Recycled bethesda engine

>recycled bethesda engine
>terrible graphics
>abysmal gunplay; guns literally shoot like they're about to fall apart any minute
>no reward for exploration; 90% of locations on the map are just caves with animals, farmhouses and other brands of wowitsfuckingnothing.jpg
>"edgy high school kid reads Animal Farm and thinks he's a writer now"-tier plot
>cringeworthy dialogue
>karma system
>lacks the humor/atmosphere of fallout 3, no choices as memorable as blowing up megaton
>illusion of choice in general i.e. you kill caesar, he just gets replaced by someone else
>boring setting
>buggier than every bethesda game ever
>only enjoyed by neckbeards who self insert "b-but muh rpg elements"

can we stop pretending this was good yet?

It was good for an Obsidian game.
They always do better when another company does 90% of the heavy lifting.

>Furious at games that are now generations old

Yeah, uh, you keep fighting the good fight OP.

i see bethdrones are still salty about best fallout game


Yep, it was always a mediocre 7.5 game at much. Obsidrones would praise anything to look contrarian.

Still baffles my mind how terrible fallout 3 was. I've never dropped a game 10% of the way in before.

>literally the only good Obsidian game ever made

They always do better when a company constantly rides their ass reminding them of their deadlines.

The type of people who like New Faggot are the type of people who smell like balls and ass

Breaking it to Chris that he's not a ghoul and helping him sabotage the rockets was a much funnier quest choice than blowing up Megaton, prove me wrong.

>Leave Vault 101 after a fucking hour
>Look at radio
>"Enclave Radio Station"
>Not on the West Coast
>Immediately uninstall

My only qualm is sparse walking segments and BROWN BROWN BROWN.

Also fucking kill yourselves with your juvenile attempts at trolling, yeah STALKER SoC is fucking shit only faggots and retards play that shit

player.setav speedmult


I have a friend who shills f3 insanely hard (he might be in this thread actually). I tried playing it several times to stop him chewing my ear over it but every time something makes me wince at how retarded it is and I uninstall not even 3 hours in.

Fallout NV thread?
Fallout NV thread.
Post favorite weapon, companion, quest and Faction.

You can stop whatever you want faggot, you're entitled to you own retarded opinion as I'm to mine

delete this

You know, I'd agree with you if you weren't trying to imply that it was worse than Fallout 3.

Pic related
Raul + E-DE
Beyond the Beef

Finally, finally finally someone in / v / who thinks the same as me about this poopy game. You could not have more reason user-dono. This game is a constant disappointment from start to finish. You can say higher, but not clearer.

God bless you

Anti-materiel rifle
Cass + Rex
That one with Cook Cook

Lever-Action Shotgun. I used it for everything, god damn ammo crafting system was great.
Raul, because who doesn't like having a chill wisecracking Danny Trejo following them around?
House always wins.

Too much good fucking taste in one post, delet

Blowing up Megaton is the only fucking thing Fallout 3 is remembered for. When I think of Fallout 3 I think of the endless hours roaming around destroyed buildings and undergrounds filled with super mutants or ghouls. It's not a bad game but it falls so far behind New Vegas