What if the Switch OS is a game?
What if the Switch OS is a game?
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what if all our lives are just someone playing The Sims.
What is that game and why does it look suspiciously like Earthbound?
Is this that weird Zelda game you had to download over the radio?
What on earth are you talking about?
It would be cute the first three times and then rapidly become obnoxious.
For the love of god, enough of gimmicks.
what if you can choose your avatar sex and she has white panties, and somehow nothing is censored?
There was a Japan-only Zelda game that would be broadcasted to your Super Famicom and you could only play for as long as the broadcast lasted.
There was also a megaman game like this.
Nevermind, the Megaman one was on the Gensis and you had to download it through your cable television.
What is this
would be cool if there was an option to have apropper gui and the game gui
You can get repros of this megaman cart, I don't think that's really possible for the satellaview games since they had audio being broadcast alongside them
Lurk more fag
You can also still play BS Zelda.
>that filter
oh my god why
That would be a pretty nice idea. They could make the Mii as a little guy/girl wondering around the city, the buildings as a form to access options, use e-Shop and play games, and the NPCs as others Miis saying something from their Miiverse.
The closest thing we have got to this is WaraWara Plaza, from Wii U, and I believe Nintendo might borrow the WaraWara Plaza and improve it for Switch's OS.
>you could only play for as long as the broadcast lasted.
Damn. Seems like pretty effective DRM. I don't suppose the bandwidth exists to do this with modern games though.
>enter arcade shop in game
>stream games and demos
>patch and updates are literally guys that fix your ingame console or house
>dlcs add more stuff in your ingame house
the fans should buy Nintendo honestly
what game is that
>you will never be 10 years old in 90s japan and experience satellaview on a sunday morning
holy fuck, lads.
Earthbound 2
But most importantly, does the system transfer features Pikmin like on Wii U?
that was only in the states, it was a normal release in japan/europe
aren't there ROMs floating aorund? never looked into those games
only if there's another way to quickly access the actual fucking features outside of the hub world
I thought it was neat walking around the hub in splatoon when I got that game but after like a week I'd just use the menu on the gamepad to get into matches or the clothing shop or whatever.
The normal release is for the Mega Drive, not the Genesis.
I'm a retard, I confused Mega Drive with Master System.
obviously this
but the idea of having a MMO menu to operate the console makes my dick funny
off course you should be able to press Start or + or whatever button and being able to call the a ''normal OS'' window...
did ps4 have something exactly like this when it first came out and it was shitty and stupid and no one used it?
did it?
I guess you are talking about the shitty PSHome, that second life ripoff that was on pieceofshit3
They should just out of tradition at this point since both the 3DS and Wii U use them. And it's a pretty cute graphic compared to just a loading bar.
Wara Wara Plaza may have been a nice idea on paper, but ended up being useless and just making the OS slow as fuck to load.
With some retooling, it could be interesting, but honestly I think the whole point was just to make games the player didn't already own visible to them, which has previously been a huge issue of Nintendo's.
So any improvements to Wara Wara might be more along the lines of better profiling and game suggestions. Which could of course also easily be incorporated in a game like setting, with billboards advertising games Nintendo expect you might like, and other people's
s Miis hanging around on street corners and in malls talking about their favorite games.
I was very surprised about that whole elaborate setting.
Made the somewhat cumbersome moving process much more bearable.
basically my idea would be that you boot up the console and you have the OS, but if you select the ''Game'' mode you discover you are in front of a TV in your house, you can go out with your ingame Switch and explore the town (and thus all the options)
if you want to operate the OS like normal, recall your ingame Switch
also this would also provide a free game installed in every Switch. Much like an Animal Crossing with Miis or better avatars. You can buy furniture for your house, your amiibos are statues and so on
3DS had many free games as part of the street pass initiative, so it's not entirely unlikely they would include something that encouraged going outside and meeting other players by having you go "outside" and "meet other players" in a game.
well yeah...but it has to be playable offline too and also via the Nintendo network. i never liked streetpass that much
Sure. I'm just considering what Nintendo's endgame would be.
the switch isn't really that portable it seems... a 3ds is much smaller
plus the wifi on the switch would up draining the battery pretty fast
The Switch is not that big. Much thinner than a Wii U gamepad.
does it fit in cargo pants without making me look like a terrorist with 500g of TNT in the pocket?
plus where do i keep it when it's cold and i can't wear cargo pants?
Don't wear cargo pants
so where do i put my switch?
I don't think it'll be the wifi that drains most of the battery user
In your backpack/hipstertote/messengerbag/manpurse
what if the switch plays you?
really makes you think
/fannypack/brassiere/rasta hat/hoodie muff/baby stroller/ghetto keychain/glove compartment/motorbike seat compartment/inner pocket
Basically in any place where people would also keep a walkman/tabphone/PDA/3DSXL that isn't a fucking cargo pants pocket.
I always thought this would be a neat optional idea
Turn Animal Crossing into the OS
Wanna buy something from the eShop? It's an actual store
Check your friends list? Open your cellphone
Play a game? Go to the (console) in your house
Yes that's the joke.
>someone is actually making us stay on the computer all day shitposting to some simchan
what a boring gamer
People who would buy a switch seem like the kinds of people who would wear one of these anyway.
Maybe they'll release an official Nintendo fannypack as part of a console bundle.
Do people actually put their phones in their pockets?
I'm too scared to lose or break it.
That'd be 80's as all get-out, dude.
Some people actually put phones in their back pockets and then sit on it
im not even kidding
That's why my phone is a Nokia215. Doesn't matter if I lose or break it.
It's just a tool.
I do
i'm not a boibitch, my phone isn't some expensive 800$ sex gift.
I have never used my backpockets for anything ever.
On top of sitting on it, it seems like too easy of a target for muggers.
Pocket theft or mugging, which one is it, user?
I just strap mine to my wrist with one of those wii straps.
And it dangles about there all day?
>you could only play for as long as the broadcast lasted
iirc you only had to play during the broadcast to hear voice acting, you could save it on a cartridge and play it anytime otherwise
it's the interface for the system you used to download that game
I just keep my hand in my pocket with it when I'm not using it.
>I just keep my hand in my pocket
I do this too, to make sure no woman tries to romantically hold my hands.
That could get awkward and gross quickly.
I made a hole in my pockets, guys
God no, I liked the wii interface simple and easy
Hey it's panic.
Honestly, I brought up the idea of including an Animal Crossing game on the Switch, and having it act as a Mii Plaza/main menu for the system. You could incorporate the whole villager moving thing into the online capabilities, and could just play it like an Animal Crossing game if you prefer. It would likely sell gangbusters just with that idea alone.
>What is that game and why does it look suspiciously like Earthbound?
This the main menu for the Satellaview, which was a Nintendo/St. Giga partnership which allowed downloading games over satellite to the Super Famicom (jap. SNES).
>Is this that weird Zelda game you had to download over the radio?
It's the menu for the system that ran the games, yes. There were other games for it as well, including that Chrono Trigger spinoff.