From Software ended their partnerships with Bandai Namco and Sony in a sour note

From Software ended their partnerships with Bandai Namco and Sony in a sour note.
>Bandai Namco forced them to make Dark Souls games one after the other and porting them to PC, a platform infamous for its huge amounts of online game hackers and piracy
>After Bloodborne bombed so hard (selling only 2 million of an expected 8 million while failing to increase the sale of Playstation 4 consoles in any meaningful way) Sony is furious to the point where they're regretting that three games contract. "Bloodborne surpassed our expectations" was a half lie

Given how Hidetaka Miyazaki has many times declared how The Legend of Zelda was the main inspiration behind Demon's Souls and how he'll be glad to work with Nintendo, its possible that From Software will become like Monolith or Game Freak.

Do you want a particular From Software game to be ported to the Switch, Sup Forums. Remember that Dark Souls 3 Switch is already confirmed.

Other urls found in this thread:

>selling only 2 million of an expected 8 million
>expected 8 million

>of an expected 8 million
The console isn't even out yet and you're already THIS starved for games. Holy shit.

Fromtards BTFO.

Fucking hacks. Blunderborne posters were right all along, it seems. :)

>Only 8 million

user, that's pathetic


on a 40m (at that time) sold console

i think fifa sold 30m just on ps4

>Bandai Namco forced them to make Dark Souls games one after the other and porting them to PC
>Sony is furious to the point where they're regretting that three games contract.

>Source: my ass

>From Software ended their partnerships with Bandai Namco and Sony in a sour note.

> Sony

Something's off here. Didn't they already talk about Bloodborne 2 being in development?

nice source

>Remember that Dark Souls 3 Switch is already confirmed.

Really? They're doing the same stupid mistake they did with the WiiU?

>8Million sales

Didn't the entire Souls series reach 8 million sales only recently?

Isn't it sad how nintendrones have to make shit up to pretend someone remotely cares about the switch?

OP pls


I sure do want Nintendo to turn my From Soft into mediocrity!

Why would somebody lie on the internet?

Sadly. idiots will fall for this, and it looks like it already happened.

Why is it so easy to bait idiots on Sup Forums?

Sounds more like a falseflag/bait thread but I just don't know anymore

>Sony furious with From over sales
>meanwhile David Cage still has a job

>turn my From Soft into mediocrity!

Most of their games are already mediocre to flat out broken.

OP is a faggot once again, time to shitpost like mad men now

>After Bloodborne bombed so hard (selling only 2 million of an expected 8 million)
>expected 8 million


David Cage is protected by Sony's film division, and that was before Ghostbusters flopped and the e-mails were leaked.

>Still creating shitty console war/bait threads

Sup Forums is a shithole and it will remain like that.

>expected 8 million
I don't get it
What's wrong here?

This is what sour grapes Nintendicksucker foxes actually dream of.
Pathetic. Simply pathetic. I've never met another fanbase, be it Applefags etc. that are as disgusting and pathetic as Nintendicktakers.

You would think they at least until a week to resume shitposting, but no, first day of the year and people are already doing that

Is this Dan Ryckert?

>memeborne still bombed hard

Wow this is a very real and honest Original Post I would be very surprised if anybody thought of this as bait

why does this picture make me angry

>OP is doing a opinion

But is not far from reality. Fucking Splatoon sold more than Bloodborne and become more an marketeable icon into diferent kind of merchandising.

Sony can say Bloodborne "surpassed our expectations" but they was waiting for a new Dark Souls kind of sucess. Bloodborne sales was just OK on a 40 million sold console like PS4

Because she'd rather have her Aryan womb dominated by a super thick black cock rather than continue her precious bloodline or even speak to you without police present.

She's only there because of money.
There's a reason why doing interracial and anal is a sign of desperation and end of the career of any respectable pornstar.

don't pay attention to this thread, there was another thread spewing the same bs 3 weeks ago


>respectable pornstar.

>no source
what a fag.

PS4 only reached 40m around half a year ago, Bloodborne released 1 year and 9 months or so ago.

>this many replies and not a single source


With brown eyebrows and brown roots? I don't think so.

is that your mom in that picture?

>Didn't the entire Souls series reach 8 million sales only recently?

By july of the last year, the whole series sold 8.5 mill

Dark Souls 3 sold by may of this year near 3 mill

The series should be around 12-13 mill by now.

let's go

Dark Souls 3 is one of the top 12 highest grossing games on Steam this year as well.

Well then


For me it's the hand. Every time this gets posted I focus very heavily on that hand. It looks weird.

>“It did surprise us,” says Gara. “We had expectations to do well. We looked at the Souls series as a frame of reference, and we thought we could do better than that. We did – and then some. Relative to some of our sister territories, we were being quite ambitious, but even that proved to be conservative.

>“I think Bloodborne might have just landed just at the right time; it was a relatively quiet time, it was a very high quality title and a great platform differentiator for us. We were caught a little bit behind in terms of the volume, but we were able to chase it and maximise its potential.”

BB has sold almost 3m.
It was considered a finacial success at 2m.
Sony bought the game for probs 60m, made 100% profit in the first 90 days and trickle profit in the store indefinitely.

