Did Platinum just make this boss as a tribute to Metal Gear Rising?
Did Platinum just make this boss as a tribute to Metal Gear Rising?
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Haha oh wooooow
Probably not.
>tfw no MGR 2
Probably not since they only worked on the combat.
Probably just re-using the work they did for MGR2 which will now never happens
What the fuck is this meme?
It's a platinum game, it's entirely developed there.
Never forget
This game feels like the perfect combination of Bayonetta and MGR. My only hope is that the final product has decent weapon variety. Well done Platinum.
It really does feel like unused assets for MGR2, and im fine with that. I'll consider it a spiritual sequel of sorts.
This flying thing you get from 9S looks like something Raiden would use.
Even the blindfolds that the characters wear, are reminiscent of Raiden's eyepatch or face mask.
>it'll never happen
It's not fair.
Who cares, dat Toobie butt tho
It's fine, it would never have lived up to the original.
It's a fact that came directly from Taro's mouth, platinum are helping making the gameplay and combat.
The game is all about robots fighting so there was inevitably going to be a giant robot boss.
>Still being an ass man.
too much hack, not enough slash
>It's a platinum game, it's entirely developed there.
The director and a bunch of the original Nier staff is working on the game which are not a part of Platinum. It's a collab.
In terms of writing, music, art, game design and so on Platinum has very little input. They're mainly the ones that design the combat and develop the game (according to specifications from non-Platinum staff).
Platinum wouldn't have let us down.
no it's a jojo reference
honestly, it doesn't capture Nier's overall atmosphere
So the only parts that really matter.
Nobody cares about the story.
For all intents and purposes, this game is MGR2 with somebody else's skins on platinum's skeleton.
Fuck off, it's obvious it was in development and Konami cancelled it when they went full retard.
Fuck off, It's a Platinum game
>The game is all about robots fighting so there was inevitably going to be a giant robot boss.
Both giant robots have giant saws for arms, and you rip them off and use them against the boss.
>Nobody cares about the story.
this is Nier user, people who like Nier like it mostly for it's story
Can we please make the usage of the words ''jojo reference'' inflict an automatic, permanent range-ban?
Korra and TMNT say hi!
You also forget that there are people who like this game only for the combat.
Let's be honest. This game isn't going to do well because of any ties to Nier or Drakengard, it's going to do well because it's a Platinum game. A large portion of the people who buy Nier Automata will have never played any Drakengard game or the first Nier.
I'll be one of them, it's hard to get behind the idea of playing a game series that even the fans of the games say the gameplay is shit
Speaking of reused assets, 2B's sprint animation is literally Raiden's ninja run, but they did it so that when 2B stops, it transistions into 2B's own unique walk animation.
And there are people who are primarily looking forward to it as a Nier sequel, with Platinum combat being a bonus rather than the main attraction.
Don't forget Transformers and W101
But they're great. You're should play them.
They're also terrible and you should never play them.
But seriously, play them.
Or don't. It's fine. They're not for everyone. Not by a long shot.
But absolutely EVERYONE should play them.
And you should learn to know that people have varying reasons why they like a game. I'm not that user you originally replied to, but this is just my 2 cents.
For example, I don't give two shits on what Bethesda does to any of their TES and Fallout games, because like many Asians, we're only playing those games for the modding community.
never said that wasn't true, all i'm saying is a fair amount of people who will get it will for the story
also Nier's gameplay is alright imo drakengard 3 is okay if you like dynasty warrior's, if you can find'em for cheap think about buying them
I knew I recognized Raiden's hot ass.
there will be more people who it'll be their first Drakengard game. Be honest with yourself, you know that'll be the case. Platinum just has its own fanbase. MGR drew a lot of people who never played any of the Metal Gear games too (I'm one of those myself, I don't really get into stealth games)
I mean I have respect for Kojima's work, I have respect for Taro Yoko as well.. I just.. didn't really play any of their games because the gameplay style didn't seem appealing.
That said I'm going to pay attention to the story presented, and probably wiki the fuck out of things that are references I don't understand from not having played prior games, and find it all interesting...
but if this wasn't developed by platinum, I probably wouldn't have interest in it in the first place.
