What are your guys opinions on Shogun 2?
What are your guys opinions on Shogun 2?
Great game! Only flaw really is unit diversity. Fall of the Samurai is also a fantastic expansion.
Best Total War game
Even better than TW Warhammer?
The last good TW game.
don't know, haven't played it, but probably
Played it for 30 minutes then got bored and quit. I prefer EU4 and V2.
well archers work, unlike in attila
muskets on the walls
Is this bait? Paradox strategy games are a fucking snorefest.
probably my favorite total war. yes, unitdiversity is not great, but i think it is the total war game that just werks.
it's my favorite TW because ranged units are actually worth a damn and you can actually fucking clearly see their range denoted by a clear red range box
they sortof kept it in the subsequent games but made it a lot harder to see and i dont remember clearly but i feel like it faded away after a while
there needs to be an option or a mod in newer ones to keep showing a clear, vivid, bright range indicator
TW Warhammer is pretty bad.
The only thing it got going for is the fantasy setting, everything else like city management to tech trees has been casualized.
People will say that the combat is "better" but if you want some good TW combat then just download mods for Rome or Med2, no reason to buy a new game just for that.
Given the chance, I'd play the shit out of this game.
I thought M:TW2 was okay but this is the one I'd have preferred to have bought.
what exactly is stopping you
it's so cheap these days
>playing EU 4 ever
medical bills my dude
the japanese-acccented english voice acting is hilariously immersion breaking.
i wish they just kept japanese audio and english subs. it really doesn't help that i get mad when my troops route in battle and then i have to try very hard not to laugh at the exaggerated and heartfelt SHAMEFUR DISPRAY
Yeah I too enjoy the setting buy the game felt tedious in that the AI cheats hard and the game punishes you for taking blitzkrieg tactics. The absolute worst is when you play Dwarf and if you ever expand and leave your capital lands, an Ork army will just tunnel into your home provinces and take your shit before you can get back.
The province system is similar to shogun's though. You still have limited building slots with some towns having bonus reduces.
that's one of the best parts dude
Arr rook same
Besides that, probably the most solid vanilla Total War. FotS is probably my favourite expac with the bayonet and time warp mods.
i had always thought gunpowder TW would fucking suck but FotS made me appreciate it
nothing more fucking satisfying than shredding an enemy army with artillery before they even reach your line
a pity the AI is fucking stupid about it (we're under heavy artillery fire? whatever, continue to march at slow speed across the whole field in tight formation. why the fuck don't the utilize loose formation and charge?) but i actually kind of love it for the carnage it lets me inflict
biggest complaint is it wont let you use cannons from inside a seiged castle. like, come the fuck on, you can't pile up a few feet of dirt to place that cannon so it points out through the little gap in the rampart? you can make it immobile for the whole battle, i don't care, just let me fucking put it there and use it
man I loved Total War Medieval 2, especially the whole Commander/General aspect of the game, with traits n shit...
I had more fun with the first game.
TW Warhammer is shit.
Med 3 need to be like this
What's your favourite clan in the game?
oda for those cheap cheap real good ashigaru
this. CK2+Japan mod, EU3, Vic2 are all superior ways of playing Japan than total war.
and no. this is not bait, Victoria 2 is a great game.
i'm rather biased towards oda because nobunaga was a based warlord
>invaded another daimyo for a tea set
>rival daiymo destroyed the tea set rather the let nobunaga have it
>committed sacrilege by inscribing his name on the most sacred and ancient piece of Buddhist relics, a piece of aloeswood reserved for emperors
>then proceeded to break off a piece and keep it for himself
>then went to massacre and raze the buddhist temple at mt. hiei
>all these oda bros
Fine taste, brethren.
Also, Oda Yari (regular, not Long Yari) Ashigaru can actually beat Yari and Katana Samurai as long as they attack from the front with a spear wall.
What the fuck is up with that?