Here, you fucking retards. I guess using Google is too hard.

>404 Not Found

Damn, can't believe how much of a retard I am

Just because Zelda was a major source of inspiration for the series doesn't mean the business (or hardware) side of Nintendo would be alluring to Miyazaki.

so is no man's sky


Nigga you silly.

>linking (((KOTAKU))) in current year

>all this fucking stupidity
damn OP, well done

BB for PC incoming.

>No source
>mostly bullshit numbers
>a repeat of a thread thats happened several times and been called out every time
Id say this is pasta, but its just a single shitposter trying to pretend hes someone

>no source
Read more than just the OP. Faggot retard. 2017 baby.

>Fucking Splatoon sold more than Bloodborne
>a game with a light tone and targeted towards general audiences with much more marketing than BB sold more than a game with a dark tone aimed at mature audiences
>Bloodborne sales was just OK on a 40 million sold console like PS4
By your logic Capcom is going to burn all bridges with Nintendo and put Monster Hunter 5 on PC given how 4U only sold 4 million in a handheld that 60 million own

Why is this piece of shit thread still up?

>By your logic Capcom is going to burn all bridges with Nintendo and put Monster Hunter 5 on PC given how 4U only sold 4 million in a handheld that 60 million own
But they are! They even made an MMO out of Monster Hunter and are going to shift ALL focus to it!

>A fake source is now a source
jesus. Let it go, OP. I know you wanna spread your faggotry but come on. Youve been caught. Let it go.

sonyggers btfo!

>trying to fit in
>current year

Have some Polygon m8

All I know is FROM is going to have to get to work with games like these on the horizon.

>nintendrones are this desperate
relax kid, go play some marios and censored trash

>Monolith & From make a game together


Great taste.

>First half was great
>Second became bullshit with confusing plot

What happened?

>Sony buys a game for 60m.
>Game doubles Sony's the investment in 90 days in a budget title.
>Trickle income for years to come.
>Sony says it's a great success.
>Looking at the performance of other games and other platforms attempting to deride declared success.
Don't ever into finance user.

no u

Armored Core 6

so sonyggers are neo proofsters?


thread redeemed

Good shit. With all these old shows coming back I hope we get a new Big O season. Doubt it though.

>never seen the show
>have dorothy pictures saved anyways
I c-can't be the only one...

First season was made by japan
Second half was made and written quickly (must stress that part) by japan and CN staff writers because they paid for the second season after the first one became a mega hit and they wanted it now.

With that in mind, it still made sense.
what didnt you understand

how have you not seen the batman of gundam


Nintendrones are THIS delusioned, holy fuck the mental gymnastics and lies are hilarious.

While yes, the BandaiNamco contract was long-winded and stressful, FromSoft was lucky to get it at all as Demon'sSouls was a slow-burning "cult hit" AKA sold like shit in the short period of time between it and DaS1. the fact that they were able to make DaS1 was good, and considering Souls are their most profitable games to date, they lead to a lot of growth within FromSoft, bot numbers and talent-wise.

They went right back to Sony and Yoshida admited his mistake with DeS. Sony and From are in no way in a bad relashionship. Everything you wrote about this is completely false (of course it is, you didn't even bother to post a crappy source) and the next two PS4 FromSoft+JapanStudio exclusives are still happening, bud.

That means that in Switch's livetime the only console FromSoft will be exclusively developing for is PS4. Sorry to burst your bubble m8. Switch will be getting a year old port (once again for a Nintendo console) of DaS3, and that's it. That's all you can rely on. Don't expect anything else.
((((IF)))) You are lucky, you'll also get their other multiplats, whatever they may be.

But Fromsoft proper (the S team) will be working on PS4 for the next 4 to 6 years, no matter what your delusioned mind thinks.

>implying Sean isn't rolling around in money as we shitpost

>a platform infamous for huge amounts of hackers and piracy

Obvious bait.

They forced the second season. If anything I don't want a third season but a 1 season remake showing how it was originally envisioned.

>what didnt you understand

Are they in the matrix or do they live in some artificial dome the size of earth?

so what?
Also Sony already declare 40M before bb was out at the time you faggots were calling it true before it was proven to be their now usual "shipped = sold to customer" lie.

Nice blog post Snoykek.

>what is vacation

>your ass

>Tired of From Software's bullshit
>Was sorta excited to see Op's post
>It's fake

Oh well.

Monster Hunter is a big hit just in Japan. Outside meet always a lukewarm reception/sales

Also, there is a MonHun PC MMO

Pic related if EVERY FromSoft game ever made. Marked with yellow are Sony systems
Notice how there's yellow everywhere?

I'm merely stating facts. FromSoft always has been and always will be a Sony-focused developer that from time to time also makes multiplats. Even within the Souls franchise 40% of it is Sony exclusive.

This is not me being a fanboy, it's you denying reality. (well you're probably jsut a 3rd party shitposted, but I'm addressing whoever's reading this)


Nobody will ever says is a flop, but is not the big hit they was expecting. Just an OK title in a machine where FIFA any other multiplat sold 8 mill.