>crusades are bad
What did the developer mean by this?
Crusades are bad
Other urls found in this thread:
What game, user?
that people die when you kill them
unbelievable, isn't it?
That the dev is a filthy mudslime
Hindsight being twenty-twenty. All of them except for the First failed to actually dislodge Islam from the Middle East, so they're "bad" in the same way that Americans view Vietnam as "bad".
There's nothing really wrong with that aside from a bit of ethnocentrism.
>Crusades are bad
>Lowers pop and gives you money.
The whole point of the game is to keep a balance, there is nothing bad about that at all.
Why is Islam bad again?
everything's fine famalam, it's just these racist bigot who hate brown people
But the Islamic people weren't this savage back in the times of Crusades. Right?
They weren't there to dislodge Islam from the middle east, they were there to help Byzantium because Constantinople was under siege by mudshits for the 9th time.
Depends on when that significant library were burned in the middle East. Was it Alexandria? Pretty sure Islam claimed responsibility for that.
That and muslims kept killing Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem
The Great Library's destruction is usually associated with Caesar's war against a revolt in Egypt. Long before Islam was even a thing. The Arabs were actually pretty good about absorbing the ancient knowledge from the areas they conquered, and it wasn't until the Crusades that Europe began retrieving it, through the fighting with the Arabs.
Is this game any good.
wew lad
Read a Wikipedia page from time to time
It's okay, it's kinda small though, fun for 2-3 hours.
It costs one dollar on Steam right now, I'd say it's a fair price.
No other religion on earth is as reviled as Islam. Every single religion has their own history involving kicking Muslims out of their country, since that seems to be their good for: moving in where they dont belong then insisting everyone else doesnt belong.
You also described Judaism and the Jews there.
Crusades were pretty bad though, user.
Invading someone elses lands and pushing them off it because your religious idol died there isn't exactly good.
Jihads were worse but that doesn't make it OK.
True, but its not to near the extent of the Muslims. For fucks sake, even the Buddhists have been forced to get rid of Muslims.
Actually they were. But to mitigate that, EVERYONE in the area (Europe, W. Asia, N. Africa) were a bunch of savage assholes when given half the chance. Thing is, the rest of the world has grown from that.
Meanwhile, Islamic dumbasses are still trying to live their lives like it's 1099.
Begone saracen.
Are you retarded? Do you spew the rhetoric of shitposts?
How many crusades total? Nine?
How many jihads? Couple thousand and still ongoing.
But yeah no the Christians are absolutely the bad guys.
>This revisionism
kek, Sup Forumstards would get btfo on /his/
Only because the Jews own the media now and can revise history to suit.
But it is hilarious how they also hate each other.
Thanks to the Persian scholars(who were the backbone of the Islamic Golden Age btw) that not only were respected but given a blank check by the islamic leaders at the time to freely pursue their research.
Of course, once the new generation of towel heads started persecuting those scholars, the Middle East quickly broke up into a patchwork of warring tribes and sultanates, only to get some semblance of order again with the rise of the Ottomans.
Bullshit, Islam did it. The romans respected knowledge.
Would you care to discuss the significance of the industrial output of the Ottoman Empire during WW1?
Northern Crusades, look them up. There has also been 5 Crusades against other Christians
>Everybody keeps mentioning the crusade
>Nobody mention the islamic conquests ever
Really makes you think
Christianity was spread throughout the Levant, Egypt, North Africa, etc. before the rise of Islam. They conquered the Iberian Peninsula, southern France and Italy, and more.
Ya know, I usually find the idea that everything is being propagandized as stupid. But then I see shit like this and its just impossible to ignore. Sid should pull is head out of his ass.
>genocide is bad
Begone saracen.
The Crusades killed considerably more Christians than Muslims, what kind of moron wouldn't think the Crusades weren't a failure?
How so?
>once the new generation of towel heads started persecuting those scholars
You mean the sacking of Baghdad by the infidel Mongols?
Talk about a biased video, you know it's funny how conquest is only evil when the Muslims did it.
Or do people think that the Visigoths prayed their way to power in Spain?
>invading others is good because my guy who said he communes with god said so!
The original crusades happened because Saladin kicked all the non muslims out of the holy land and forced the remaining ones to convert.
Ancient Romans respected knowledge, Christian Romans destroyed everything classic because they thought Paganism was evil.
