What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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He went full China
Succubus and devoting himself to play new age blizzard games for a living.
Hearthstone and vegan
Greek leecher gf
Sup Forums started posting about e-celebs
all that orange juice messed him up
what do you call this haircut Sup Forums?
I'd do that too for a 2 million dollar check every year.
He's vegan
>plays hearthstone all day everyday
>leeching gf
stopped watching him as soon as he dropped poe for heartstone of all things
The halfway balding faggot
I don't know what faggy memery you're trying to pull but it's a buzzcut. Literally just a fucking buzzcut.
it's not though
it's a chic goatee with short hair
doesnt enjoy his job anymore.
welcome to the real world, faggot.
That's called a widows peak
It's an unkempt buzz
He waits like a month or something before he just buzzes it down to like the smallest possible sides. He doesn't take care of his facial hair either. He needs to learn to trim and maintain his shit but he has got plays vidya and has a gf for a living so it doesn't matter.
He dropped PoE because it sucks to grind and not get compensated for it instead of grinding in hearthstone and making a gorillion dollars
It's called balding.
I'd probably hang myself if I had to play Hearthstone for a living every fucking day.
Kripp looks so very dead inside.
>becomes vegan to better his health
>gets even sicker than before
He had a 30 minute puppy dog stream last night, and then played quiplash with the stream.
It was pretty dank, and he seemed happy.
>this is your brain on PoE
He quit it for shitty p2w children's card games but the damage was already done.
funny thing is 2012 is when he never talked so that should be his bottom picture.
He sold out, had his soul sucked away by a succubus and lost all his friends that he made over the years. I still remember watching him one day and his battlenet friends list was full and some hearthstone memer (literally think it was a viewer that wanted to do battle with him to show off some new deck) wanted to add him. He scrolled down the list to the people who haven't logged in for a while, saw krippis name, kind of hesitated and then deleted him off of it and said something like "he can always send me a request if he wants to be added back" or something. That's when I knew it was over. Like 90% of the chat didn't even get what happened but thats when I knew.
I remember when he would stream poe daily for hours on end wearing the same clothes for days but looked happy, like he genuinely enjoyed playing all that time. Now he streams for 8 hours or something and it seems like he's doing a chore. But the blizzmoney's too good to stop.
i only watched him when he played diablo and gw2 though
he did so much spreadsheeting and data collecting on the diablo 3 beta and killed the demo boss unarmed i remember
>hadn't logged in a while
>he can always send a request if add back
This is objectively the proper procedure when dealing with a friends list with a cap
>Finally gets to play another card game for a change, says he likes it and that is more fun to play than hearthstone
>The fans throw a massive bitch fit because it isn't hearthstone and always go on a massive dislike spree when he gets sponsored videos for it
I feel sorry for him.
If you kept watching you would see that he got burnt out and quit poe i'm pretty sure he has a video on it
It's like everyone has nostalgia goggle on krip like the poe fags in here are gen wunners complaining about things that happened back then just as much as they are happening now.
If you want PoE stuff, just watch Mathil
Why watch this guy over Hafu.
>QT with leaked nudes
>Better at arena than Kripp
>Doesn't complain like an autist
>Dirty Romanian
>Not funny
>Can't play around a turn 7 flamestrike
>Massive crybaby
That is not whats stopping krip
It's that the other card games won't pay him to play it because they are small devs or whatever other reason. It's not his fans that are making his decisions its just the money and I would too. He needs something to replace hearthstone money and there aren't any options. I'm sure he wants to play a second game but it would just be for fun and he can do that on his own him and not his streams.
That is not what I was trying to convey. I don't care for PoE. it's cookie clicker HD.
I'm not saying he should've kept playing poe, I know he got tired after all that time that's normal, I quit poe 2 years ago. The thing is, while he was playing poe he seemed to have fun, when it stopped being fun he quit. now it seems that he only keeps on playing hearthstone because he's forced by his viewers and desu the money's too good to risk that viewership, but it doesn't look like he's enjoying it and it hasn't looked like that for a long time. at least that's how it seems to me I might be wrong.
He streams hearthstone 7 hours a day, he barely has any free time of his own.
And that's what's bringing him down since he's completely locked into playing hearthstone for a living.
He sold his soul to Blizzard, as well as attaching himself to the first woman that showed interest in him. He's no longer some 20 year old NEET that sleeps to Noon and spends all him time playing video games (for fun)
No yea he does not enjoy playing hearthstone as much as he does that is a fact. He complains to much when he streams for it but I think we are moving into "having a job" tier.
