You've played it, right Sup Forums?
You've played it, right Sup Forums?
10 years ago when it came out, yes.
>get to final boss
>it turns out its not the final boss
>the plot goes full on lol you thought it was over but it was me, PADDING
>groundhog day bullshit and starting all over again but now with a literal homosexual as my partner
And then I deleted it from my Acekard and never looked back.
Yes, it's one of the best games of all time.
Before neo-Sup Forums, this was the no. 1 response in threads asking games that everyone agrees are good
You wanted the game to be like 2 hours long? Good one user
>All that endgame content
Pretty sweet game
Absolutely loved it; I'm still mad we never got a sequel.
>2 hours
It took like 10 hours or more to get to Day 7.
Fuck you shiteater.
Hey it's not our fault you suck and want tiny easy games
Go play gone home or something
Best game of 2008, best game on the DS, best RPG made by Square Enix.
Non ironically my favorite game of all time
>tfw doing an ultimate run with 0 food items
>tfw stuck on the fucking pinky fight for months
2 hits and I'm fucking dead
That's still a pretty shitty lengthy for an RPG, plus there's a bunch of unanswered questions by that point. Was pretty clear the game wasn't over. Maybe get some reading comprehension and understand the plot next time.
No because the artstyle is utter trash
Literally not true. The game is shit and I've been here for over a decade.
Interesting gameplay but it has a story for teenagers, like a light novel. The characters are so boring give off the quintessential emotionally stunted japanese writer vibe that all of Nomura's games do.
Years ago on the DS, yes.
Between this and Ghost Trick the DS had two of the best games period.
this looks like the edgiest game ever
>It will actually be 10 years since this came out come July 26th
Is this the most overrated game of all time?
we're actually dying senpai
Nah, just the best DS game of all time.
love this game
really good fight mechanics and the characters arent totally trash. a good squarenix title
don't put ghost trick on the same level as this mess
is that a joke about how angular the art style is? because if it is its clever.
Yup, it's the best game on the DS. I almost didn't play it because the first hour Neku annoyed me, but after that I couldn't stop playing it. Amazing gameplay, stylish, the OST is great and the post-game content is godlike.
It's amazing how long your taste has been shit.
It's honestly my number one favorite game. Why won't square just give me an HD port on the 3DS
The 3ds would have to support HD resolutions
Without a doubt, the best handheld game ever made. It's a fucking masterpiece. One of the few games that actually deserve a 10/10.
>tfw Nomura has said that he wants to make a sequel but his schedule is already too busy
In all honesty, I wouldn't mind if they scrap Final Fantasy VII Remake for a The World Ends With You Too
I still have my copy sitting somewhere in my room, the uncomfortable battle controls keep me from finishing it.