Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

>4 months after release
>still doesn't have all the promised launch content available

ridiculous grind + ridiculous RNG + ridiculous class imbalance + ridiculous difficulty spikes (EN mythic is a snoozefest, ToV helya is a 400-500+ attempt wipefest for top 250 guilds)

continuing the "log in every day to do dailies and nothing else" format
massive spell pruning and general class imbalance
layers and layers of rng on regular items
rng legendaries
stupid fucking diablo difficulty modes

>layers and layers of rng on regular items
>rng legendaries

The game is dying.
Brace yourself for cash shops and loot chest keys any day.

I'm glad I quit the game at its pinnacle, with WOTLK

pretty much nothing to do but raid.

Legendary system is fucking atrocious, titanforging, and the mythic + system is a grind compared challenge modes.

Find myself running older expansions for rare mounts and transmog items than doing any of the Legion content.

They doubled down on the same type of nonsense that made WoD such a failure, but they really got out of their way, this time, to make sure they would have total control over the way people experience the game, but it got so bad it's not even enjoyable anymore. You log in to do what blizzard expects you to do, as often as blizzard predetermined you should do, in order to get something blizzard planned you to have, but that's not the way you do things in an mmorpg.

If you strip players off their autonomy over their own destiny in a virtual world that sells itself as being vast and interesting, people will leave. Blizzard wants to keep control over how long people play, and over what they do, but they lost track of what is actually healthy and good for the game, and what is just plain absurd time sinking or worthless bullshit.

I knew this was coming when I first heard you had to gather a fucking currency in order to use your weapon in legion. That got me really suspicious back when they announced the expansion, but I knew the bullshit was going to be serious when I heard about world quests, bonus objectives, and "treasure boxes" as rewards.

RNG Legendaries are probably the biggest sin of Legion. I dont think even the most droniest of blizzdrones can defend it.
Whoever thought having BiS items being random world drops was a fucking moron.

i was enjoying it just fine until they completely changed the way my class plays a few weeks into the expansion

then i suddenly remembered why i quit wow back in the day

This, holy shit.

I dropped Legion the second I realized I could plan out what my ilvl would be with solid accuracy for the next two months

I wish MMOs would get away from BiS mentality. I want to see a world with vast gear variety and viability, but that won't happen I think without a fundamentally different approach to character stats, among other things.

Mythic+ dungeons offering better loot than raids killed it for me. I'm just waiting for the new Nost server now.

What killed the game was LFG and CRZ, that's for sure. You can say the game quality went down during WotLK, but it was still fun until LFG came out and then it felt like the server community had died. There's no reason to talk to anyone, ever, because you can just queue for whatever you need and it's so simple you can't lose.

Casuals and females have 15 bucks too, user.

If they got rid of the gear treadmill they'd lose a really big part of the carrot on a stick bullshit they use to keep people playing and buying expansion.

I think.. I think I wane fuck MEZ nao

Literally baby's first mmo rng
I've played tons of korean grind shit mmos and this game is a lot more forgiving

The gear system is the worst is the worst it's ever been outside of vanilla

Did my first raid lost week got a helmet expecting it to outclass my current helmet that I got through a world quest it was worse then what's the point of doing raids if WQ drops are better?

>playing retail

Warlords burned us the fuck out. Legion started strong, but quickly fell into a gigantic endgame grind trap funneled through a city full of mass-killing stealth-breaking uber-elites that even ten man groups would get wrecked by, and anything above five-man couldn't do the quests.

>literally a single player MMO stripped of all social interaction
>designed towards the greatest rewards so noone needs to feel left out

Not that user, but I suspect that's the point. Carrot and stick is the most soulless design possible, and really the problem with modern WoW is soullessness.

>complaining about hard end game content

Modern WoW right here.

Yea, there is definitely no hope in sight (in this respect) for WoW or MMOs built on remotely similar design philosophy.

