How come Sup Forums hates Watch_Dogs 2?
How come Sup Forums hates Watch_Dogs 2?
Beats me. The protoganist is totally Sup Forums's guy
How disconnected are these developers?
because it's how do you do fellow kids: the video game
>looks up hentai on google instead of gelbooru
I enjoyed it
>got on sale for a decent price
>levels may not be the pinnacle of game design but are still fun
>able to satisfy my fashion obsessions
>soundtrack was lacking but still some good songs
>legitimately chuckled at points
>having a protagonist that looks like me
Overall 7/10 for me
probably disconnected enough to make a game where you can start gang wars with your phone
>Sup Forums is one person
Don't hate it. Personally love it. It's stupid fun.
anything that looks like San Francisco incarnate can't be that good. That place is awful.
>doing some Side Operation involving some virus on peoples' phones
>waypoint leads me on to the highway just to hack a guy thats on a higher-level of a building
>exit the camera system after hacking him
>30-car pileup right next to me on the highway and they're all honking
this game does stupid shit pretty well
Cause Wash_Dogos 1 was bad, most people wont bother even pirating 2.
I live in San Francisco and I can say it is literally shit. The entirety of downtown smells like literal piss.
>hey lets be good liberal goys and spread love and peace for the homeless
This fucking cucked city.
Chicago isn't any better
Because it looks like someone asked a group of middle-aged corporate board members to design a game made to appeal to the fellow young people. So it has dabbing, memes, l33t haxx0rs, WE R LEJUN, and an improbably diverse cast of hip minorities.
I've litterally never heard this game mentioned on this board.
eyo whas crackin m'nigu?
Yeah, it's a little in your face with the virtue signalling. I bought it on same, traded it for more than I paid. Might pick it up again later on at a steep discount. It's okay, but only $20 okay. Like a watered-down mix of GTA and Saint's Row. Grand Saint's Theft.
its another "Sup Forums is one person" episode
I really enjoy the ways you can approach missions
investing in shit like calling in gangs or cops on people instead of shooting them yourself is great
I feel like it was meant to be corny.
There's no way this shit wasn't ironic it's too in your face
they realized the super serious approach to hacking in the first one was stupid