Brain required for play.
Its fun but not really. Either use two handers and abuse how broken they are or spam lighting for chain stuns.
Just like you needed a brain to spam fireball and midnight oil in D:OS, amirite?
Well, you need a brain to finish quests. Look at all those posts in the Steam forums about quest markers and shit.
things are quite different in 2. Setting the ground on fire is not nearly as effective as it once was. Nor is knockdown or most of the other cheese that was present in 1 due to the new way that armor works. Tactics are even more necessary this time around. Unless you're a pleb who's playing on easy mode, that is.
>no quest makers
Sorry but I'm not playing a game where I unintentionally get lost all the time. It's a huge inconvenience and not fun.
No quest markers is literally anti-fun.
>games that don't play themselves are anti fun
How are you enjoying that PS4?
Having quest markers doesn't make the game play itself r-tard.
Sorry but I actually enjoy good games on my PC. Go play your shitty games with outdated ideas.
>look to OP post
>realize you lack the one major requirement
>Larian are still actively working on Act 2 /3
>while also tweaking the game's mechanics
t. fags that enjoy shit
>choosing the druggie over the based as fuck Elven archer
Wow no.
I don't know how i feel about dos 2 . I want to create my own char but it looks like I will miss a lot of stuff by not using a premade.
>no announcement of an Enhanced Edition for console couch co-op
Why should I care
They have to launch it for PC first and then make an easier mode for console players like Far as I know, only the character backgrounds matter for specifically written content. You can still customize the characters.
Is there a torrent for DoSII? Also will I be able to play it on a toaster?
>bought it already played throught it months ago
>don't want to make a new character if it gets deleted again
i knew they wouldn't do content updates until release but im still mad.
I really like divinity, but in the end its the FUCKING LAME ASS SLOW COMBAT. When do we get a speed up button please. I dont want to watch every npc taking minutes to do his actions. Just so annoying, especially when combat is so rich in this.
I've yet to play D:OS 1... Wasn't there some promotion where by buying 2 you'd get 1, too?
Also if I buy 1 EE do I also get 1 original version?
I think EE is its own version.
>tfw too smart for RPGs
its hard having a high iq
>Wasn't there some promotion where by buying 2 you'd get 1, too?
One of the kikestarter rewards, I think.
>do I also get 1 original version
I'd assume so, EE was free for everyone who owned the original. Not like there's any reason to play the original now, anyway.
Maybe you should see someone about medication for that.
Does anyone else feel like characters become too OP too quickly? The mechanics seem to be very abusable in dos1
Nigger back the fuck off, I beat the entire first chapter solo at level 6 due to how easy it is to break combat.
just read the dialogue and diary my friend.
of course you did, sweetheart.
>this fucking dialogue style
>Larian will never make another Dragon Commander
It works sometimes.
>mfw I couldn't figure out most of the puzzles/quests required to disable energy barriers and just abused the glitch where you could find a very specific angle to toss the teleporter pyramid through
I loved Divinities gameplay, but holy shit do I hate their world and lore. I wish someone would just rip the combat straight off, but make a Star Wars, LOTR, Fallout, or TES game.
Thanks for the beta test PCucks. I'll wait until it comes out on PS4theplayers ;)
Pic unrelated then.
>N-nuh uh!
Don't flatter yourself buddy, you're not worth lying to.
*grabs you by the neck and tells you to back the fuck off*
I see, thank you anons.
Are the Steam and GOG versions of D:OS1 EE the same, or would I miss out on something if I bought one over the other?
Also I don't think I need to have played Divinity 1, 2 and Dragon Commander to understand OS, correct?
Probably was playing easy mode. Lots of shitters do that then mistakenly think they know what they're doing.
How's it compare to the first game? I enjoyed the original so I am hoping the sequel doesn't end up being shit.
They're absolutely the same.
>I don't think I need to have played Divinity 1, 2 and Dragon Commander to understand OS, correct?
Yes. OS1 is set way before anything relevant happens.
OS2 is slightly different, as it's set after DivDiv, but that game barely has any lore anyway.
Better in every single way.
You can play the current version of Act 1 right now if you wanted to. It's largely the same as the first but this time you choose only one main character. Combat is also quite different in how damage is calculated and meted out. Also there's a new mechanic bringing high-ground advantages into play. AI is much better and there's some changes to the way painting the ground works.
>Also I don't think I need to have played Divinity 1, 2 and Dragon Commander to understand OS, correct?
No, but they're all part of the same universe and DivOS is where the story begins.
Dragon Commander is actually the first chronologically but it's not important.
I really like the combat,party system, rpg elements of the game.
Coordinating with him, combining or spells and stuff like that.
But the story was so boring, I was playing with a friend and we found ourselves reading the dialogues at first but we ended just almost skipping them.
I just couldn't find the motivation to read, and I'm not the type that skip important dialogue and lore.
Because we found ourselves skipping them, to finish and advance the game we used walkthroughs
Can you guys recommend games with this style of combat, no d&d bullshit like pillars of eternity, where I was interested in the lore & story but I found the combat part a chore.
>not giving your party many racial options to take advantage of controlling dialogue and bartering
I miss the voice acting. Its what made the enhanced edition a 10/10 for me.
Just reading boxes of text over and over is kinda mind numbing.
Champs at the end of 2017?
WSW: Paige
WBW: Ronda
WFW: Division cut
BW: Cody
FW: Penn
LW: Sage
WW: Gall
MW: Bisping
LHW: Cannonier
HW: Ngannou
You can all act like the smart asses you all are but I agree with this fellow here. I like the general story and combat but getting lost like this really stops me from having fun.
should I get D:OS for ps4?
new to the series, but it seems like a good place to start
also, enhanced edition is objectively better right?
