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Yes, without any irony, exactly, it's all fiction mate so just enjoy it.

If you think a corporation can tell you what's real or not in a FICTIONAL FUCKING UNIVERSE then you're retarded.
Just pick what you personally consider real and have it be your own personal truth, cause its fucking fiction.

>tfw I thought it was going to be about Rogue Squadron.

It was still a good movie though.

I still believe Darth Bowlcut's attire to be the worst of any villain in Star Wars, INCLUDING the EU.

The game are good (esp. JK2) but Kyle Katarn was a shameless fucking Mary Sue so I'm not sad to see him go

>Han Solo mixed with Luke Skywalker which is the only Jedi who can use Force Lightning and all the Darkside techniques but he's still a Jedi and also a cool smuggler with his own ship :^)

>which is the only Jedi who can use Force Lightning and all the Darkside techniques
But this is literally, objectively force.
For starters, the EU explicitly has Luke letting his students practice usage of Dark Side powers, and he himself uses them as well. That's because Luke knew that the Jedi teachings of old were fucking retarded and all the limitations only put insecurities in people, such as over their emotions. Luke also doesn't enforce anything retarded like specific formal clothing or banning of love. He literally teaches people to be good hearted Grey Jedi through and through, just not pure Dark Sided assholes.

Luke himself even uses Vader's signature Force Grip on the Gamorrean guards in Episode 6.

With that said, Kyle isn't a mary sue (or gary stu in this case as he's male, not that an uneducated shitbag like you would know that). A gary stu or mary sue is a character with no flaws that is literally perfect in every way and can never be challenged.
Kyle's history has plenty of failures, including him falling to the dark side and having to be rescued and turned back by a woman of all things - Mara Jade. Heck this was also a perfect opportunity setup for (((Didney))) jew to push their SJW agenda, but nope gotta have a LITERAL Ma(Rey) Sue because actually compelling characters that are characters first and gender/race second is not their true agenda in the first place.

you guys are both retarded but I agree with the second post.

>The dark side just being something you can use without it affecting your mind at all

this is a big part of why I'm glad to see the EU go.

Did that actor ever get any other big roles?

>But this is literally, objectively force.

Isn't the taboo of using dark side powers is basically just the fear of roid raging?


Since leaving the film industry and acting all together (I will return to performing someday), I have moved into another passion of mine. Wine. I moved up north to Napa California, and got involved in the world of learning to make wine. I worked my first harvest in 2002 and started my own label in 2008 called Evidence. Now my only other passion is travelling the world and seeing as much of it as possible. My business partner and I went to Antarctica at the end of the year, and worked with a non-profit program for inner city kids on the east coast, doing video blogs from remote locations around the Antarctic Peninsula, showing them it's important to dream about exploration of new things. The Amazon is next.

huh, that's unexpected

I was trying to make a pun ;_;

Which is why I kek'd; it's funny.

Nigga, even Plo Koon used force lightning

>this is a big part of why I'm glad to see the EU go.
Except Ep6 already did it. Eat shit.

And it DOES affect your mind, one of Luke's students does temporarily fall, and then we have Han and Leia's son (Jacen Solo) literally become the new self proclaimed Sith Lord as a result of his strong personal convictions and morals being skewed so hard that he turned Sith. It's also a plot point that (((Didney))) stole but in a much, MUCH worse fasion for Ep7.

But do shitpost harder.

force choke is not some dark side power, it's just basic telekinesis, and Luke didn't kill them he just made them pass out.

My dad thought the same thing.

He told a bunch of people on Facebook it was and I got a bit of second hand embarrassment from it

The lore explicitly states that any destructive use of the Force qualifies as Dark Side.
That puts Choke and Lightning as Dark Side powers, even if Choke itself is just a variant of Telekinesis.

That's not even the point I was trying to make though so good job moving the goalposts. The point is that Luke trains the new generation to not be limited by the arbitraly dogmas of either Light or Dark exclusively, and instead treat Force as part of nature itself and thus not favour any specific thing. It's all about balance and taking everything in moderation.

Think of why Anakin fell to begin with, not because he was an evil prick, but because of his very strong personal morals and being overzealous as well as emotionally repressed by the Order. Palpatine capitalized on those things in order to turn Anakin to his side.

(((the lore)))

again, more EU bullshit

In the films jedi do destructive things with the Force all the time, it's not dark. Dark side is more the intent with which you do something rather than what you actually do, the emotions you draw upon. My understanding is that Force Lightning is something that can be done by a Jedi, it's just harder to do without drawing on aggressive emotions.

Sorry you really dont have an argument. Take the loss and enjoy your New Years Day dweeb.

I'm impressed, to shitpost so hard that you literally contradict yourself in your own post.

And before you ask where the contradiction lies, read your own post and the post you replied to with reading comprehension this time.

Protip, it's you calling EU bullshit and then mentioning Jedi like Plo Koon using Force Lightning which was EU only.

Furthermore I already, literally pointed out that at the core it's more about your personal emotions and intent as to what makes it dark or light. Which is why Luke teaches them to do everything in moderation, and why Jacen fails because he's basically Anakin 2.0

Right, they're pretty much telling you what they're considering for their new stories, so you don't expect something from the EU in there. It doesn't mean your books and games magically disappear.

actually, you're the one without an argument because the series is going to continue completely disregarding all your turbonerd bullshit books and games and comics, considering them non canon, they may adapt some things from them if they like, mostly names of characters and appearances of characters terms here and there, but the EU has been scrapped.

No vong, no thought bombs, no valley of the jedi, or any other stupid shit like that, and good riddance

Good job, you got so list in your own shitposting that you're now talking to a completely different person that's also a shitposter.

Also (((Didney))) jew garbage has been producing nothing but blatant ripoffs of EU material, executed much worse, with very clear political agenda inserted to boot and gave us garbage like pic related.

But yeah keep on slurping that shit, it clearly is up your alley, I'm done here since well articulated arguments clearly aren't working when talking to you.

no, I really didn't. I said the concept of force lightning is not that it's a "dark side only" power. Yoda says the Dark Side is not stronger, it's just easier.

Honestly had JJ Abrams not been such a hack, there'd still not be such a thing as "the Light Side" of the Force. There'd be "The Force" and "The Dark Side of the Force", never referred to as a light side, but more a neutral/natural thing which is what Lucas intended.

But Episode VII ruined all of that and made a "light side" canon.

Fuck JJ Abrams.

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're shitposting, but it's sad that there are autists out there who really say retarded shit like you do.

I was in a Star Wars roleplay for a while, and a Jedi started going off on me about how the Light side is 'natural' and the Dark side is 'corruption'. You seem about as retarded as he did.

What is and isn't canon is all up to you, speaking as a warhammer fantasy and 40k fan.

>Le anti-hero grey jedi
>Nu male beard
No thanks. I'm glad Disney wrote him out.

>every beard is a nu-male beard

The force is natural and a part of just every living thing in the galaxy. The Dark Side is turning to inner passions/negative emotions. It's pretty simple and is outlined right in the films.

>The force is natural and a part of just every living thing in the galaxy.
The Force. The FORCE. Not the Light side. The FORCE. It isn't very complicated.

exactly. and if JJ wasn't such a fucking Jew there wouldn't be a light side, as intended.

Did they call the squirrel lady in the movie Jyn Erso or whatever just to piss off people who liked Dark Forces?

It can't be coincidence.