>Keiichi Okabe and Emi Evans doing the soundtrack again
>platinumfags wont be able to meme into the ground like MGR with lyrics posting
feels good
>people have varying reasons why they like a game.
Yes exactly, so saying no one cares about the story in a sequel to a game where the main appeal was the story is pretty dumb. As would be saying no one cares about the gameplay in Platinum's next game.
I honestly knew what happened here.
Taura, the director for MGR, was already working on MGR2. But come 2015 and Konami fucks over the MGS license, so that means they can no longer use the Metal Gear name even with Kojima being free lance now. So, Taura hits two birds with one stone by making a game really wanted to do, Nier, all the while making sure the unfinished assets for the potential MGR sequel isn't wasted.
The timeline even fits, if we are to believe that Nier Automata had a 2 year development time.
Its a sequel to a game with 4 other games in its series. Shut the fuck up
People are going to buy it as fans of the fucking series. There will be you shit heads who will buy it because muh platnium but I can see that you fags will eventually end up hating it.
>I can see that you fags will eventually end up hating it.
This. I hope it has the weapon grinding for endings and even shit like rhythm final boss like drakengard.
>So the only parts that really matter.
The parts that matter is *everything*, but mostly the direction. You can have the best programmers and 3d artists in the world but that doesn't mean that your game will be good.
>Nobody cares about the story.
You're legit retarded because that's the reason people cared about the first Nier and why we're even getting Automata.
No, it's a collab. This isn't debatable, it's a fact.
Platinum fans will just mod in MGR's soundtrack in place of the ost for bosses.
I never realized how true the statements about Platinum fans being obnoxious was until this thread. Jesus Christ.
I love Platinum. I loved Clover, etc. This team up is a dream come true for me, but you guys are just obnoxious retards.
Umm...no. That's not how it works.
Do you seriously think people who buy sequels these days are made up by the majority of "fans"?
How many of the 6 million sales of The Witcher 3 do you think played The Witcher 1 since the beginning? or the 50 million of GTAV? I bet a lot of those dont even know that GTA started as a racing game of sorts.
Don't be naive. A huge chunk of advertisement for this game centered around the combat and no better than to put up Platinum's name on top, because that's what draws people more.
>replacing Emi Evans with some trash buttrock
I hope you burn in hell
>I hope it has terrible ideas in it to weed out the non-fans
Why are Tarofags such delusional faggots
>I never realized how true the statements about Platinum fans being obnoxious was until this thread. Jesus Christ.
These are people that went in expecting combat similar to Bayonetta or DMC and were shocked when it was more simplified like the original Nier. Some of them even called the game shit for this very reason.
It's a sequel that takes place 2000 years in the future.
That's like saying your life is a sequel to the bible
>rhythm final boss
taro would't do that to us again would he?
Fuck off with your poor man's Yuki Kaijura and Akiko Shikata.
So you don't know how this entire series has laid out its sequels and prequels do you?
It has to be done user, for the memes.
>A huge chunk of advertisement for this game centered around the combat
To show how it was improved over the first game.
The reason to get this game is for the story, music and interesting ideas. Same as the first game.
The only difference is that the combat is better, the game looks good and it has a bigger budget. This is still an RPG first.
>Emi Evans
She's a "literally who" without this franchise, stop pretending this shit is somehow unique.
>he hates extra endings and cutscenes on new playthroughs
>he hates more content as long as he puts the work in
So you only beat MGR on medium then?
I'm getting just as bad vibes from some of the Drakengard guys desu. Like Jesus, is it really so bad for others to enjoy the thing that you like? This game is a dream come true for people of each camp, it's just retarded for there to be so much butthurt in this thread.
It would be if I was the Messiah.
>nier is sequel to drakengard
>takes place 1300 years later
>drakengard kickstarts the entire plot of the game
Well Konami is dead along with the MGS franchise and there will never be a Rising 2. So. . .possibly?
Can you elaborate on why the combat is simplified? I don't have a PS4 so I didn't play the demo.
I'm excited. I mean it's an RPG with Platinum's action combat and animations, featuring a qt as fuck protagonist.
