Looks like Nier Automata has severe performance issues on both, the regular PS4 and the PS4 Pro...

Looks like Nier Automata has severe performance issues on both, the regular PS4 and the PS4 Pro. When is the PC version coming out?

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>drop to 52
Nah we good faggot.

>Pro does worse

But it has a better GPU?

>can't even maintain stable 60
PC version is the definitive version console baby

Pro does worse, but we don't know under what circumstances.

Anyway, PC as usual is the way to go. Think about dem mods...

>Looks like
Beat the demo on Pro and 99% of time the framerate was flawless.

Sure, but be prepared to wait till 2018 for a Dishonored 2 tier port.

>platinum game runs at an unlocked framerate
who would've thunk

Every Platinum console game is like that. Know how much people love Bayo? And how much slightly less people like Bayo2?
Both of those games have constant drops from 60fps, much more so than Nier where the worst drop is the one you posted and only happens on that specific boss attack

The Pro does better, even in that nitpicked sceenshot you can see that, the game isn't synced up on both version, the Robot jumps out of the water (creating a lot of alpha effects) a few seconds earlier on normal PS4 and you can see the framerate drops about ~5fps more than the Pro (look at the dark blue bar on the left)

The Pro demo also runs at 1080p instead of 900p, actually has AA and much better texture filtering.
All of that being said there is no word on the Pro version from the developers yet, this is from a Demo with no options related to it whatsoever, for all we know it can be incomplete or the final version, wait for the game's release to judge it - we know that much like GravityRush2 this is an old build, dating back at least 3 months (there's an IGN interview where the journo had the same level to play), and the GR2 demo is at least 6 months old, as it was their E3 floor demo.

who is this semen demon

>frame graph just after the base ps4 drops to 40 while the pro is 60-high 50s


Demo builds are different to the final builds. Maybe we should wait and see how the final release fares before we jump to any conclusions

inb4 someone calls me a sonygger

I like the source of your facts.


It's really not as severe as one would think.

It drops to mid 40s on both only when the giant bot smashes the bridge from below.

What I'm concerned about is whether or not the PC version will have a special edition like the PS4 version has. I want to play in PC, but I also want that figure.

Never understood the FPS meme

I play games at 144fps on pc and I can notice framerates lower than that because they seem sluggish but I still don't mind console games having framerate issues as long as it doesn't impact the gameplay itself.

Demos are usually built to run better, you know, because of marketing.

That's why I'm buying both.
I bought gravity rush remastered twice, I'm fine with supporting a good game.

There is more to it than just framerate. Frame time hitching is worse than playing at 30fps.

Why do I keep seeing preformance issues on the Ps4 pro? I thought it was supposed to be a stronger ps4?

And I hear the xbox scorpio is supposed to be like 800 dollars? What the fuck are sony and microsoft doing?

It's not that hard user.

Because people like to intentionally misinterpret things out of the context.

No they aren't EVER. Same with the gravity rush demo. It doesn't run indicative of the final game. The shadows are broken in the LOD and there are pop-in issues for NPC's only.
These are trade show tier demos we are seeing here.

SE is successfully hiding the PC for everyone, fuck them all.

The PS4Pro is a joke my friend.

The only time there's been a significant performance increase from a "newer version" of a console is the new 3ds as it runs things buttery smooth.

Until you get to sun and moon then you get lag and you question why you bought a new 3ds.

Raw throughput usually doesn't fix latency problems. If something is bottlenecking, it doesn't matter how fast you can push everything else. Often, tracing and fixing problems like that comes late in development. Or not at all. Depends on the company.

>a month ago
>that was in 2016
>next year in 2016 meant 2017
>square page says early 2017
>but user thinks it's 2018

The ps4 is basically a beta test so is ok, the pc port will be ok.

Who is this saymon daymon

The GPU is twice as powerful but it's the same shitty netbook CPU with a slightly higher clockspeed.

Xbox Scorpio is rumoured to be that expensive because it's even more powerful than the Pro. There are crazy rumours circulating about it and people just guessed the price based on specs.

>Looks like...
It really doesn't.
Fags even posted video with google drive excel sheet link showing complete analysis stats, dropped frames and results showing how insignificant the drops were.
Too bad it's pulled and locked behind $$$ subscription now.

You are so very wrong there.

Demos are:
-completely rushed
-2 or 3 builds older than the game's most recent build due to "better" stability
-old (Nier's demo is 4-6 months old now)
-recycled (was used in various events already, not meant to be a wide releaes demo initially, just something for journos to play)

I don't know where you get your delusions of demos being a polished thing.

>the pc port will be ok.
Yeah, exactly like Demons Souls 3 port, right?
Still laughing when I remember the disappointed mustards unable to even reach tutorial boss because touching certain scenery make the game crash.
So much for beta testing on different HW and OS. Guess is isn't as hot as Master Race Elite would deserve.

Thanks for the betatesting, console bros.

Nigga, NierA for PS4 is the port. Instead of shitposting 24/7 you should educatete yourself

It doesn't have widespread performance issues, see >he game isn't synced up on both version, the Robot jumps out of the water (creating a lot of alpha effects) a few seconds earlier on normal PS4 and you can see the framerate drops about ~5fps more than the Pro (look at the dark blue bar on the left)

Use your brain next time please, you can CLEARLY see that the 2 side-by-side images in OP aren't happening at the same time. You should also know that graph is from DigitalFoundry videos, so why not go to youtube and watch the video by yourself instead of getting baited by OP?

>And I hear the xbox scorpio is supposed to be like 800 dollars?
You are 13 years old or extremely naive. Perhaps both. You keep getting hooked to any rumor and bait out there, I fear for your safety and mental health.

