Filename Thread









Oh fuck me kek




Is this Heavenly Sword? holy shit looks bad

I don't see what's unusual with her movement, and I'm someone that plays quite a lot of dota...

>I don't see what's unusual with her movement

The fact that there's a delay of about a second or so before she starts moving


>I don't see what's unusual with her movement, and I'm someone that plays quite a lot of dota...

You barely played. Check her turn rate you nerd



I still can't believe EA let the Devil do their presentation that year

I love how much damage controll EA went trough to stop people from calling out him looking like the devil.

I mean shit, nigga didnt even take a hint. He must either be either a self congratory tool or literally the devil.


psst... nothing personnal kid

I am surprised that this is the first I've seen this.
Its literally the most basic joke.

maybe is the less evil looking guy they have, imagine the higher ups with horns and shit



Yeah we should be thankful they let their lowliest evil looking guy do the talking, the actual people in control would give the audience a collective heart attack out of sheer disbeleif in such evil.




>Courier gets a desk receptionist job

needs a name


looks prefectly normal to me



>not "manly tears evades the mods"

I've been here too long




Ive seen this filename for over a year and still don't get it. Don't spoonfeed me though



I can't even name them all. What is the gay robot on the right from?

Who the fuck is the anime grill and the eyeball.

Did they ever catch the nigger?

You guys are weak.
Clearly you aren't the ones. In fact, you're real zero's when it comes to gaming.

>The Gamer's ____F Test


what damage control did they do?

It's just The Gamer's Test user.
Aren't you a Gamer?

But it's not

Sorry i can't name some weeb shit son.

If you weren't such a zero you'd realize they are super easy to name with just only 3 people being recognized.

Ill never forget you devilchan.

I'm sorry that a pattern that even a 12 year old would recognize escapes your grasp user. It must be hard going through life with zero brain cells.

It should take literally zero effort on your part to name those characters even if you aren't familiar with them. You're a retard.

fuck you user, you made me think for awhile
sub zero doesnt count because hes sub

I always thought it its to do with CHIM and Vivec but Im probably completely wrong

Dragonball Z

>we're looking for a black male between 5 and 7 feet




Faggot HUNK
Major Zero
Weebshit girl
Kirby's dreamland boss

>looking for good posts on Sup Forums

They're all named Zero or some variation of it, aren't they?

Dragon Ball Z opening "CHALA HEAD CHALA" + super saiyan aura


How did you dumb faggots not realize they were all Zero except SubZero almost instantly?



I got the joke, faggot. Just didn't care.



that could work if the revolver roll is just a decoration and not real thing

>I was only pretending to be retarded

then you are high or retarded

>please fist me

The Pigs fucking castle siege is the most bullshit thing in videogame history.



those are all games I don't really play, subzero I got and that bitch is from drakengard or something

i read all that in chris morris's voice

and this is why women think men are fools, some of us are beyond desperate and just like dogs

EA employee here. This guy is actually fucking awesome and employee satisfaction is the highest it's ever been, same goes for what he did for our stocks. He's considered the savour of EA internally and to the shareholders.


The DBZ theme is called Cha-La Head-Cha-La.



Why the fuck am I laughing like a retard.


Looks like Shaq.



Nigger I'm a literal fat fetishist and thats possibly the most disgusting thing I've seen in months.