As a kid, back before my parents would let me play MMOs or before high speed was available in my area (EQ, Ultima, AO, FFXI etc.) I really hyped up what MMOs were like, in my head. I envisioned them being virtually limitless worlds where everyone looked different and had different stuff. You could go out adventuring one day and chance upon a ruins that had some evil wizard camping there. Maybe you could kill him and he would have a unique and powerful staff that existed nowhere else in the game, and you would become a bit famous on the server for being that guy with that strange staff that did whatever. Then people would brown nose you or even try and rob you for it, leading you to go live a hermit life in the forest, studying MAGIC and unlocking new secrets that the staff held. Cheesey fantasy book stuff, you know. Boy would I have been let down.

>all these people that weren´t in the Beta and fell for their master plan of lies and deceit
I even got to play Nighthold before you fags.

There is literally no reason to play WoW post ICC.

>"lets just give players an easy to earn currency so they can buy the best gear in the game!"
Was this the moment that WoW died?

if people didn't play post-icc there wouldn't be any goblin lewds.

Yea exactly. I want a game that leaves room for emergent gameplay rather than JUST a prescribed progression path.

If you don't have control over your upgrades you'll have to keep paying the game for longer in order to get what you want, besides, forcing you to do world quests, garrisons, and whatever other bullshit they add to the game, will discourage you from just raiding in order to progress your character, increasing player engagement with worthless garbage they later on can claim was a huge success, and everyone must love it since everybody is doing it.

I sincerely feel sick in my stomach to realize how blizzard plays people to do exactly what they want them to do.

Hard endgame content isn't the problem, the playerbase is.

Everyone with a shred of self-respect and taste left when they started caving into the whining little babies crying about the "difficulty" in early Cata. Now the only people left playing are said babies.

Dude you mixing up legion with WOTLK. That's the blue one from 2008. This is the 2016 green one. Go back to Everquest, gramps.

currency for gear starting with badges in bc.

Mythic+ Dungeons basically ment that half my BiS gear came from pathetically low drop chance reward caches.

I enjoyed WoW when I could dedicated my time to 3 nights a week, then dick around doing what ever I wanted including playing other games.

Mythic+ meant just another time sink that would cause you to fall behind if you didn't do them.

The game should reward discipline and organization. Not repetition and farming.

>mfw all of the people who were defending this game at launch have quit by now

Why not the gobelin CAR in ogrimar FROM the AH? I wAnne buy that. Broom Broom all the Barrrenz

>I sincerely feel sick in my stomach to realize how blizzard plays people to do exactly what they want them to do.

I suppose that's only natural considering they've got a team of slimy psyops types working for them thats job is to figure out how best to gouge the fuck out of their playerbase.

those were paid shills, user.

I too had those same fantasies, I pictured loads of random adventures you could have when exploring the world. Hell, when I heard about professions I thought that if you really wanted to then you could just start up a shop and spend your days selling tables that you made or some shit and become a beloved carpenter, I still dream about an mmo where a player can truly affect the world but I've pretty much accepted that it's too complex to ever really happen.

what is missing

not a blizzdrone but

>Nothing of value was lost

I didn't even expect to come back and try Legion, but my friend pre-ordered it like a dingus and I thought maybe it would be okay to quest with someone else. I don't know why i would think that. Questing in WoW isn't fun anymore no matter what way you cut it. We both just wanted to get it over with ASAP, and we would slow each other down at different points.

It actually worked for the first half of TBC, since badges were hard to come by and there was just one set of gear available throughout the expac to use them on.

And then came the Sunwell patch with all the catch-up memes...

This. It's terribly obvious Blizzard astroturfs the fuck out of Sup Forums just from the sheer magnitude of the shilling in the runup to a release and the deafening silence following it.

The native populace of Sup Forums don't give two fucks about WoW any more.

Titanforging and Mythic+ ruining progression

Heroic Raids being ye olde normal difficulty, and Mythic being rape you in the ass hard. 2 difficultires wasted on LFR and Normal

I tried staying for the RP, but even that's shit now. I quit last week cause I gave up trying to find an interesting story to do.