MS got the PS3 treatment this gen, they know $500 is the highest ceiling they can manage IF it's justified. $600 like PS3 would be complete madness, much less $800.
It's still nearly a full year away from releasing. A 6Tflop machine (which is only 20% better than PS4pro's 4.8Tflops) isn't that expensive NOW, and will be even less in 10 months. If PS4Pro costs $350 by Q3 2017, then Scorpio will only need to cost 20% more, or at worse 30% more if MS wants to overprice it. It'll cost $420-$470, or even $500 if MS reeeeeeeeally wants to push people's buttons. No more than that.

>What the fuck are sony and microsoft doing?
Nothing wrong. No one HAS to buy the middle-gen upgrade since neither will have exclusives the older PS4/Xbone can't play. In PS4pro's case, it won't EVER have exclusives of its own. In Scorpio's case it will, eventually, but not in the near future, not the for first 3 years at least.

>NierA for PS4 is the port.
>PS4 version release date 23.2.2017
>PC release date ????
>no demo for PC
I'd love to receive such preferential treatment.

>Not understanding what a "timed exclusive" is.

why is automata the newest memegame to shitpost about nobody gave a shit about drakengard and nier

>the version released first is the main version and others are the ports
>developer said it's the other way around
So you have to be this retarded to post on Sup Forums?

PCfags brought their cancer.


Sure pal, got yer back!
We'll properly test the game, have hundreds of fun threads discussing our, erm, testing activities. But don't worry! Only six month later the PC version would be released. It's not the the worst case, isn't it? After all you've waited YEARS for other games.
Oh, and don't forget to prepare a decent rig! Because we are testing the gameplay and not the optimization.

>falling for cheap PR talk because of personal biases instead of looking at the facts
Looks like you do.

Don't reply to me until you get proper release date faggot.
I hate to waste my time with second class peasants pretending.

Because isn't a Playstation exclusive anymore and console only player get butt hurt.

Nobody is shitposting about Scalebound.

platinum butthurt lol

why do children get upset over exclusives

Whenever it gets brought up a bunch of contrarians say it looks shit.


Can I still have a victim complex against Sony like Sup Forums does if I own and use a PS4?

Every other shitposting form seems to have gone out of style

Yes contrarians, Kamiya always makes great games.

are you that guy that keeps making the us platinumfags shillpasta threads

>Wonderful 101
Maybe if it was released on a proper system it would be,

>Literally zero AA

Enjoy 2bs jagged butt


poorfags and children pls go and stay go

Platinum no longer gets a free pass after that Ninja Turtles debacle.

Too bad the Switch isn't any more powerful than the Wii U

where are YOUR facts then nigga? You've been pulling shit from your ass all this time

I don't give a shit about the framerate as long as it plays the soundtrack properly

I don't really care, seeing as I'm used to the series running at fucking 20FPS with dips into 15 and lower, but people who do care about the frame rate should probably wait for the PC version.

>PS4 Pro

Lol @ the people's life who paid for this piece of crap.

Here in reality, we've seen otherwise.


>no demo
japanese devs are sometimes to stupid/lazy to make a demo where they cut everything out so nothing can be datamined. That´s why there is no pc demo, because they didn´t want it to get datamined.

>why ps4 before pc

Easy, sony gave them a little bit money

Who care? It's not like Nintendo makes realistic looking games anyway. Just like how people don't play TF2 for realism, people don't play Nintendo games for the graphics.

Wheres the source video, you bitch?

Also Bayonetta was unstable FPS: the game even on the WiiU and people still loved it.


[spoilers]It's a trap that fucks lesbians straight[/spoilers]

>cinematic loli

pc demo 0fps

PC full game - 144 fps
PS4 Pro full game - 30fps


Give me my condiments. I tried 3 search engines.


Sub par framerate and colors are of the mud variety. The power of the PS4 blows my mind.

Don't know, I'm buying the PS4 version as well just in case my PC can't run it, which will probably be the case.

That needs to be a tag on steam. 1st day buy on every game with this tag.

have fun with nip games that have gameplay/physics designed for target frame rate

you can still use the extra horsepower for supersampling and maintain a more stable 60fps. This provided the port isn't a trainwreck, of course.

>frames drop during boss fight with fuckhuge boss

wow, color me surprised

literally happens all the time

Sure he does.
Korra and TMNT were masterpieces right?
I love Platinum as much as the next guy but you have to look at games nowadays with at least a little bit of cynicism user and Scalebound is not look all that appealing.

>console plebs play games at 30fps
>think 45-50 fps is a severe performance drop

>severe perforamnce issues

Now that's a good one.

He didn't work on those titles..

Kamiya didn't make either of those.

Scalebound still looks like shit though

>PS4 Pro full game - 30fps
Struggling for 60fps but never dropping below 40.

Source. Demo doesn't show the full game.

Scalebound's problem is the AI and not even that the game uses it but the primary hardware the game will use (Xbox One) doesn't have the CPU to use it effectively at all.

Kind of mind boggling because Japan doesn't really like make games for PCs but if that game was built from the ground with midrange PCs in mind, the game would be drastically different.

Don't care if it's even 30FPS, demo was fun.

lmao why sonyggers eat this shit up?

I found it within 5 minutes, try harder. I won't spoonfeed you.

>severe performance issues
Drakengard 3 sometimes dropped to single-digit fps

The best version of a game is the one that performs the best, not the one that is pushed out faster

>no black box edition for pc
Shit, i want 2b white panty

what's the point of even buying a console anymore when they start adding performance upgrades halfway through its life cycle?

the one good thing you could say about consoles was that it kept performance requirements uniform, which made it easier for developers to maximize their game sales (which is irrelevant now because they can buy hardware data from valve or blizzard).

>ps4 pro framerate lower than ps4
every fucking time
how does one company fuck up this badly and with such consistency?

>Consolefags being retarded

who knew?