"Snake! this is a top secret solo sneaking mission! absolutely no-one can know that the United States were involved! It's so secret, that you can't even take a weapon with you!"
>Snake leaves FOXHOUND parachute and US ARMY helmet in the middle of the forest
"Snake! this is a top secret solo sneaking mission! absolutely no-one can know that the United States were involved!...
It's Metal Gear Solid. of course the writing is going to be shit.
skull face picked that stuff up among other things. Keep up with the retcons bro
Skullface cleaned up after Snake
then why didn't they give him a gun, and skullface could've picked that up if he dropped it
So how was this slimy limey behind everything?
Oh wait! MGS4 isn't canon.
>It's Metal Gear Solid. of course the writing is going to be shit
MGS is literally the best series in the terms of writing
Go back to your first person shooters and nintendoshit, underage cunt
Such a lust for revenge...
Nah, it's Kyle Hyde duology
Retarded weeb
It's a campy James Bond movie ripoff
i think that donald anderson had more to do with it, since he crafted the AIs. Zero was a vegetable after TPP
Do you, perchance, also watch Naruto?
>watch Naruto?
No, I am not a child and I hate cartoons, especially the ones that look more autistic than sonic fanart on devianart
>Retarded weeb
Lmao, I am the least weeb person on the planet
Tell us your favorite game so people can shit on it
Strange, a lot of MGS fans I find on the internet tend to have Naruto games in their PSN/Steam profiles. I think you're hiding something.
Why would anyone over the age of 10 unironically watch cartoons?
The spiritual sequel sucks though.
The Amazing World of Gumball is pretty good.
Really? That's disappointing. I was hyped for japanese Kyle Hyde
MGS James Bond movie?
Is he going to go around and extract every bullet fragment from every soldier that Snake shoots?
I want to fuck Nicole
No to all.
Kill yourself