Love it so much but the campaign map AI pisses me off, even moreso in FOTS
>ai makes garbage stacks of low-quality troops that avoid your armies and prefer to take a random settlement three provinces deep in your territory than defend their own lands
>retreat mechanic means they get an extra move over your own army so they're a bitch to catch
>the only way to get the enemy to fight is to have them outnumber you three to one
>your generals getting slaughtered by random foreign veterans
>if you want to counter them with your own agents, every agent action costs you a ridiculous sum of over a 1000 koku
>enemy clans are basically playing a different game that has no economic portion, since they can still throw three full stacks at you with two provinces left. ditto for paying their agents to murder your generals and agents
>delusions of grandeur and upstart generals mechanics defacto make leveling up generals undesirable
>alternative is to savescum before every fight to avoid the "hurrr your general has -3 loyalty so some of your max leveled troops have defected to the enemy you've been dominating for twenty turns and you now have to fight them :^)"
>the fucking bug where your troops WILL NOT AUTOFIRE so they're stuck just standing there while the enemy units close the distance/slaughter them
I like Oda as well, but the clan is hilariously OP in the hands of a player rather than the AI.
>Also, Oda Yari (regular, not Long Yari) Ashigaru can actually beat Yari and Katana Samurai as long as they attack from the front with a spear wall.
i dunno mang, my experience in SP campaign is that it takes like 2, sometimes 3, yari ashigaru to break katana samurai.
but i've only played a few weeks since i got the game in 2nd week of december.
Ninja Clan.
For no other reason that Ninjas are fucking awesome.
I didn't expect the Ninjas to actually be pretty decent units.
I tested it mayng.
Activate Yari Wall and have the Katanas charge into the Oda Ashigaru.
You have to use the yari wall ability.
i think you're doing a lot of things wrong mate.
i would post my current campaign map if my laptop wasnt currently out of order, but the tons of ashigaru armies made by AI serve only to max out my generals' levels.
>playing ninja clan
>get hit with an ambush
>ability to spawn outside of bounds lets me surround and annihilate the enemy
They're pretty great.
yeah, i'm never actually threatened at any time. i'm saying those fucking garbage stacks keep running away from me and never actually fight and i have to waste time chasing them down
also, building sake dens and markets in your provinces behind the front lines (in addition to maxing out riceland upgrades) will give you far greater economic advtange that the AI receive by cheating.
if the AI were making katana/yari/archer samurai armies, that would be bullshit, but the fact they're only able to afford ashigaru says a lot.
that's what ninja are for.
gotta think out of the box nigga!
i've only ever used one unit of long yari because i just rush for katana samurai. also, i dont think i've ever faced an Ai that used them.
how effective are they?
yeah, towards the later part of the campaign i ended up using them for that purpouse, but agent actions in FOTS are prohibitively expensive for early game.
Best unit in the game.
Not him but someone on twc noticed that the ai would train armies of ashigaru and upgrade them into samurai units between turns (something that the player can't do), in fact a mod was made to stop this from happening
Fall of the Samurai is the best part of it. Major problem with Shogun is everyone is the same. Real lack of unit variety with factions.
I liked Fall of the Samurai
I played it once and enjoyed both the battles and campaign map gameplay/features but the maps seemed really repetitive to me (compared to the only other TW game I've played which was Medieval 2)
Yeah, the AI cheats pretty extensively. It's pretty grating when you catch the AI blatantly cheating and not playing by the same rules as you, but CA had to do something to make the AI pose a challenge.
>upgrade them into samurai units between turns (something that the player can't do)
why isn't this a thing for players??
also, can someone explain trade to me? like trade ships and trade deals?
i've only ever relied on upgrading rice/market/sake dens.
But what about
They're really different imo, it usually comes down to if you prefer fantasy or history setting. Unit diversity (and abilities) is great in warhammer though in comparison but suffers a lot in the "strategic" part of the combat with no formations and such. The economy and diplomacy is pretty alike and bad in both of them.
Yari ashigaru is the best unit in the game for their cost. Anything except for elite/hero units almost instantly breaks if they run into a yari wall. With the AI being as stupid as it is it's pretty easy to beat them with them.
