Does Sup Forums like Life is Strange?

Does Sup Forums like Life is Strange?

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Fuck off.


Max a perfect

No it's shit but some of the girls are cute.

If you've never interacted with anybody in any meaningful way, I could see how you might convince yourself this is how anybody behaves.

Fuck this game.

Not a videogame.


hipster trash

>Life is Strange
viral garbage trash faggot fucker shit

I liked it.

the enjoyment of a piece of entertainment is not solely contingent upon realism.

Majority no

The tone and setting were nice and the overall idea had potential. Too bad they ruined the story with the "your choices don't matter either way" ending and tried to force Max's guilt for it, even though they never really explained the source of her power.

Good game
Shit ending.

I finished it two days ago and i really liked it. Everyone on here though will dislike it because they want to be counter-counter culture.

Sounds like anime.

I liked it, didn't think I would

Pretty much.


I didn't enjoy this media, and might have enjoyed it more if there was anything relatable.

every fucking steam sale those threads appear

One of my favorites games

I liked it up until chapter 3.

then no.

If you can actually manage to enjoy something this shallow and masturbatory then you probably have a very naive grasp on how both relationships and theoretical time travel work.
While that would be forgivable for a game with good gameplay, it's arguable if the game even has gameplay or not. But even if you could call the interactions you have with the game "gameplay", then its gameplay is on par with a choose your own adventure book from the 90s.

Oh no! An anger person on the internet explains how a game I like isn't good using the power of his "opinions"! How ever will my favorite game survive the onslaught of his "opinions"?

No, that would be pretty weird

The fuck do you care what Sup Forums likes for?
Sup Forums is some cancerous bullshit, and also not a hivemind.

The game needs no understanding of time travel to enjoy it. In fact - it would probably be better if you didn't, that way you didn't question the merits all the time and rather enjoy the game for what it is.

Gameplay is also a non issue, CYOA books were popular and are these types of games, not everything has to be a 100+ RPG.

Relationship building is also shown through its choice system. That is close to how real life functions. We make a chose of what to say or do and it effects people in different ways.

Having not played this game myself, it seems pretty nonsensical, stupid, and insufferable. Am I wrong about this game?

who is this semen demon?

Truth be told I actually don't regret buying it

Comparing character interactions to anything resembling a relationship is like comparing a wooden rocking horse to a real horse, they've got the same general silhouette from a distance but the territorial-bitch-baboon characters in Life is Strange don't come anywhere close to being emotionally relatable

It's like hella good

Salty shill is salty

Stop shitpositng, E;R, and make more Korra videos, you fuck.

having read your post, I feel the same way about you.

Gameplay is bleh, story is meh, but Max is adorable beyond reason. Adorkable actually.

No that's pretty well it. Do you want to play through a game about high school girls that are written to be the worst people on the planet? That's this entire game.

First four episodes were vaguely interesting.
Episode five was ME3 tier.

Okay. I'm sorry that you think by insulting your favorite game that I'm insulting you.

>Subtitle Size
>Hella Large

Ok, I admit I chuckled, and I didn't even find this the time I played it.

If you like SJW bullshit shoved down your throat and some of the worst written dialogue in recent history, sure.

If you treat it like a visual novel: It was pretty good (for a western VN) and I don't regret the

Who is what?

It's hella rad, bro. You like the radical hella internet culture? Then you'll hella like this game.


A great concept with terrible fucking execution. The plot holes were fucking everywhere, and the fact that nothing I did mattered didn't help much.

Hey pal, you dropped something.

hmm, you know, you're right. One character talks like a stupid teenager, I guess nobody should play this game.


Episode 5 almost ruined the whole experience. It was pure shit.

Like, honest to blog?

Yeah don't you just hate it how unrealistic that is? Not only does the character talk like a stupid teenager, but she actually is a stupid teenager as well.

I really enjoyed it. I generally don't like cinematic games but LiS just sparked something in me; oh and the dialogue! I felt like I was hearing my sister talk hahaha. And that soundtrack!

All of us do, but we like to pretend we don't. It's an internalized thing.

No I'm straight

>I'd like to spend time listening to shitty teenagers be shitty

You're not selling this game to me mate

Loved it. Felt like a point and click game but in thirdperson.

>expect a VN
When you advertise your game to be "the next big thing" and stylize it like The Walking Dead games, people are going to go in expecting a good time, not a VN.

Who cares? Video games are for men anyway.

She's looks like a qt in the artwork but not in-game.

Not for faggots though, faggots aren't men

NOBODY talks like that. Even stupid teenagers don't talk like that. This game is fucking meme trash and you know it.

I far prefer Gone Home, to be honest.
I'm not joking.

The game has lesbians. It's straight for men to play.

is there any r34 of this sticky vicky?

No, there are people who talk like this.
Doesn't mean having realistic dialogue is good, though

Why are there so many lis threads these days? IT surely can't be one faggot, can it?

It's never straight for men to play talking picture books about teenage girls having teenage girl problems, even if they fuck at the end

>the walking dead games
>good time
If you like have next to no freedom in a game that was heavily pushed as having meaningful choices.

> 4. Life Is Strange

Japan loves Life is Strange, What now weebshits?

You've never talked to teenagers nowadays, have you? It's not as far off as you think.

Do all lesbians have time powers that they just don't tell other people about?

Japan, as always, has shit taste

If you remove the tumblr garbage and the script written by a middle age man, the plot is basically an anime.

hahahehehe dude le epic tumblr dykes xD

This. I totally agree
Those stupid plebs should fucking educate themselves with some Anime.

The dialogue is hella great.

I want to marry Max

I couldn't get into it. The puzzles were way too simple to be entertaining. Walking simulators are not really my thing. I didn't find the writing particularly good either. Maybe I'm just a little too old to empathize with high schoolers. Feels bad.

One thing that annoyed me is that the story would have her use her powers for some trivial bullshit but then she wouldn't do it for stuff that really matters right after that (like when her friend got beat up because of her in the parking lot).

Felt like Braid done wrong to me.


What does Max's hair smell like?

Hey kid, ya like memes?

Hella shit

what sjw bullshit, specifically?

I don't know but I want to bury my nose in it and sniff regardless

Something-something Chloe.

Oh so it's all just a giant v meme to call everything sjw now? ok, glad we cleared that up.

Why does Sup Forums act as if these memes are so epic random, but our board culture tier memes are fine.

Does most of Sup Forums have this idea that they are snowflakes? Not just normies?

LIS literally has more gameplay elements in it than Walking Dead.


It's uncanny how much she looks I
like my girlfriend with shorter hair.

As long as the normalfags don't use 'em, they're fine/

Max literally looks like some plain girl.

I played the first episode and bought the others for $5.

american giiiiiiirls

I really liked it. Handled the visual novel with choices style better than Telltale. It was kind of different stepping into the shoes of an 18 year old girl protagonist of a CW style show.