>Be so dumb you get lost in a game as easy to follow as Div:OS
>Hurrrr smrtazzs durrr
Cmon son, just keep quiet if you're this much of a moron.
wait is this game actually out yet
last time I checked it was drowning in bugs and glitches
It's in Early Access.
There actually are quest markers on the mini map but you would have to be some kind of goon to not just open the quest log and read what it says to do.
Is the first one good?
Im thinking about getting it white its on sale.
All that stuff will certainly be added. This is just the alpha version.
Yes. Better with a friend.
Full voice-acting isn't happening, Larian already said as much. There's far too much text for that.
It's really good with the forewarning that it's like an oldschool WRPG so you kinda have to like that sort of thing. Some people went into it expecting something brain dead like Diablo and got really pissed.
> Full voice-acting isn't happening, Larian already said as much. There's far too much text for that.
So same as the first. But then they went and did it anyway for the Enhanced version which also ruined the voice acting desu
How does it compare to Pillars of Eternity?
I dropped PoE after a few hours because the story wasnt interesting at all and the combat was a mess.
>I'm not the type that skip important dialogue and lore
bad news friend
>only £12 on PSN right now
fuck it I'm buying
It's the opposite of PoE. Story /writing is an even bigger mess, but the combat is great.
It's Larian so the story is meant to be a bit more "fun" so there are many times when it doesn't take itself so seriously but what's there is pretty cool as it's about gods or, rather, their fall as it pertains to the proverbial Pandora's Box.
The combat is really unique and clever and I think that's what most people liked about the game. Last boss was damn near impossible though.
no but it turns the game into "follow the arrow" instead of "read and figure it out yourself". Sure it's an inconvenience but so is being able to die so they should probably make you immortal too.
You spelled autism wrong.
>Are the Steam and GOG versions of D:OS1 EE the same
No, one is a rental on a cancerous platform and the other isn't.
>tfw we'll never get an RPG where you can play as a necromancer killing innocent people on the outskirts of towns, dragging their bodies back to your cave for decrepit, unholy research as you gather more and more power
I'll wait out this eternal night
Also one is free if you want to go that route.
That seems like an oddly specific desire.
true and guess which pirate "release" is better
I think there's a way to add your Steam games to your GOG account. At least, I've heard of it being feasible.
yeah, some connect promo thing for galaxy aka"totally not DRM guys". Don't think there is that many games for it or if it's running anymore.
>galaxy aka"totally not DRM guys"
It's literally not DRM. It's just GOG's client that exists... for some reason, I guess because that's a popular thing these days.
I'm thinking of picking that up for my fiancée and I to play. Is it as enjoyable as original sin? How does the action point system work now?
Full retard.
t. triggered steambicile
>suggesting heresy
purge yourself heretic
>Is it as enjoyable as original sin?
Both me and my buddy enjoyed it far more than 1, so yeah.
AP is more normalized, with all characters having the same start, turn and max AP. There are still spells and talents that affect all those, but not stats.
So does moving cost a variable amount, or is it something like 1 point per move action?
moving still costs points, but the distance you movie is greatly increased from the last game. moving twenty feet takes like two AP, rather than taking all of your AP to move half that.
Cool. Thanks for the info, looks like I'll be picking up two copies. Did you get it though steam or gog? I'd rather not buy it though steam but I'm unfamiliar on how gog handles multiplayer games for finding/using servers
No, you're literally an idiot. The Steam EULA is the same as the EULA on any software. You don't own anything but a license to use the software. The software is owned by the developers or the publishers.
Yeah but... you get a flat maximum of 6 ability points. No more ability stacking like in the first one. Things are much more balanced.
Yeah apply to yourself retard.
Again with this morons with their EULAs and mixing copyright law with property ownership laws.
>tfw loaded the beta for 10 minutes ran around and had fun
>Gorgeous game, loved the starting area
>Quickly turned it off and uninstalled so I wouldn't be tempted by spoilers
I just want it to come out.
You now realise that Divinity OS is on consoles and OS2 will be coming as well so you just insulted yourself while trying to act like a superior being.
>pvp mode including free for all, capture the flag and king of the hill
looks like it could be GOTY, at least for me
It's a good game, unlike PoE.
You mean a brain to not break the game because there is no balancing at all. And it's just "Wow you 1 hit the boss you must be really good. btw we're not fixing this bug :^)"
*Tell him you don't like the dialogue either"
Larian don't go down the 2deep4u story routes, they like to make something interesting and compelling with a good sense of humor and let the world and characters carry it. The main aspect of the game is it's combat which is 10/10 and bumps up to 20/10 when playing co-op with a friend. It ends up being a very charming game thanks to the typical Larian humor, amazing music, and artstyle.
I did my first playthrough with a friend and it was amazing, in a way combat is far more balanced when you have 2 people each controlling 2 characters instead of 1 person controlling 4.
Ok retard. Pick a console game. It doesn't matter which one. Read the licensing agreement and compare it to Steam's. Stay dumb, stay ignorant, stay sexless.
Try tactician mode if you find it too easy.
Also, it's early access.
what's best race in D:OS1
and help a newfag understand how 2 is 'classless' but you can select a class at the beginning
is it just a preset?
>Can literally resell a physical copy of a console game because you own the disc
>Can do nothing with digital license to use the software
What's your point?
You can only play as human in DOS1.
>what's best race in D:OS1
Female Orcs of course.