I like all those things.
I do care about the story, just, not enough to play other games that even the fans say are just "they're okay"
So you don't understand that this game is clearly designed so that it can be played independently of the other games without losing out on any of the experience.
And the best part is that I don't need to go play any shitty PS2 squeenix weeaboo rpgs to know what's going on.
Most modern game designers know that they'll actually lose money by trying to sell a sequel that can't stand on its own.
Besides the lore connection there's really not that much tying Drakengard and Nier together. It might as well be a standalone game.
Licensed games rushed out by Activision
>Don't forget Transformers
Only one that wasn't as bad as the others
>and W101
fuck off
I only skimmed the thread, please, show me where in this thread Taro fans are attacking Platinum because I missed it.
I saw more than enough of some retarded Platinum fans though.
No. There is no "singular" reason to get a game.
I bought MGSV not because it was an MGS game; a series known for mastercrafted cinematogrpahy and political intrigue.
No, I bought it because I wanted a sweet ass tacticool shooter with a wide array of firearm customization.
I liked the combat in the demo thus far. If the story ends up good, then cool. But I wont lie that 2B's acrobatics arent the main star of the show.
Okay bro.
You keep pretending the same person isn't making this game when you start to dislike it has similarities to those games.
Platnium fags are absolute cancer.
>Can you elaborate on why the combat is simplified? I don't have a PS4 so I didn't play the demo.
It isn't focused on building long complex combos, mastering a bunch of mechanics, etc.
It's an RPG where you can level up, get better gear, use consumables in combat at will and so on but with a combat system more similar to Metal Gear Rising (which is pretty shallow and simplistic).
If you get this game only for the combat, you will most likely be dissapointed since the focus isn't on the combat with this game.
Anyway from what I know, Nier is based on one particular ending of Drakengard, where they teleport across dimensions into modern day Japan and the Japanese air force shoots them down. The body of these magical beings/dragon breaking apart causes some pandemic that turns people into salt. Then Nier takes place later where people are fighting another illness, an illness that was based on the cure to the turning people into salt illness where they split themselves into 2 entities.
Nier automata is based on the ending to Nier where the protagonist erases his entire existence (and deletes all your save files)
Bizarre shit.
>You keep pretending the same person isn't making this game when you start to dislike it has similarities to those games.
Similarities to games that I haven't played and have no intention to play?
Please take a look at this picture, and let me know what it has to do with giant robots from space.
Not that guy but:
>But I wont lie that 2B's acrobatics arent the main star of the show.
What? You think the main selling point for this game is "2B's acrobatics"?
Holy fuck you're delusional.
Grats you're an idiot
Get off Sup Forums and get back to work or drinking, Taro!
Not that user, but who the fuck cares about who made it? Why cant we just stop jerking off to directors and just judge a game as it is?
I honestly dont give a shit if they throw us a that retarded text adventure section or more bullet hell. As long as the action is 10/10, I'm a happy fucker because boy do people love wanking off to Souls-like combat these days.
those are attacking platinum fans, not platinum
Face it man; Nierfags are the minority. Platinum is the star here.
Not one of them is saying platnium is bad. One reply is saying that the platnium fans attacking the actual series fans is dumb though.
>i'm not gonna play it
>but i'm gonna prove that they're not related, look at this low resolution picture of the worst game in the franchise.
are you just a tarofag falseflagging?
I misread the original post then, my bad.
Asshurt jojocuck
It is for ME.
user people like games for different things. How much do I need to spell that shit out for you.
There are literally people who only play GTA games to murder the fuck out of civilians, with some not even bothering to finish the story.
Will the Nier Auotomata fanbase surpass the MGR fanbase as Platinum's new worst fanbase?
>m-muh Taro
People who love Taro are the same people who visit modern art galleries and claim the stuff there is deep or some shit.
Doing some convoluted "le dark xD" shit with space babies and "shocking tweests" does not make for a good story.
No because Nier: Autoerotic is literally just MGR reskinned.
>Platinum's new worst fanbase
But that is the wii-u fanbase
>Taro is shit but I sure can't wait for Nier Automata!