Darkest Dungeon

Lets get it rolling, who is best cursed soul and why is it the leper

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*insert a post about grind, rng, repetition, broken promises and indieshit kikestarter shovelware*


yea lets just keep bumping this dead thread with game sprites

>not this

*insert a post about gitting gud, risk management, not being that grindy and celerity*

But that's not the crusader

>tfw the campire hunter/fanatic is a boss/encounter and not a class in the expansion/dlc

I'm quite miffed about that, but the premise of his interactions with the party are great.

All perfectly valid criticisms, ironically posting that they'll be posted doesn't get rid of them

this guy knows it
mod link please

i downloaded it mainly because of that sprite.

thanks man

waiting for the next big patch just to see if it can salvage this shit game
that wasnt actually ironic, unlike

christ those donut steel characters from nexusmods are fuck awful
majority arent even good for using as skins

>make a non-nigger arbalest mod
>forget to change her skin color in heroic/afflicted sprites

>tit window

Most of the class mods are absolute shit.Some skins like pic related are good though.

I dont even use custom classes, just download them for the skins

you would have thought people would have put effort into keeping classes that make sense for the setting. but we get vampires, harlots, whateverthefuck shit that makes no sense to be fighting with you
but i do like that crusader


Look at this hot mess. Look at it and laugh.

Wait, what is this?

When does the Expac come out?

what the fuck is that.

A new boss from upcoming DLC

It is a bit of a shame, but I'm hoping that'll lead the devs to do the opposite and include another areligion vamp character or something. If they had a Fanatic Hunter like him in the game he'd probably be counted as religious, and the last thing the game needs is pushing more awesome characters out that can't go with the Abomination.

New boss for the DLC. He seems pretty cool from his mechanics and interactions, you can find the info on their website.

the power of mods when devs keep the modtools for themselves
seriously, all sound effects and music is coded and packed inside the exe, how fucking retarded does one have to be to do something like that

>That color scheme
Fucking hell

the author knows what he's doing
the colors are truly terrifying, they put lovecraft to shame

Is there any more info regarding release date and/or pricetag of the DLC?

Should I do this?

I have $100 left, is the game honestly good, or just a meme?

both are good games, i would recommend it

its Xcom lovecraft edition

Do you like a bit of a grind and punishing content? RNG or not, you can still overcome most situations. Shits just going to leave you hurting sometimes.

They said it would be coming out soonish.
They're both fun, it's worth the cash.
Depends on a lot of things. If you like these types of games, are willing to learn from mistakes the hard way, don't lose your temper easily and have a hard on for dark atmosphere then you'll probably like it a lot.

>no beak
Fucking why, though?

>tfw I got a tempting goblet drop

This year started pretty good

its supposed to be a rogue enemy

Hey, she has too many fingers.

whats your favorite class and why is it grave digger?

there is a beak version


>that Lunge
>that mobility in general
>that sprite
>those lines
Grave Robber best girl.



Leper + Jester combo is one of my favorites

Exactly, everyone else only has four. I think.



Huh. They do on the little sprites, just not the splash sprites I guess.

Anyone have the Huniepop Audrey recolor for the Grave Robber? It was made in Sup Forums, or /vg/, DD threads and I haven't seen it on the Nexus.

getting anywhere curve is quite hard but it's very rewarding to succeed

the actual sprites have 4 fingers


I want to dig her grave, if you catch my drift

well in that case she still has exact same amount of fingers as everyone else
4 on small sprites and 5 on big ones

>Reynauld the Leech

So you can rob it?

I too want her to sit on my face until I suffocate.

I guess they thought the hands looked too big with 5

I gave a fair try to the game but there is no risk management when the game lies about my hit chance.

>95% and 90% attacks missing more than half of the time

Ye nah, dropped harder than OP Mom' balls. There is no management, you just get dicked over and over forcing you to retreat and grind.


They give you the information but you're not looking in the right places. Yeah that ability you selected has a 90% hit chance but the enemy you used it on has a 60% dodge chance.

So where did she get the poison before, then?

This is nice and seemingly fitting for people like that. Granted I'd imagine the Abomination a bit more skeptical of kindness, but hey it works if it's been happening for a while.

>tfw you realize that's the vial she drinks from for Toxin Trickery

>still no mobile port
I'd pay serious money for it, but I heard they are working on it, the lead dev said that his dream is seeing someone break their tablet in public playing the game

Yeah I heard they were going to work on that after the DLC. I'd play the fuck out of it if I had a tablet, but I'm looking forward to it being an option.

that's kind of hot


Is it true that this game is getting a new difficulty mode that cuts down on the grind?

I love this game's art direction, but don't care for grinding.

>the Highwayman kills his family

Whats the story there? He cant stop killing?

Yeah you heard correctly. There's a full description of their intentions for it at the bottom of the update notes.

I take it he's so far gone from the horrors of war that he cant go back to how he was before

Its what fucks soldiers up after a war, they learn to disconnect from what makes them human, then they cant reconnect

Isn't it her throwing dart?

My interpretation on it is that war is hell, and the people who come back from it aren't always the same as when they left. He doesn't care about his family anymore and grew to crave his domination on the battlefield over them.

I think he enjoys crusading too much to be a family man anymore.

I always took it as "I donĀ“t want my son to become a killing machine like so I must not corrupt him with my presents"

its the syringe dart

The details of all their ages are also worth noting. His child is barely old enough to process what's going on in the first panel and he and his wife both look around their late 20s or early 30s. When he gets back his son is a teenager, his wife has more greyed hair and he has more memories on the battlefield than he has with them. It's not the family he left and he's not the man who left them.

>I must not corrupt him with my presents

having two different DD threads up at once is confusing

I know my dick isn't confused.

I love this games art direction, difficulty, but man i fucking hate the grind extenders

Whoops, didn't realize there were. I just saw this one and started posting in it.

Oh fuck, Vvulf is here to fuck your shit up, what's your party composition? Surely you aren't going to just ignore his vicious attacks on your hamlet. Are you a bad enough dude to go for the side rooms with ancestor's trinkets?

Wheres the lewd ?


man that looks great

too bad that I play one the ps4
having more skins for reach class would greatly increase my enjoyment of the game

>enemies like the witch
>that ending

In retrospect I really didn't like this game.

You need to do some basic math yourself in the game. You have a chance to hit, they have a chance to dodge. I don't believe it calculates it all for you.

What the fuck am I looking at?

a custom class mod

a terrible case of OC and something that doesnt fit the setting

Great art style, great mechanics, awful grind fest

Best class is Occultist. Helion close 2nd.

someone called the fun police

>tfw want to use crusader, but man at arms is just better in every way
The fact that some old heroes like PD and Vestal stayed relevant and some, like Highwayman and Crusader became totally obsolete really grinds my gears.

>sending poor souls on torchless runs knowing they will be disbanded after the quest

MMA is an all rounder frontliner, less specialized than classes like Leper and Crusader.
Gotta get that money somehow.