Should I play Kotor 1 or 2? Which one is better?

Should I play Kotor 1 or 2? Which one is better?

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KoTOR 2's plot is built around KoTOR's story

Both, then decide for yourself.

I personally prefer 2.

One. Now go fuck off and play them before Sup Forums stops you from ever playing games again.

Neither of them are canon so don't bother.

play both. Get the Restored Content Mod for number 2 or the ending doesn't make a lick of sense.


Play in order, you will get more out of 2 if you play 1 first.

Also, get the restoration mod that is on the steam workshop for KOTOR 2.

>Sup Forums always praises 2
>buy 2
>listen to Kreia talk about neutrality
>decide to try and follow her advice
>realize the game punishes you for not being 100% light side or dark side

Play 1

KotOR is harder to get to work with certain resolutions while KotOR2 was updated a few years ago to be compatible with newer machines.


If you get the restoration mod for 2, make sure to avoid the Droid Planet addon.

First has better story.
Second has better gameplay if you ignore shit balance.


Play both.
There is literally no reason to not play both.
The player is Revan
Kreia is Darth Traya

Hey Avellone

>mindlessly obeying Kreia
You failed the test, as did half of Sup Forums.
Kreia only truly advocated for thinking for yourself, be you light or dark, and not mindlessly doing everything out of a tribalistic mentality.

2 is a better game but 1 is more comfy

>Sup Forums always praises 2

the majority played it when they were edgy teenagers listening to linkin park.

thats why they like kreia so much.

>obsidrone arguments

play 2 it is fixed for widescreen monitors(at least the steam version is), while 1 isn't.

1 is more like a traditional Star Wars story with a cool twist.

2 is more like a deconstruction of Star Wars, which plays around with how fucked up concepts like the Force actually are.

I liked 2 much more, but both are pretty good games, it depends on what you're looking for. Keep in mind that 2 was rushed pretty hard and the later parts don't make much sense, there's a fan made patch that tries to restore the missing content.

Entry-level philosophy is the basis of 2. Which is mind blowing if you're underage. But if you're an adult you should play 1 and skip 2 because literally everything (story, gameplay, characters, planets) was better in 1 and 2 is an incoherent and unfinished mess.

>deconstruction of Star Wars

>whole point of SW is the story of good vs. evil
>"hurr good and evil don't exist LMAO"
then why play a star wars game, retard

>There is literally no reason to not play both.
>proceeds to spoil both twists

If you've never played before, go through sequentially. Whatever class or alignment you choose, make sure you drill down and focus. Both games punish spreading out your build and going "gray."

Guardian is easy mode fighter
Consular is toddler mode mage
Sentinel can be interesting, and opens up blaster Jedi.

How the fuck could you equate her talk of rejecting the ideologies of both the jedi and the sith to become ubermensch and create your own set of morals based on what you feel is right, regardless of what some spiritualist stiffs think, to NEUTRALITY?

The word has lost all its meaning.

Apathy is death

If the sliding morality scale had that at one end of it I would have gone towards it. But it says LIGHT SIDE and DARK SIDE and the game punishes you for not choosing one and riding it 100%.

KotOR2 is about how the jedi and the sith are both rigid, dogmatic organisations. This was even demonstrated in the films and was one of the reasons the sith rose to power again. It's not "there is no good or evil", it's about two faulty ideologies being pitted against eachother and how Kreia wants you to abandon both them in favour of something better.

She also hates the Force for controlling the lives of both jedi and sith.

That's just a remnant from BioWare's shitty obsession with morality meters. It fucks with the game's story because of number one meme word ludonarrative dissonance, but ultimately it doesn't change what Kreia's saying.

Sure is. That's why this neutrality memeing is so crazy.

>implying she's right

Both you fucking retard. 2 is a sequel to 1, you need to play 1 first anyways.

>Sentinel can be interesting, and opens up blaster Jedi.
Sentinel is these games' equivalent of a Rogue basically.

This, I mean, what a retarded question OP. "Hurrdurr, do I play 1 or 2?"