>badge of honor gear
>best in the game
Maybe for Karazhan, bud. Good luck doing BT with a full heroic set.

Personally, I haven't been able to get to max level in a long time because of how, since Cataclysm, they've been really aggressive about rubbing the shit story in your face. It really just wears down my will to live, but then I remember that playing WoW is a choice so I quit. Hence I quit playing Legion because of the boss chatter they brought over from Diablo 3. I suspect that's because my will to live was pre-worn in that respect, after putting up with Azmodan's "ho ho ho, you may have stopped this plan, but you can't possibly stop this next one!"

Stormblood is coming soon, bros. I predict WoW will lose a lot of subs this summer. Too bad they no longer report them.

Exactly. I still want this sort of experience but I know it won't come anytime soon. I read a lot of fantasy books then and that really colored my expectations for MMOs I guess. If anyone has read Tad Williams' Otherland series, that VR MMO that Orlando plays on the Net was how I envisioned it.

>The native populace of Sup Forums don't give two fucks about WoW any more.


No one really gives a fuck about wow outside of their own circle.

This, the amount of Mythic Raid gear (especially trinkets) that wasn't an upgrade over plus level dungeons was retarded.

Even if you got your BiS from a Mythic+ Dungeon. You would be just back farming it again when they increased the ilvl cap.

This is another problem. Main stories. It is fine if you want an overarching narrative but forcing a main story on every PC is ridiculous

muh shortstacks

It's not MoP.

I could repeat what everyone else has said, but that's the biggest problem for me. The game isn't as good as MoP was.

>boss chatter they brought over from Diablo 3
Oh my fucking jesus, I had completely erased this from my memory, holy fuck I hated that shit with such passion, you have no idea, and there was NO WAY to disable it back then.

Thank god I left this game.

The RNG in WoW is insane for a game that costs $15 a month on top of what? A bare MINIMUM $80 base investment. Sorta sad honestly, and I'm a warframe player.

MoP was shit though.

Go the vanilla route, beefy questlines that take you through multiple zones and encourage grouping but don't suffocate the entire game.

BT was cleared by a raid in full tier 3, so it probably isn't impossible to do in pre-raid BiS gear.

Did you start in MoP or what?

I don't think there's a way to disable it now, you can only skip cutscenes but boss chatter isn't cutscenes. The main reason you don't see it now is because nobody plays story mode. Which you'd think would be a hint.

A think! A think w@@w should give us all a chance to habe free gearz for the sakè of the french grillz stealing armour in mitychs. Fuck

and everything after it was diarrhea

>Blizzcon 2016
>All that constant "We brought back (good idea) from MoP" when talking about future patches for Legion

I think Blizzard understands that too.

MoP is the best of the post-WoTLK expansions, not that the bar was set very high. Based Xelnath actually gave a shit about keeping class uniqueness alive.

>don't get a random drop legendary while playing after two months
>fall behind everyone because you didn't get one, as any other member of your class/spec will be better than you just because everything's more of a pure gear check now than before

Thanks game.

The themepark model is stale, and fewer people want to deal with the exhausting gear treadmill when the reward is more grinding for gear that'll be obsoleted next raid tier. Moving from one attraction to the next has lost its appeal.

Hopefully theret a resurgence of sandbox games.

I love how you can tell someone has only played WoW when they complain about Legion grind

When can I have a Pandaren wife?

the only thing that has improved after WOTLK was the art sadly

>Which you'd think would be a hint.
You will like it, you just don't know it yet, but I promise you WILL like it.

Some stuff before it was MoP was the first truly dead expansion. Cata was a death cackle and it was barely even that. WotLK was the last half decent expansion the game saw.

The only problem is that it's too different from WoD for your average Sup Forums player, people here hate that now they actually have to play to get results.

I think they are already under a million. Stormblood could be the death stroke, even if that ends up being shit as well. I don't even want WoW to die, but it's like watching a loved one on life support.

