What were some of the best decisions recently made in the gaming world?
What were some of the best decisions recently made in the gaming world?
Oh yeah, Wildstar existed.
you tell me op
Uh, let's see... wait a minute, is this a joke thread?
If not, The Division delaying its DLC to fix its game in the big 1.4 patch was a nice decision.
I hope you're ready for your thread to devolve into a waifu parade
Wildstar really should have been a single-player game.
Oh le no, that would be fucking awful.
who is this pump-a-rum
Best decision?
Probably Blizz's marketing for Overwatch. It fucking hooked my cold dark jaded heart.
0.5 sheckels have been added to your account.
The only good thing that came out of this cancerous clusterfuck of inflated ego and incompetence.
Kind of like Elin.
Both Kit and Elin won't be in any other game ever and great designs and characters will be forgotten to time never to be used again.
/trash/ was made for a reason
oh that dreamworks face simulator
what happened to that?
It's the Battleborn of MMOs, even has the same kind of humor, though not nearly as bad as BB.
Amazing how a game that got hyped up so much by everyone turns out to be crap thanks to outdated ideals and completely forgotten by every single person as a result
>5k all time peak
Jesus christ, even RuneScape 2007 have 10x as many players than that on a tuesday noon.
>Make an MMO with a decent combat system and the best dungeons bar none and a decent story
>Hide all this in the end game, where people have to go through boring questing and cringeworthy early-game story missions
If Wildstar characters were created at max level, it would have a lot more players. It's a deceptively good game once you slog through to the end-game. A really bad decision on Carbine's part and probably the main reason it is dying.
>Wildstar characters were created at max level, it would have a lot more players.
They should just really fucking do that to be honest.
so theyre basically removing the microtransactions and putting them into the game for everyone instead
shouldve done that from the fucking beginning instead of trying to milk players who already paid full price