All of the unique tribes were DLC
Also all total war games have shit diplomacy
Press yari wall button and they're invincible if attacked in the front. They have shit mobility when it's activated but they literally become the best unit in the game.
any good mods for FOTS that makes the AI produce more artillery? Literally the one thing that breaks any fun in the game, if this is somewhat fixed the game would be completely different. Dont saying fucking Radious or RSM, which has magical cannons that can repel cavalry charges, or 5 million units where battles don't mean anything. Darthmod has some good early fights w/ artillery mod but then it gets stupid.
Are firebomb throwers useful in field battles? I never figured out a good way to use them. They're pretty fun when you're defending a castle though. You can use them to collapse your own wall while the enemies are climbing it for massive casualties.
>the AI cheats hard
This happens in every single TW game, Shogun 2 is probably the worst for it.
Naval battles are retarded and I can destroy and entire fleet with like 2 ships because the opposing side won't do anything.
>hero units
what's the proper way to use these fuckers? they always seemed too few to serve as anything but flanking units. yeah, if i send 1 katana hero vs any other unit, they'd win, but they'd be completely depleted afterwards. also do i distribute them among my stacks or keep them in a single army?
ps this is why realm divide is a great mechanic because it makes the game about fighting again, not creating wars where you have an advantage. Having the country united against you is a lot better than declaring war on two or three clans at a time.
Everyone does, it's the best gunpowder era total war yet.
It and the expansion are really good, but have little replay value because all factions are basically the same. Naval battles are incredibly boring.
>Le warhammer casual meme
That's bullshit. Total war campaign empire has always been very simplistic and "casual". I fail to see how Warhammer is any more "casual" than the previous titles.
Warhammer is alright but I have to play all the battles in slow-mo because everything happens/is over way too fast. Alot of micro management crap too compared to previous total wars.
>You can use them to collapse your own wall while the enemies are climbing it for massive casualties.
huh interdasting
I get the same feeling when playing both of them. They feel both "tight". Played the shit out of both.
>Med 2
>good combat
Depends on what you mean I guess. The newer total war games are much more responsive than medieval 2 which is a huge plus for me. Less bugs on the battle map too.
This. They should ditch the empire management all together and just focus on making a series of interesting battles like in Shadow of the horned rat or Dark omen.
It all went downhill when they went 3D world instead of the 2D boardgame style. The AI isn't capable enough and the mechanics arent interesting enough.
The improved upgrading/retraing system wasn't introduced until rome 2, which was included because a problem in rome 1 was that you needed to disband all of your pre-marian units once the reforms occur
>play takeda
>most numerous unit in the game is yari ashigaru
holy shit this bothered me so much when i was going up against them.
i'm going to tired from AI soon, is Shogun 2 MP dead or what?
Agreed about the AI, but I'd say the new campaign map has its perks (even though I absolutely loved Medieval 1, Shogun 1 not as much).
For example, guarding passes and approaches into your territory, creating chokepoints with forts, and being able to make your stand on a bridge. Some of my most memorable victories were due to me taking advantage of terrain. Not to mention that geography having an impact on war is more historically accurate.
I'd say I prefer this system, but you're right on point with the AI not being competent enough to utilize it. I don't get it, is AI talent that rare to find? This has been a problem with TW games for years. Shouldn't they have improved or at least found a competent AI programmer in all this time. I've seen people talking about mods that improved the AI so can't they talent hunt some modders? God damn.
>I don't get it, is AI talent that rare to find? This has been a problem with TW games for years.
there's no point in improving AI when MP exists. that's just a fact for all games.
>building forts
should i play Total War Shogun 2 before Fall of the Samurai?
What's the difference between Rome 2 and Rome 2 Emperor Edition?
Does Emperor edition come with the Dlc on the store page?
The worst total war in my personal opinion. It's well made but the combat is far too fast and the units all look the exact fucking same. Archers are good though, that I'll admit.
I'm just not into the Japanese warfare of that time, the fort sieges are tedious too.
do you want superior nip iron folded over a thousand times or rooty tooty point and shooties
You guys are gonna make me rewatch The Last Samurai again.
Arty in FotS is fun as fuck
are you that poor? whats your steam name so i can "Sent ;)"
PS: Total war : warhammer is third best total war series fuck yall