Biggest issue is that they decided to add in RNG based legendaries. When I still played I raided with my Unholy DK and fucking hell, I was about 50k behind everyone else, I looked everywhere for what the issue was even though my gear was pretty much BiS if you exclude the gear you could get from Mythic raids. Turns out I needed a pair of bracers that would boost my DPS with a holy fuck ton, but it was a legendary and thus need RNG to get that stupid thing. Also my luck is shit, when I got my first legendary everyone else in the guild had been running around with two for a few weeks.

Also the fact that Mythic + is more beneficial to do than actual raids is a horrible design choice as they have:

>No limit
>Can drop gear better than heroic raiding gear
>RNG based traits that changes every week
>Still easy as fuck due to being 5 mans

its not a grind though. the entire game is raiding, and in order to raid optimally, ie raid at all, you need certain gear. and that gear is hidden behind RNG.

artificial difficulty

whats your point? that mop is shit? ok but what i said is still true

Yea that was much more preferable to me

People complained about no content so they made endless content and people don't like endless content because then they autistically pressure themselves into burning out instead of just playing at whatever pace they feel like

>WotLK was the last half decent expansion the game saw.
It had a fun story and great zones but it added too many elements to the game that would slowly go on to kill the game for me.

Funnily enough the shit I got from world quests are common drops and still had better stats then the raid gear I got only use it had was transmog and of all the world quests I did the rarest thing I ever got was the Invitation that leads to the fox mount which is a nice mount but the requirements are literally 3 day of garrison shit.

It's probably the best wow expansion ever. I'd still be playing it if I hadn't burned myself out on wow for, you know, more than ten years. I'll probably burn a token or two later to see how things turn out in content patches.

There's the vanilla shill.
Lap up those feces m8.

>Actually have to play to get results
Yeah RNG results and even more insane amounts of content gating to stretch content to make the game feel more "full". Not to mention making the actual game brain dead simple. The game basically walks you everywhere now. Your room basically builds itself. It's pretty sad.

Just because you can do the exact same thing you did yesterday, all over again, ad nauseam, it doesn't mean your content is "endless", it just means you are doing the same thing over and over.

>they actually have to play to get results.
they hand high end gear out like candy from world quests which are stupidly easy.

People that started in WoD and somehow stuck around were definitely in for some changes, that's for sure. But for many others, the problem was that the stuff you had to play and contend with to progress felt very stale and soulless, to use another user's wording. Even if you want to play your character as a lone wolf type, you don't want the game to categorically encourage that sort of behavior. Sure there are things you can do with others, but the prescriptive treadmill system has led to it all being mandatory in order to engage non-trivial content.

Nostalrius has better waifus

>What I said was still true
that everything post lich king isn't worth playing? Yeah sure. So what's your point? You like shit?

I love unique items, which wow has barely any of.

Not quite. The wqs give you some entry level raid gear ever few days so is you're content being "raid ready" in a month with some luck go for it. Meanwhile you get better gear faster from doing challenge dungeons.

It's boring, the setting is boring, where the fuck is the Legion invasion? It's fucking nothing, I cleared every quest on the dumb island and then what was left to see? Nothing, the story abruptly ends once you hit max level. It builds up to fucking repetitive world quests and doing the same dungeons over and over and over and over. Those dungeons are all shitty loot hallways too. There are so many other things to complain about, like the shitty character dialogue and voice acting and cinematics, but I would be here forever.

I just want to grab the devs and shake them like a retarded baby until they stop making shitty mobile games marketed as RPGs.

>create an abundance of content so that players can take it at whatever pace they want and never truly run out
full retard

>Artefact weapon grinding
>Rng legendaries
>Shit raids
>worst class balancing

Why release content when you can drag it out and get all that sub money from people who don't want to fall behind on artefact levels and progression?

The cinematics were pretty dope. Rest is true though.

What elements are you talking about, not saying you are wrong, just don't remember it's been a long time.

>bald manlets with roid anger
This is your average nostbaby