should be considered blasphemy
It's alright to play once a couple of months, will give it a go after next major patch gets released
diablo 3 is a shit point and click adventure game. play poe or if you cant git gud just play grim dawn.
original D3s chances of finding actual good loot were atrocious. that said RoS gives out decent end game gear out like candy, easily obtainable even by ultra casuals, making the progression in between start and endgame including all items that arent cookie cutter end game sets or synergizes with these sets pretty mcuh obsolete.
the game seems fundamentally broken, also blizzard is known for being unable to find a balanced middleground. original D3 was heavily flawd but at least it didnt feel completely like playing on autopilote. RoS's only challenge is finding gear that is +0,5% better than the gear you already have to mb reach one or two higher levels in rift runs.
play cookie clicker for a similiar and free experience
ah, the most bland and soulless game of all.
Technically, it's workable but not good (doesn't support modern resolutions, awkward binds to abilities, doesn't have in-game display for information like runewords introduced in the expansion, limited inventory space etc).
However, the actual selling points of the game like stellar atmosphere are timeless, and the way character progression and loot work are more satisfying than D3 or other modern competitors. Moreover, if you care about this kind of stuff at all, it's an influential game that was extremely popular in its day so you might want to figure out what all the fuzz was about.
console version is the best version for couch multiplayer. Otherwise don't get this.
To play a devil's advocate, the 20 some artificial difficulty levels kinda allow you to run any build, no matter how inconceivably sub-optimal, and still have effectively the same experience as a player running the most cookie-cutter build imaginable. In addition, there usually are items and gems that allow you to find strong synergies for your chosen ability builds, whatever that may be. Now, I think it's sickening that sets that are actually easy to get in the game tend to provide benefits equal or greater to what you can get with non-set legendaries that are an order of magnitude more difficult to get, but that doesn't mean you couldn't come up with non-set builds that work even at the highest artificial difficulty levels.
But of course, it's no secret the progression is all kinds of fucked up. But in a way it also "works".