Pisses me off when people genuinely ask "What am I in for?" Just fucking play it and form your own opinion without ruining any perceived expectation.

Not OP but i have a question

Planning to play KOTOR I tonight, should i just install and go or do i need some mods to make the game run better etc?

Im on Win 7 64 bit

widescreen mod for kotor 1, nothing for kotor 2(assuming you have the steam version, not sure if the GOG version is updated) disk version probably needs patches

KotOR1 has some problems on modern OS, follow this for basically everything from restorting cut content to widescreen fixes:

For KotOR2, as long as you've got Steam version, it's already updated for modern OS, but you will still need to grab TSLRCM:

ok thanks lads

Alternatively, play the Jedi Academy games so you don't have to worry about that turn-based bullshit

Disable cutscenes. Use windowed mod. Save game in different slots because it crashes occasionally

Revan understood snacks.

Pretzels are weak

post the whole thing user

>Disable cutscenes

wut? is this bait?

I gotchu fampai

In release order

>series about warrior wizards in space in the past future
Believe whatever the fuck you want is canon

I just found it funny how she rejects both jedi and sith, yet she is literally a sith lord

Was literally going to make a thread about this and got a duplicate file warning
I was going to ask, can they both be plated concurrently or should I play through 1 first and then 2?

Malachor was made canon, and Revan's holocron was to be included in an episode of Clone Wars but it was cut in favour of Darth Bane or something. They also put Hammerhead cruisers/corvettes in Rogue One.

Doesn't matter if it's story is canon or not since it doesn't have much to do with the films anyway; it was set centuries before.

>neck roll

Do people really give a shit about SW canon?



It's a fair question
He's probably used to Bethesda RPGs where the stories are self contained and there's not a whole lot of continuity between the installments.
You certainly don't have to play Arena and Daggerfall to enjoy Morrowind, Morrowind and Oblivion to enjoy Skyrim.
Stop being so autistic.


Honestly, I fucking hate Kreia but she is just saying think for yourself. In the end, no matter light or dark, she says you're not a true Sith or a true Jedi because while you may fall into the extremes, you still thought for yourself.

Yeah I guess she's a bit hypocritical in that sense. A lot of what she said was on point, but ultimately she was as manipulative as the force she sought to destroy. Her bad deeds had purpose though and her big issue with the sith ideology is the tendency to committ horrible deeds for the sake of it; she very much had an end in mind that she considered the best outcome for everyone.

You can take Kreia's advice to heart and still remain strictly light side. Ultimately what makes a grey jedi is their refusal to adhere to the strict jedi code rather than a percieved centrist (not neutral) position on the dark - light side scale. Honestly; if they wanted to include a meter it should just measure dark side corruption. There is the Force and there is the Dark Side; grey jedi occupy the same part of this potential slider as the regular jedi do, there's no magical midway point you end up at if you do 50% good and 50% bad. BioWare (of all companies) kinda got this right with Jolee Bindo in KotOR.

Yeah, Kreia is a hypocrite and even admits it on Malachor. She hates the force and the fact that it seems to have has a will, but still uses it to further her goals.

>I fucking hate Kreia but she is just saying think for yourself

As long as its agreeable to her. Obsidian cant write however so every charitable act must be done in the name of the light side

I agree, the whole morality spectrum ended up complicating matters a bit. Is Jolee just Black Qui-Gon?

tell me about space jesus, why does he wear the mask?

What's more fun, dark side or light side?

Well in the MMO, you get to smash a dude's action figure for like a 100 Dark Side Points so Dark Side.

I like Kotor 1s story a bit more but 2 has better gameplay in terms of choices of powers and perks. But both have amazing atmosphere.

1 for instance has more planets with a population which make the universe feel alive. But in 2 it really makes you feel like an exile to be on all these abandoned planets that you visited in 1.

Obi-Wan-Kenobi-played-by-Ewan-McGregor side, ie sassy light side asshole.

