Bloodborne is a fun game and I enjoy'd playing it multiple times. The DLC doubles the weapon and spells, and adds a lot of cool armor sets as well as giving us some of the best bosses in the Souls series. I honestly wish everyone could have played it. Same way I feel about DeS.
Bloodborne is a fun game and I enjoy'd playing it multiple times. The DLC doubles the weapon and spells...
Other urls found in this thread:
>best bosses in the Souls series
>remove the only actually difficult boss
I can beat all other bosses without taking damage with ease, but orphan still kills me at least 5 times per playthrough
dude I was waiting for a boss like Ludwig to blow my socks off in DaS3, but they never came. Hopefully the next dlc will give us something close.
Eh it was okay; I just went in expecting a masterpiece but ended up getting a decent game that didn't particularly blow me away, so was kinda disappointed by it. I just don't get all the hype it gets here.
I still think Artorias is the best boss in the series, well he's surely my favorite at least, but Ludwig is close second.
i will play it when it come to pc
a corbse shud be left wel alone :DDD
it's pretty average 7/10
worth playing through once
God this game would benefit so goddamn much from a PC release. The frame pacing is terrible and the aliasing hurts my eyes. But Sony are jews so that won't ever happen
Game of the decade for me, can't really express how much I enjoyed it. Really made DS3 feel like a wet fart afterwards.
what's insane to me was BB was released barely a year after DaS2 and it looks and plays great. Then DaS3 came out and it was aight.
I tried to get into the souls series last year and played demon's souls, dark souls, and then bloodborne all back to back and bloodborne was by far my favorite. The setting just can't be beat.
>don't get all the hype it gets here
It's the best presented story in the series by far and the design, style and music is spectacular. It feels like the most complete game in the series
Wasn't made by the same team, BB probably had the longest devtime and biggest budget in the series.
Oh and I forgot to mention how much increased speed improved combat. DS3 felt so sluggish afterwards
That's a nice looking tower, not sure why is has to be a gif though. Was expecting a jump scare or something but nope.
yeah. It makes me sad that they thought DaS2 was ok to release. They should have just said sorry and delayed it further in my opinion. Even DaS1 looks better and has a more cohesive world. I wanted to like DaS2, I even bought all the dlc, but it didn't keep me playing for long after I finished the final dlc. bonefist is my weaponfu though. I hope they bring something like that back in DaS3.
The first time I got killed by a bagman and woke up in Hypogean Gaol was probably the most exhilarating and frightening gaming experience I've had since playing through Silent Hill 2 as a young'n.
I loved running around there after killing Rom too when it's just madness. Would have liked a bit more bloodmoon content
dude me too. My heart was racing. I thought I found some crazy secret shit. But I guess more people got killed by bag men than I thought of course. It was so awesome running around that area getting chased by witches, finding the tonitrus, and that cool set with the caged hood helm. Then I got my ass beat by darkbeast Paarl. I did whoop his ass the second time went I went ham on his legs and face and never let him recover though. Was using the stakedriver at the time and got a few nice charged shots off.
Are you fucking blind or something?
The fog moves a it, adds to the atmosphere.
A big reason here is performance issues. Keep in mind bloodborne was developed for the ps4, whilst das2 had to run on the previous-gen consoles, and had to actually be downscaled compared to the footage shown prior to releasing the game.
I thought it was alright but didn't like the fast pace and parry mechanics. I feel like DS3 took a lot inspiration from Bloodborne in the combat, which felt perfect for me.
>not having 99 insight
>it's the best game ever because oh dude it looks sooooo sick
Literally you
>mfw there will never be a Bloodborne bat boss
These read exactly like NeoFAG posts
Huh, made me think
Can you read? Style was only one of four points he mentioned.
>Anyone with an opinion which differs from mine must be from reddit or neogaf
Yeah, I did. Design was good for the most part but it also killed the RPG part of the game. Not to mention the massive step backwards they took with the healing and lamp system
>reading comprehension
>Can you read?
>Yeah I did.
You know what I meant faggotron
Nothing personal kid
>want to do STR/BLT
>bloodletter is one of the last weapons you can get
>be me
>still on my first playthrough
>big bosses are ezpz
>meme bosses (Rom, Celestial Emissary) I beat on the fifth try
>hunters are extremely hard
Anyone else?
You can get it straight after Amelia.
you only need to kill Ludwig for that though right? beat up Amelia, run through the dlc kill Ludwig, then kill Brador? Am I missing a part? I feel like I am missing something. Oh shit Maria needs to die right? damn.
You can kill Simon to get the key before Maria if she's too difficult at a low level.
Ludwig can easily be passed with a summon.
>haha just beat Ludwig at lvl 20
oh yeah I forgot you can cheese Simon.
Its really not that hard m8
Just learn his moves and smack him around.
Finally I can survive Ludwig first phase with Blade of Mercy. Now I can't do shit during second phase, since I am too used to his chaotic first phase shit and can't adapt quick enough. :(
Friede is the Ludwig of DaS3
Not enough shitposting for you?
