This shit is currently on sale for 30€. Should I get it? I heard it's horrible.
This shit is currently on sale for 30€. Should I get it? I heard it's horrible
Even rhythm fans hate it. Why is it so high if it is so disliked, because SEGA.
>Why is it so high if it is so disliked, because SEGA
What does that even mean?
Think for yourself, reddit.
Got it. Played the "story". Got gud enough to clear songs on Extreme. It's not that good if you are looking for a good rhythm game.
But if you like vocaloid, go ahead.
It's not horrible, fan's of the series just don't like it that it has the least number of songs and that there is grinding involved but you were gonna replay the songs in a rhythm game anyway.
Most fans haven't played all the games since the PSP. If they did they would know how many songs repeat and repeat and repeat so they don't appreciate a game like X with all new songs.
It got released after fans got used to/introduced in the series with F 2nd and then marketed at the same time with another game that has 200 songs.
Songs are locked behind a shitty story that you're forced to play through.
Low ratings and low sales usually force a price drop. Sega still doesn't understand that.
Or a PC port.
Wait, Miku is coming to PC?
No, there are some delusional anons who believed a baseless rumor from several years ago
Yes, was confirmed a while ago. Probably Future Tone since that already runs on PC hardware.
it has a very good selection of songs, but only 24 of them and the 6 remixes
[citation needed]
Just wait until the 10th and get Future Tone instead. PDX is okay, but it's not as good as the previous entries.
How long will I be holding my breath if I'd rather wait for a pc release of FT over getting it on ps4?
You'd be better off waiting for Half-Life 3.
Worst diva game
If it is to come, I would predict the announcement at sometime April 2017. If it doesn't come in 6 months after the North American and EU release then last hope is end 2017.
Depending on how eager you are, you might go blue.
>implying sega will miss out on the PC hype
>Implying they're not missing it intentionally becouse they just hate money..
The best thing about X is it locked Ai Dee away so it's not in Future Tone. So we never need to suffer through Luka rapping again.
I liked it.
Waiting for future tone now
t. lonely boy
>tfw still waiting for second FT DLC in asia region...
Buy JP next time.
Luka is a cute rapper you fucking shit.