How is that any different from a Jihad?
If you're arguing that the crusades are good you are arguing that Jihads are justified.
He isn't completely wrong because there where some power religious people who started anti science movements here and there.
>Original crusade
>tfw you live in a northern European country that was crusaded.
>tfw your country could basically be a crusader kingdom.
It was a massive stroke of luck. We'd probably be speaking russian if it wasn't for those pesky swedes deus vulting us to civilization.
You people know nothing of what has been lost to us
Nice try, but we can see your revisionism right here. Christians never did shit like that because it's a white religion
Moving the goalposts. The question was about whether the crusades were bad and if muslims were as violent in the past, not if conquest is justified. The crusades were a response to the rapid spread of Islam because of its violent expansion.
I feel like Muslims wouldn't be as much of a problem with Jews
Is the quote propaganda? I don't see what there is to get triggered by.
What the fuck is this.
Watch the video saracen. Then tell me who the real invaders were.
If you're talking about Estonia, the Danes did all the work and civilized your finno-urgic asses before the Swedes casually came in years after and didn't do shit.
It's a real fucking shame when a Latvian has to remind you of your own history.
I'm also having difficulty seeing where the problem with quote.
>Northern Crusades, look them up. There has also been 5 Crusades against other Christians
and there have been hundreds of muslim attacks, rapes and pillages against europeans in the 7th century alone
what's your point
The crusades had their ups and down and Muslims where no more violent then anyone else.
>Then tell me who the real invaders were.
So what happened to all the Pagans once the Christians came around? What happened to all the pagans when Christians came to power
>muh innocent muslims fallacy
No the other incomprehensible finnic language, Finland.
To be fair we were well underway to christianization already, but they did crusade us 2-3 times depending on the interpretation.
wtf i love muslims now
They were worse.
real history brother, stay woke.
Stop move the goal posts saracen.
Then Crusades can target people other then Muslims, so that we don't have comments like >That the dev is a filthy mudslime
>white religion
The original Christians were all of Jewish descent
>it's a worthless fenno-swede shitting on actual Finnish history and culture
Who'd have thought.
>honouring both religions who have made it beautiful
slapping 4 adjacent rocket towers is not making it beautiful
>bunch of useless second and third son frat boys going on a party tour with swords, basically
>siege, sack, and murder the population of one of their own cities because they got drunk and forgot to check if it was held by Muslims or not
I honestly want a game set in that Crusade just because of how big of a clusterfuck it was.
How do you live with yourself, always speaking lies and spreading misinformation?
This. Piling rocks upon rocks is dumb and not aestetic
But didn't Christianity arise in Jerusalem, which is Israel?
>Giza Mass Autism Array
I'm giggling.
>the war on autism, finnish front, ongoing
>jackie chan [disputed]
Have to point out that I don't harbor great sympathies towards modern sweden or modern fenno-swedes, but sweden used to be pretty baller until they literally dropped their balls in every sense of the expression.
And Finnish culture survived the crusades pretty well all things considered.
Israel didn't exist back then. And the holy kingdom was white until the barbaric muslims came and killed everyone.
Israel did exist, it just went by a different name. I think, not sure if they called the land Judea or only Rome who did it.
Daily reminder that Christians destroyed the Great Library.
American pls go, you don't even know who is on your ugly money, much less actual history.
Check out The Cursed Crusade. Probably not what you are really after, but it is fun for the weapon combos.
Lel, christianitt is a sandnigger religion, and so are the other abrahamic religions.
Pick one
kys traitor. It's a white man's religion and our duty to protect it...
Unfounded lies...
Not an arguement...
that shit creeps me out when that happens
>being a muslim apologist
it's 2017, come on now
Nod an argument. Jesus was a sandniger canaanite jew
>takes over Christian lands
>400 years later Christians try to take it back
>why must you persecute us so?
why is the 400 years of Islamic oppression always left out of the history of the crusades?
Is sands of faith mod good?
Whenever I see those huge flaps between the legs I imagine it barely hiding a huge cock
>so many facts wrong
How are people so dumb?
No he wasn't and you don't have any proof anyway. I've seen conclusive evidence that he was white on storm
>they're "bad" in the same way that Americans view Vietnam as "bad".
because imperialist faggots got their shit pushed in by freedom fighters ?