Is the GAMEPLAY good? I know it has shitty humour that Sup Forums hates but is the game fun?

Is the GAMEPLAY good? I know it has shitty humour that Sup Forums hates but is the game fun?


The first two playthroughs, Normal and TVHM are fun, especially with friends. But dont play anything after UVHM because then its just walking bullet sponges fucking everywhere

Borderlands 2 is one of those games Sup Forums retroactively hates. It was a phenomenon in its day and most people here loved it. Only after the raise of the SJW boogeyman did people turn around and say they always hated it

That said, its only enjoyable if you're bringing friends with you

Up until level 50 or so.
Uvhm increased the difficulty solely by two ways.

1) all enemies get quadruple HP
2) all enemies now regenerate HP at a rate of 10℅ base HP per second.

In theory, it SHOULD be good. Plenty of weapon, level, and enemy variety. Yet it's a very, very repetitive game. I'd still recommend it though.

The regenerating HP is the worst fucking part. I can handle the increased use of slag but fuck the regen

Haha, good one user.

Very good, a lot of fun. Great FPS x RPG hybrid.

It's mindless fun.

UVHM is fine given that some builds are stupidly broken.

it focuses to much on the class skill when non of them are fun to use. The gun stuff is fun

Can be. Gunplay is complete ass but the RPG elements are pretty fun and legendaries do cool shit.
If gearbox doesn't go under and actually makes borderlands 3 I really hope they get people from bungie to improve their gunplay just like bethesda did for fallout 4.

The enemies are bullet sponges and do stupid amounts of damage at higher levels.

loot is fucked
skills are useless
lvl scaling is fucked

No, it's shit. All the guns are shit, most of the characters are boring to play, it's grindey as hell.

After 89 hours I had utter shit weapons. If you get luckier than that then it's probably fun. Until UVHM.

Unless you aren't gunzerker, mech, or psycho.

If you were any of those classes sit in the back of the bus and let everyone else inform user about the holes that didn't affect you because character balance was just completely backwards.

It's decent enough. There's nothing amazing about it, but it does everything it does well enough to enjoy playing it. At least until UHVM like the other anons have mentioned. It can never be said enough times how unfun that mode is.

The diffferent skill trees on the characters are also varied enough to give you some respectable options on what you feel like doing in most cases, and vary up the actual mechanics of them enough to be interesting(unlike pre-sequel, where fucking everything is just resource stacking out the ass.)

Vehicles handle well for the most part, and are enjoyable to use in the few areas they're worth using. The DLC ones a little less so, but the DLCs with exclusive vehicles are a bit lacking in general anyway.

GAZILLION GUNS is obviously a meme, but there's enough little randomizations in sight types, base stats, spread patterns/fire types, etc to not get too bored trying out different stuff. They all have kind-of a floaty feeling except for jacob sniper rifles though.

Health gating is fucking stupid


This isn't true. Sup Forums have always been split on Borderlands as a whole regardless of humour. When BL2 came out there was a clear 50/50 divide in those who loved it (i.e. had friends) and those who hated it.

The shitty humour and Anthony Burch involvement only meant that people who never even played the games started making threads slating it.

Also FUCK Randy Pitchford. Cunt.

Read the thread before you post. Most complaints here are about the game.

>read the thread before you post
>4th post in the thread
>one is OP
>one just talks about the difficulty
>one literally just says "no"

how fucking stupid are you my guy?


>One just talks about difficulty
No, that's not a difficulty issue. That's an issue with the game becoming tedious and annoying. Not too hard. It's a game mode that's fundamentally flawed and this entire thread people explained exactly why.

Those aren't difficulty modes, they're level ranges enemies and weapons appear at. And one of them is annoying as fuck.

And originally, they were first labeled just, "playthrough 1" and "playthrough 2" and I think at one point playthrough 2.5

>One literally says no
It's replying to the question posed in the OP

No. The controls are floaty and enemies are massive bullet sponges. The gameplay turns into a massive grind which is jut a chore to play.

The game is reasonable. I didn't mind most of the side quests. Some of the guns feel awful to use. Music is good. DLCs are mostly good

It's the writing I can't get over

>but the RPG elements

I think mechanically, the pre-sequel is the best. Stacks out the ass is annoying as hell, but the low grav with booster kits makes up for it. Shame it's all jumping around boring grey landscapes.
Borderlands 2 has the most varierty in environment and there's simply just more stuff to do. The most bang for your buck.

Not really, the end-game is really really limited, with only a couple of very specific builds being viable in that they are cheap, because on OP levels the scaling is retarded and hp bonus are meaningless, you are pretty much only shields and you better fucking use slag.

It gets very tiresome very quick after the first playthrough, which admittedly are moderatly fun to very fun if you play with friends.

All in all, don't bother, I'd say.

The gameplay is solid. The game as a whole is solid outside of the shitty jokes. Sup Forums hates it because they drew a line and needed a scapegoat against the SJW boogieman