ITT: Post your most hated character of all time

Hard Mode: It can't be a villian.

Other urls found in this thread:

>t. Nebby

>hating lily
>the girl, who constantly admires you, falls in love with you and kinda even says that
lily ist best girl you fucking shitface.


>Fat, ugly, pink and generally designed to be a troll character on a MMO.
>But no, this person think this is legit a good design for his character. This faggot WANT this as his character.
>Literally exist just to force the plot along for the protag to force him to make a guild that he doesn't even want.
>Later exist to be a forever weak character that you will need to help on side quests and such.
>His goddamn voice is annoying alone.
>The only thing he even close at being good at is a stupid card minigame which you can easily kick his ass in.
>Never actually helped the protag in anyway throughout the game.

The game would actually been better if he never existed. He is a one-time side quest character that for whatever reason the devs felt should be seen as a main cast member and will remind you of such whenever you may start to forget.

hey fucker alvin turns his life around

the entire cast of final fantasy 13

>falls in love with you
>On a Pokemon Game

This, but more specifically Vanille.

Snow and Sazh are pretty based, everyone else you're right.

muh wind

Snow was the only character i liked at first, but the one i hated the most by the end.

Ken from Persona 3 did literally nothing wrong but that still doesn't stop him from being a faggot with the way he did things.

Extreme Mode: Character's existence has ruined the game that they were in.

Literally every character in coldsteel except for Sara is shit

Literally the most useless piece of shit ever that stupidly got people killed
I was happy to watch him fall to his death at that tower

Literally a worse person than any of the "bad guys" throughout the series.



>stupid "kawaii" cunt that follows you through the whole game and wont shut the fuck up about you
>constantly drags you into her pointless bullshit and mommy issues
>game freak is practically forcing you to love her with all the attention she gets
>her fandom is cancer incarnate
What's not to hate?




Anything to come out of this fucking franchise.

>play major good guy all game
>except when I can finally kill this annoying bitch
>"oh shit, now I gotta fight her giga nigga brother"
>never see him again
>apparently he went and married the noblewoman of that other city

>Post your most hated character of all time

Probably one of these
>MIO from Rogue Galaxy
>Aerie from Baldurs Gate 2
>the new Lara Croft
>Snow from Suikoden 4

nigger i will kill you



Lily... had a hard life

as soon as I saw this cunts design I knew she'd be fucking insufferable

>"Oh hey kid" *smirks*
>"I will help you " *wink*
>"Oh hey ojou-chan" *wink*
>"We are men" *wink*
and after finally getting good plotdevelopment and beeing a crew member
>"Oh jude I will kill you and the entire party, because Milla sacrifced her for us".

No thanks.

It is implied you stupid shit, play it.

It´s easy not hating easy, just stop beeing gay.

Her "dying" along with Litchi and Kagura getting cucked were the best scenes of CF.

>Allegedly the reason the third and fourth games were separate was due to this piece of shit being shoved in.

>Prompto from FF15
>Taper from Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
>The Ghost from Destiny
> Warren from Forza Horizon 3

Hiyoko from Danganronpa 2


Fuck her and her stupid hat.

I want Nebby posters to leave.

Wrong answer.

2016 memes weren't good and this is proof.


>disliking the intellectual rapist
shit taste desu

The edgy trailer park meme in GTA 5

Fanbase is not a valid point to hate something.

I hate jojoposting but anime/manga itself is not shit because of it.

Viridi did nothing wrong.

This boring piece of shit

Humans come from nature. Humans are a part of the natural state.

>lillie's room

Better than JUST and other assorted Sup Forums and Sup Forums shit.

The world would be better WITHOUT YOUUUU.


She wasn't that bad

Lighten the fuck up

Pic related also counts.

at least she gets what she deserves in V & becomes decent in V-II

Why? He is the anti-bro

sup faggets

He did nothing wrong


I chuckled


Yukari should have died.

>he hates lillie more than hau


>the box
>not a bag

Sociopath. Ben's just a kid. Bet you picked Kenny too

Fuck off, Hau's a cool dude.

Any vidya character who blocks your path and any vidya character who forces you through a tutorial.

Agreed. I just wanted her to shut up and let me get on with the game.

Half as long...

>I must protect Nebby
>but I won't become a trainer
What a useless sack of shit.

my favorite part of the game was wiping his shit eating grin off his face

Any female character that the game tries to force on the player. The last game I played was Pokemon Sun, so Lillie.

Fucking this. The entire game was full of assholes but this fucker takes the cake.

fuck you that guy was the best part about that game

I hate this bitch

At least I give the humans you kill peace after death.

Oh, please. At least Hau wasn't the useless waifu that had to be helped by everyone in the game and didn't interrupt us every five steps. He even had some good parts in the story instead of being the walking cliche that is Lillie.

This faggot Link-wannabe

What did she do?


everyone did, it's why she was replaced with some random nigger in the next game.



I don't know what Trucy sees in this guy

Most based douche of all time.
How can you not love him?

oh God she so sexy

>It is implied you stupid shit, play it.
No it isn't, just because she had admiration towards MC's bravery doesn't mean she was lusting for dick/cock, she wanted to be like the MC that's it, hell we had more implications with Shauna on X/Y or ruri/tetsu on B2/W2 and yet it leds to nothing.

fucking moron.

Amy Rose, of course.

the fanbase IS shit and so is the anime
I can see why reddit loves it though, literally panders to them just like all of CDPR's games

How does a 30 year old manga pander to reddit?

why do you hate women?

You're a dumb piece of shit and honestly i hope you're one of the first thousand people to die in 2017.

Be a hypocrite the defies the laws of her own universe

One of the producers of the game basically shoved her inside the game and made her more important without any real flaws compared to the other characters, due to the fact that he wanted to get it on with her VA. As a result, she became one of the biggest mary sues the series had ever seen and this was after Milla "fuck spyrites" Maxwell. She even looks like the person who voiced her, so people connected the dots pretty quickly.

There were various other issues with the game too, but this was easily the biggest issue. And let me tell you, 2chan and their fellows weebs were fucking livid about this. They went to fucking town on he producer, Baba, for ruining this game. It got so bad that the next game, Berseria, basically completely did everything it could to bring back the fans (Edgy female protagonist that looks like Milla and the plot goes against Zestiria's) and Baba got so much rage from nips, that he had to sit out from anything that had to do with the game and possibly won't be producing any more Tales games or at least won't be getting any public acknowledgement.

glad someone said it. What a fucking Gary Stu

so jojoposters are easily triggered as well? I'll keep that in mind

Forgot mine.
>anime is shit
Nah it's decent. I've seen worse adaptations.


Revenge never felt so good.

I almost didn't mention this, but one of the heroines that was shown in the game's initial trailer also got shafted for Rose too, which caused huge butthurt for the Nips. The fact that Rose is Zinnia-tier unlikable certainly didn't help.

If you want to get the whole story, check this out.

This flaming fuckboy plus his bitch, Yuna
FF X is the only game with half decent gameplay I've dropped because I couldn't stand the writing
Literally worse than XIII

Is that a JoJo reference?

this piece of shit