How much of a stereotypical "gamer" are you?

How much of a stereotypical "gamer" are you?

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I'm an ugly fat virgin.

So better than 90% of Sup Forums.

I'm neither fat nor a neckbeard but I make up for it with my disgusting piece of shit face.

I'm an ugly fat wizard, but I hide my power level in public at least.

I haven't seen another human in two weeks.

I'm a cute fat virgin.

You can't be cute and fat at the same time.

Thin, in good shape

Bad social skills and NEET. Probably somewhat autistic.

So some but not all.

All consoles. Don't play them. Glasses. Short. Shitty beard. Nasty attitude

my mom says I'm cute

Ugly, overly skinny, terrible acne, 22 and still live with my parents.

The only box that I don't get to put a check mark in is the no friends box. I still see them a few times a year, though I guess that's not saying much.

wow where did he surface this time? Sup Forums?

a skinny fat virgin who's main gaming platform is a laptop

Lv 3 paladin, 0.01 kd.

I'm skinny but not skeleton-level, and pretty normal looking. Girlfriend struggles with me as a person because of my depression and anxiety, hence me spending all day on vidya. Don't call me a normie for having a gf, she's just as fucked up as me (good looking though)

Yo mum is a nigger.

>5 pounds overweight as opposed to 110 this time last year which is an improvement i guess
>24 year old KHV
>shut in
>no friends
>can't drive

There was underage nudes of her sister on their family's website. They were taken in their cabin.

His bro is here

I'm a virgin but that's about it

Well, I'm fat, ugly and virgin
I only use glasses when I play vidya
But i don't show my power level when i'm with friends or normies

ugly fat wizard autistic neet reporting in

>no neckbeard
>probably autistic
>no friends
>can't even make them online


I'm a 6/10 skinnyfat introvert and I keep my bedroom window closed at all times.

I don't play too too often, but can git gud. I'm just hitting level 98 in overwatch, but go toe to toe with my level 300 friends.

Otherwise, I have a standard 8-5 doing IT
I do electronics projects
Going to start the city's first 3d printing business.
also smoke mad dank

i dunno sounds pretty average desu fampai

>I own video games
>I play video games
>I talk about video games sometimes with friends who like video games

>Never say the word "gamer", wear video game shit or use a handhelds in public
>Frequently bite my tongue instead of sperging about Todd Howard or BioWare

>Ugly overweight (not chaotic fat) wizard
>Huge beard
>Drinking problem
>No friends

Pretty stereotypical m8

Short, autistic, former fedora, low hygiene, extremist ( political, moral)

I don't know if little empathy counts or not

>6ft3 270lbs
>built fat (former wrestler, football player)
>ER nurse
>have a gf (5ft3 100lbs)
>play vidya all day on days off or hang with gf
I'm not very stereotypical, I play a ton of vidya now because I have 4 days off a week. I work 3, 13 hour shifts in a row and I don't have kids or anything

I'm underweight, I use glasses (but I will have to switch to contact lenses because of keratoconus) and I sport a stylish jewfro.
I guess you could say I'm beautiful.

I wear contact lenses and spend all my money on expensive clothing so nobody can tell I'm a NEET who spent NYE alone playing video games.

>has money for expensive clothes

Do mommy and daddy pay for them?

I saved before turning NEET.

Would not bang

Am an idort who enjoys all games, thankfully the gods blessed me with good looks. Not a Virgin, not neet, so basically I'm better than all of you as a person.


Fat (gonna work on that)
Slightly autistic towards people at my age

Studying on the best university of my country
Started going on parties, talking more with people

Still the cons are worse but I think I can do something about it.

What is a stereotypical "gamer" exactly?


I'm not a virgin and l am pretty social and know how to hide my powerlevel. I am however a fatass and also a alcoholic

>gonna work on that


I'm an ugly overweight virgin but I don't talk about vidya to people who don't care and I'm relentlessly self-effacing and self-critical.