Is there a reliable way to get a PS4 for sub-$200...

Is there a reliable way to get a PS4 for sub-$200? I have the money but I wouldn't want to spend the money on a malfunctioning unit or anything.

You can get one for $250.

$250 is too much for a PS4, they perform at $200 or below worth.

So I guess it isn't a good idea? I guess I should just wait then.

>would spend $200 on a used, possibly fucked PS4
>won't spend $250 on a new working one with a warranty and Uncharted 4 included

Sell Uncharted 4 for 40 bucks and you spent only 10 dollars over what you paid for OP

Where would I sell it? I'm a college kid with no car.

>in college
>don't know where to sell a video game
glad to see your parents money isn't being wasted on your education

Even the good stores won't give me $40.

>I have the money
Then buy a new console

>but I wouldn't want to spend the money on a malfunctioning unit or anything.
Then don't buy it second-hand. If you get a malfuncioning unit there's a new thing called "warranty" with which you can get a new one at no additional cost. I know I know, it's a very recent deal, with """warranty""", I think they implemented it 2 weeks ago on all objects ever sold or something.

>$250 is too much
oh, so you DON'T "have the money" if $50 makes or breaks the deal. Why lie in the OP then?
Wait another year for that price-drop and get one in 2018, there, simple.

Ok full story:

I can get the remaining parts for a PC (provided by friends old parts) for $200. I don't see the value in a console that mostly performs badly for MORE money.

Pawnshops I work at a pawnshop and sell them for around $170

Get PC Parts or buy a PS4 Second Hand. It's your decision ot make not ours.

That sounds like your problem, not SONY's or anyone else's.

250$ is a very fair price. Either buy it or don't, your choice. If you already have a PC and don't care for PS4 games i'd say upgrade.

Get a used one.

Then get a PC, what do I care?
It's not like the PS4 is struggling, selling through 50million units at the end of Nov, probably at 53-55m at the end of 2016, and by the end of this year it'll be at 70m to 80m.
It's not like your individual purchase will affect the support this system gets and I'll recieve less games as a result, it already surpassed that threshold long ago. Same goes for 3DS, I'm not going to try to pander to you to get those systems, just not worth the time as it doesn't affect anyone but you in the end.

If you still don't have at least a mid-range PC then I don't see why you wouldn't build one. It's your priorities, my uni days ended 2 years ago and I fully transitioned to a happy idort. Seems like you care too much about "power" while not giving a shit about the games you want to play, so I guess the library itself doesn't matter.

Do what you want, do what feels better for you. I'd just advise to not buy a second-hand console, that's the only way your can truly fuck up. (I'd say the same for 2nd hand CPU/GPU/MOBO but whatever)

$250 for sub30 is not worth it.
Second hand PS3 works fine

It is if you're not a manchild still whining about framerate and want to play PS5 exclusives.

If not, PC is ok.

Sub30 is legitimately terrible. Constant 30 is fine but no console should ever go below 30.

Well not many games actually do that to your surprise.

And even then, sometimes it's worth those brief shit moments to play stuff like BB. So again, it's all about how much you want to play those games

Jesus christ, if you can get a PC instead get that, it's a absolute no brainer.

Only worth getting one if you've already got a PC.

I mean I want to play them. I just wish the hardware was really worth $250. I'll check my game stores though, they might sell for $180

got a coworker who'll sell me his PS4 along with a controller, Scholar & Bloodborne for $200.

Feels good, whenever I take him up on the offer.

Death Stranding makes me want to get a PS4. And BB. But idk.

If you're gonna be that stubborn on rather unimportant hardware specifications (3DS is a junk machine, still has good games) then just go with a PC m8.

Otherwise keep searching. You should've bought it on Black Friday

>Second hand PS3 works fine
Sure, I'm not saying every second-hand purchase ends in disaster, but what if it does? You'll have a $200 brick with no warranty and no resale value.
Or you can spend $50 more to get warranty, avoid any fault (can be sent back otherwise) and a mainstream game which you can sale to the millions of casuals that want it to almost make up for the extra $50 you paid in the first place.

>$250 for sub30 is not worth it.
Not all games are 30fps. In fact if you like japanese games the majority are 1080p60fps, believe it or not.
Regardless, with that mentality you'll miss out of a lot of gems, some of the best games out there ran like absolute shit. If you only ever play stable 60+fps games then you'll have much narrowed choices.

You don't buy consoles for hardware performance you fucking dumbass.

Most people do actually for the xbone/ps4

The only platforms where people ACTUALLY play the exclusives frequently is PC and nintendos various consoles

No they don't. They pick based on what their friends play. And considering they're practically the EXACT SAME console with the exception of the Xbox having a shittier GPU, they're still so close that nobody gives a shit.

If hardware is seriously a problem for you when buying a CONSOLE you have a brain disorder.

>needing a car to sell a videogame

Truly the most intelligent OP of all time.

>Death Stranding makes me want to get a PS4.

Yeah I love buying hardware for a no-gameplay trailer of a game I know almost nothing about.

You see, what I really mean is I like to choke on Kojima-San's penis because I am a massive homosexual.

Most games on PS4 run at a locked framerate. There are a ton of games that run at 60fps but you won't see Digital foundry checking them out because they aren't popular games to most westerners.