Do you play on the hardest difficulty when starting a game?

Do you play on the hardest difficulty when starting a game?

Almost always unless the combat is shit/chore

Normal / Medium so I can experience the story and get introduced to all the necessary mechanics and strategies.

Restart and change to hard if it's too easy that way.

Replay on hardest setting for the tactical experience and challenge.

I hope you don't do this

is that a troll in the OP please tell me its a troll


RNG games the difficulty just makes the game unfun,

For instance when playing Rimworld, at higher difficulty I just want more enemy goons to deal with in raids and more environmental effects like the toxic fallout where it will stretch my management skills to the limit.

Higher difficulty in that just means 80% of my colony randomly gets malaria and dies, its fucking boring AF not skill based.

Always. Except for when the game allows you to change the difficulty in options later on, like in skyrim or Bravely Default. Makes the whole thing pointless imo.

It depends. If it's an easy game I start on hard. If it's a game that has the reputation of being hard I start on normal. Always save the hardest difficulty for a future playthrough.

what game?

Usually, but I'm not agaimst turning down the difficulty if I have to. I'm glad I started Dragon's Dogma on hard, the enemies hit harder but don't tank countless hits unless you're under-leveled. I can't imagine playing it on normal, but for a lot of shooters the enemies just turn into bullet sponges and it gets annoying.

Look at the image again.

I mostly play RPGs and
hardest setting == grinding out the ass
so no, I don't

No because challenge in video games is shallow and boring. I've already beaten enough games on hard anyway, there's only so much you can get out of "difficulty" in video games before it gets stale.
Normal or easy so I can just relax and enjoy the experience without the distractions.

Always. No exceptions.

For some reason i always play hardest difficulty single life and if i die i delete my character. Always no exceptions.

>vincent profile pic
>that username
How do people live like this if they're over the age of 14?

Yes. Sometimes the game has no replay value and doing it again on a higher difficulty it's just a chore. So I always start on the higher difficulty available.

Hardest difficulty, no saves, if I die I delete the game.


>strategy game
Whatever is the most average.
Second hardest if there's more than 3, hardest if 3 or less.

Unless the game expects you to New Game+ into the higher difficulties due to inflated stats.

>2 or 3 Difficulties: pick the hardest one
>4 or more: pick the second hardest

Speak for yourself.

I used to put games on easy mode and rush through them to finish my backlog but I realized this is just not fun, and leaves an overall bad impression of the game I played.

I play on hardest difficulty always now.

Nope, I have backlog and unless its a game I truly love I can't motivate myself to play through it on hard or hardest. If I wound up really liking it I'll go back and crank up difficulty for achievements/trophies.

>Sup Forums has become so used to its shitposting and sarcasm posts that they can no longer tell nonshitposting and trolling from real posts

You know who could easily tell this was a sarcastic post?
Reddit and NeoFAG.

the quote with lemmy owl

How many layers of sarcasm are you on?

He's Poo in the Loo isn't he?

Considering his profile consist of the same type of shit, I doubt it.

depends on the game

i usually have it on the hardest difficulty unless the enemies become bullet sponges or too much grinding is required

it depends on the game, if the hardest difficulty just turns enemies into damage sponges I don't bother, it doesn't add anything but annoyance and artificial difficulty. If it legitimately changes things up like adding hunger/thirst or other new mechanics, always.

Yes to the point where if the game is unplayable on the hardest difficult, if the difficulty is poorly implemented and cheap, then I don't play the game.

Normal, if it's way too easy I'll go again on hard. Or if I'm replaying always hard.

You really can't tell that's a joke?

I always play on the default because often I want to relax, except for in the case of Gears of War 4. Had to bump it up because the normal difficulty is too easy on KB+M

Almost always go with normal, if the higher difficulty are not Bethesda tier then I'd gladly go with those

I'm 99% sure hes for real.

god damn what possesses someone to write like that

Young/stupid/second language.

What fascinates me is that people like you think that's at all worse than desu senpai cuck top kek

Second hardest available, always

depending on the game. usually at normal/hard, for fear of the devs balancing their hell difficulties to just being attack sponges.

Second hardest just to preserve some replay value if the game ends up being worth replaying. Every game where it's reasonable should have a one death = game over mode.