>five tries for rom and celestial
no, i'm not that bad, sorry
Friede is the Maria of DaS3 IMO.
Nah, that's Abyss Watchers
More like a shittier Maria
>Friede is the Maria
Quite literally sometimes
What do you people think about chalice dungeons? I love diablo games/clones will I like it?
What was the hardest boss for you?
Personally I struggled the most with the Orphan of Kos, I wouldn't be surprised if I made 30 attempts before winning.
Best boss was Maria
Easiest was Rom
Is this the DS3 DLC?
I bought it and never even got past the 1st stage. I'm getting sick of FROM games I think.
As soon as you see a boss named Abhorrent Beast just quit the game and never play it again.
They're pretty repetitive, but they're not as bad as people say. It's fun finding chests and stuff and seeing what you get. You can even find different versions of weapons with different gem slots.
I am in the minority, but I loved the chalice dungeons. I don't know, but exploring randomly created areas is really exciting to me. The first time I saw a boss roaming around like it was a regular enemy I shit myself.
lowest i did was 63, and i was doing a STR/BT build
they're a lazy way to keep you invested in the game, you basically search online for the good ones with the gems you need and do the offline dungeons to complete the game
they're pretty hard but the loot isn't there, it's just this extra content that has none of the feeling of the game, bosses are pretty difficult which is fun, sometimes it seems like it will never end but when it does you get this feeling of "that's it?"
Repetition isnt really a problem for me.
What is the reason to do them more than once?
In diablo 3 vanilla I still find better equipment after 100+ hours into single char.
Is this the case with bloodborne, too?
Their only saving grace is being optional.
Otherwise they're mind-numbing, repetitive grinds full of meaningless rewards and bullshit encounters in the last couple of depths.
Sounds like Im going to like them.
Thanks for the feedback,
FRC chalice dungeons are the only way to get the best blood gems for your weapons. In Bloodborne, every weapon has 3 variations, the only difference being their blood gem slots. It's not like a Diablo game where every enemy is constantly dropping armor and weapons.
Yes it is.
>I'm getting sick of FROM games I think.
I wouldn't blame From, I would blame BandaiNamco. Actually I wouldn't blame anyone but the consumer.
Das2 and Das3 are merely contractual obligatoins and the lack of care and love is quite obvious. It's for fans who wanted more of the same and a lot of recicled content.
For those who care about quality only DeS/DaS/BB should be considered in the first place.
JapanStudio (Sont 1st party) + FromSoft games are the best, but From by themselves aren't bad (DaS is quite good, so are a lot of their previous titles). It's just that Das2 and 3 specifically are tired cashcows.
Regardless, now From has moved on from BandaiNamco (or at least their DarkSouls contract) so their next projects can only get better, both their multiplat game and their JapanStudio PS4 exclusive collaborations.
Nothing i really liked about diablo in the first place. Its just that some content like enemies and layouts are random.
Do enemies get new skills, effects etc in chalices or are they static normal game enemies but in mobs?
They feel like a grind early on because you'll most likely be overleveled by the time you decide to start then, but they do get very challenging at later levels, plus some very fun bosses and enemies to fight that you'll only find there.
I have been stuck vs OoK for the past hour. How the fuck do you dodge lightning. Phase 2 is fucking annoying
There are some recycled enemies from the main game, but I was surprised to find that there are a lot of unique enemies only found in chalice dungeons.
Friede fixed majority of problems Maria had and has like twice as much moves.
How random are they?
I mean, in d3 for example, most mobs get special prefixes (up to 5) which makes some interesting encounters. Do chalices offer the same randomization enemy wise?
example: base game enemy has a dagger but chalice dungeon enemy has a dagger and a gun etc.
oh yeah I forgot to mention there are a lot of bosses and enemies that are only found in chalice dungeons.
It doesn't take the whole beach, there are divisions, and/or run up to the fog gate.
Run out into the ocean, it extends a long way and gives plenty of time to dodge the lightning. You just have to learn to predict and handle his attacks.
is this a meme? ludwig didnt do anything for me
>is this a meme? didnt do anything for me
I guess I was just more into the lore than you? I don't know what to say. Even so it's an amazing fight visually. The middle cutscene and music change afterwards gave me an erection.
My only complaint about BB is that the first two chalice dungeons are horrible fucking slogs and you have to drag your ass through them any playthrough you want neat shit.
Also I avoided guides and I could never figure out how to access the hidden fight with Yharnham. I thought she was the boss of Isz but it was just fucking macaroni aayy.
this is a good guide.
chalice dungeons would be infinitely better if they were just boss runs
Thanks user. I'll have to give it another whack some time.
Or if the "final" part of each dungeon was the only one and you had to encounter bosses to unlock gates to loot and shit. I hate how boring they all are, only Isz even looked neat enough to hold my interest.
What are the black boxes?
>implying you can't
I've beaten him twice (NG and NG+) at level 4. You need to git gud.
this one works too though
Best and hardest go to Orphan for me, with honorable mention to Ludwig for best.
Easiest was Celestial Emissary, although Rom was pretty close.
Keep crying bitch nigga