>the Bioware game has better characters

Bizarro world

Debatable, but KOTOR was from a time where Bioware had talent and integrity.


I really didn't like most of the characters in KotOR1.

It's really always online single player.

I liked all of them but hated everybody in Kotor 2. It's like they spent so much time on Kreia that everyone else fell by the wayside

I really only liked HK and Candorous in KotOR1. Everyone else was insufferable or boring.

I liked Yuthura Ban and the boss of the Korriban academy whos name I can't remember.

How is theandroid version of KOTOR 1?

>As long as its agreeable to her
except you can tell her to fuck off at any opportunity, and Kreia will still say you were the greatest she ever trained as a result.

Are you just parroting memes, or were you really that dense when you played it?

She made an amazing argument that by being light side, you make the other people weaker and yourself stronger. Light side in that game (and tons of others) is way stronger.

>turn up the graphics settings
>game goes to a black screen

Well I was going to play KOTOR but I might not now

It works mate... works great

>Is Jolee just Black Qui-Gon?
That's what he was designed as.
All the main KotOR1 characters were designed based on the movie ones.
You've got the token Vader insert
The token spoiled princess with an angsty tongue
You've got the token wookiee and the adventureous scoundrel with spacemafia problems that's friend with said wookiee
The token beep-boop astromech droid as well as a translator droid fluent in all known languages (at least they made the translator droid a killer rather than pacifist like 3PO)
Then you've got the grey jedi veteran who is a bit whack

Literally the only ones I can't really classify as Juhani and Carth, mostly because both of them are typical BioWare garbage.

play them both in order you dumbass

I like kotor 2 more though due to the randomized loot spawns

Download high resolution skyboxes mod, makes the game a whole lot more atmospheric.

>mfw explanation for experience points

KotOR 1 is alright but I will never understand people who prefer it over the second. I have played the 2nd 3 times, I played the first once and I'm good. The characters, the writing, the gameplay itself; literally everything is better. Obviously play it with TSLRCM. And if you've played neither then play 1 first because while 2 isn't a direct story continuation they do reference the first one a lot.

Which is why I really like Atton in K2. Game even tries to fool you he's a Han Solo knockoff at first.

Do other people feel like the engine in the game barely works? The way combat/no-combat is implemented, how easy the combat is to break with simple geography, how the game seems to make massive efforts for simple things.

TOR is quite literally a single player game with multiplayer social component.
Especially after the revamp of 1-50 leveling system.

because it's d20 at its core and everything you SEE is just visual aid. it's all done with math behind the scenes which can lead to awkward transition s and whatnot.

>But in 2 it really makes you feel like an exile to be on all these abandoned planets that you visited in 1.
But literally the only planets from 1 you visit are Korriban and Dantooine, and both are destroyed from plot reasons.
The latter even got nuked in KotOR1 already.

It's an Android port of an old PC game that works just as you'd expect it to, aka good provided your phone/tablet is strong enough.

It works fine.
Many mods from PC version even work fine on Android.

They did the same with Mira and Hanhaar. Instead of it being scoundrel/wookiee bffs it's bitter enemies instead.

Who was likable in 1? HK, Jolee, maybe Canderous? In 2 I'd say I liked Atton, Kreia, Visas and G0-T0. Handmaiden is borderline. And HK and Canderous come back as well. The only companion I don't like at all is Bao-Dur (admittedly I have never played with Disciple so I can't comment on him).

Not even HK and Mandalore? What the fuck

Skip them both. They're broken easy.

Not worth your time.

Yeah I liked the storytellers. Canderous, HK, and Jolee were all great.

>boot up KOTOR 2
>it runs at 144hz 1440p

Gameplay is ass in both but Kotor 2 automatically wins because of the better writing.

I started with kotor2 and went back and played kotor1 later.

The gameplay is better in 2, but the story, areas and soundtrack in 1 are better (except the underwater part, holy shit).

Get both, combined they're cheaper than a pack of chips right now.

KOTOR 2 has one of the best stories in a game.