It's not possible to play something for as much as he streams and have it still be as for for an extended amount of time. The only option I could imagine that would work in keeping up the fun would just be playing multiple games or swapping the main game every couple of months or so but he doesn't have that option because he prob won't get the same money like he does for hearthstone.
If he has a choice im sure at this moment he would want to play shadowverse but he would also get bored of it just the same.
>mfw still subscribed to forsen
>mfw watched him lifetap with a full hand on tourney
Now he makes money pretending to be salty over hearthstone
Playing nothing but Hearthstone will do that to a man.
Trump was always better
>watching any streams where people screech and yell or have high pitched accents
oh my goood I can't stand watching some of these streamers. Only calm cool and non autstic voices are ok. Some of these guys are like 30 but they have the voice of a 12y/o and laugh for anything.
Also is amaz gay
>thinking this is a hearthstone streamer thread
>those happy days when he was doing world firsts in Diablo 3
all he needs is Diablo 4 and he'll be good as new
Trump is boring to watch and mildly autistic.
Tuck Frump
Trump's voice isn't James Earl Jones but it's not high pitched. His streams are very chill, and he doesn't sound like he wants to kill himself like Kripp
forsenGASM xD
>Plays video games online for a living
>not autistic
Where do you think you are
why are you not posting them right now fag
as someone who doesn't watch streams hardly ever but follows most of the meme hearthstone streamers through youtube I actually enjoy trump. He's just the right brand of autism that I can take him seriously, like m2k or pancake
The hate against Shadowverse is not because it's different per sé. It's because of its oblivious weeb style.
You can't just throw a weeb game on twitch and expect people to like it as much as Hurtstone. Of course you are going to tank views and like-ratios.
I guess you are one of those autist in chat that get hard by her screeching when someone subs or something happens.
Imagine playing hearthstone, but you can never quit. Kripp's slowly realizing the extent of this ride.
>pre-hearthstone kripp
oh don't fucking remind me user
Shadowverse is great and the Shadowverse devs seem to sponsor him from time to time. I just hope in the future there will be a switch when most people realise how incompentent Blizzs dev-team is and that the SV-devs actually are fucking awesome - I mean, the two main guys behind Shadowverse has won the world championships in Magic the Gathering ffs...
Too much dedication, he needs to take a fuckin break, playing hearthstone for hours on end every day has got to be fucking infuriating.
>8 hours a day grinding some video game pandering to losers that watch video games instead of play them
gee I wonder
go back to Sup Forums
you sound like a faggot, kill yourself
I like trump, he's cute and autistic but in a nice way
Forsengasm has been gone a long time though
>giving arguments how Shadowverse is better
>attaches a picture of the weeaboo style
>M-Muh waifus desu
And people call Hearthstone a children's card game.
>i judge card games solely by card art
dumb frogposter
But waifus and tits are for grown men, not children.
I don't understand your reasoning.
I would be interested in this game if it weren't for the over-the-top weeb art.
>But waifus and tits are for grown men, not children.
don't make me laugh
>best arena player IN THE WORLD
>not autistic
>realizes Hearthstone is only a game and can handle defeat
>doesn't rage
>knowledgeable as fuck
>doesn't play constructed because she knows it's a clusterfuck
is hafu /our girl/?
I don't see kids in elementary having posters of lightly clothed women in their classrooms, it wouldn't even be allowed to due it being too adult.
Once again, I don't see your reasoning.
I was calling you a manchild
you're so naive
ITT: Bitter permavirgins discussing some e-celeb they hate because reasons
Pathetic thread.
No, Eloise is.
Strifecro and Firebat are /ourguys/ btw
But it doesn't make any sense since the wish for sexual copulation is a sign of being an adult.
And "manchild" doesn't make any sense either since being a man makes you a fully grown adult.
trump is a cool chink
That's a positive, not a negative
when the card art attracts and creates a pedo gaming community yeah the game can be judged from its card art
>big expansion just released
>9k online
Wowhobbs is cute
Firebat is a cool guy and his fursona is top notch.
that's what sucking blizzard cock does to you
I know this is bait but kripp is a lot better than hafu, have you not seen the statistics for arena players? Kripp's record is insane, by far the best
You're not STILL playing rngstone, are you, Sup Forums?!
Come on, it's 2017!
jfc, I could stand it being a weeb Hearthstone, which it basically is, but it's ripping off Rage of Bahamut art?
same company
It's by the same company. They reuse the art because it's Granblue Fantasy + Rage of Bahamut: The Card Game.
>being sexually attracted to cartoons
What's the fucking appeal to this guy?
From what I could gather he just quietly plays Hearthstone all day every day and has a weird face
The game is mainly poular in japan.