Your thoughts on Captain Amari?

Your thoughts on Captain Amari?

Want to fug

not enough drawings or images of her granny ass

dullest character in 2016's dullest game

I want to give her a lot of babies

Captain Amari is the only non-default skin I use for OW heroes.

pick one

Nice character with lots of functions. Every character should have the amount of skills as her.
>biotic grenade which heals, damages and blocks healing
>sleep dart
>ultimate which effects pace, damage, and health

Can't say. I got overwatch for Christmas but I don't have ps plus yet

>Using her young form instead of old form
It's because of disgusting people like you that all the Amari porn is in her young skin.

Got knocked up by some Canadian and probably not even a Muslim.

She's not Genji, so she's shit

Her nade is broken though, it effectively gives her an extra 100 hp in a 1 v 1

I do like playing her, shes like a slightly worse mccree when shes not healing which is absurd that they gave a healer so many tools. No proposed nerfs on ptr yet kind of worried about the incomming gutting

Not as hot as ponytail gilf.

I wish I was good enough to play her

but I'll have to stick to auto-aim characters to be any help to my team.

she's my mommy

I just like girls in berets.

makes tanks even stronger when they are already too strong in the first place

ult enables pushes to take place that force the other team to burn ults to stop it

heals/sec are too fast.

outdamages pretty much everyone without even needing to get headshots

Sleep dart is probably the best non-ultimate ability in the game

pretty fucken op

shes probably coptic

Made for Jack Morrison dick


>Pharah is a FUCKING LEAF


Imagine how her crotch smells after an exhausting round of supporting.

That Skin + Her Voice = No

At least people are more likely to play her. The tons of players almost never go healer and just try to rack up kills without pushing. Its almost impossible to get by in the game without coherent teamwork

i wish

>Being a homosexual

It's OK user

>Dark as fuck
>Eye of Horus on eye
The mental gymnastics you people hoop through is sometimes amazing.

Hey, if you dig grannies with throaty voices, that's cool.

Just hip fire lmb until your team is healed, the hit box is huge when aiming at team mates

Lots of cool game mechanics, but the retard who greenlit her current ability to do damage, both from her gun and from her grenade (the actual damage, not the anti-heal) should probably be banned from the games industry.

>muslim female
>not wearing a hijab

>muslim female
>allowed to fight in wars

They removed the healing sound you heard when you healed someone so now i can't tell if i'm healing them or not because this game is so fucking bright i can't see that weak piss colored effect your targets gain for 1 sec when they get healed.

Just going to keep playing mercy i guess. Sucks because i spent 1k to buy the captain amari skin.

Your monitor must be utter shit

>this game is so fucking bright
lower the brightness idiot

would literally always prefer any other healer

>"Well, all that stuff they pumped into me must have been good for something"

What did he mean by this?

his Captain America supersoldier program

Don't worry, with the amount of whine about her Blizzard will soon enough "balance" her so you won't see even a hint of Ana at all for the next 6 months.

I want to delete her from the game and fire whoever thought she needed such an overloaded kit + buffs on top of it.

Good. I'd rather something be bad than broken and polarizing.

He was just trying to make a living

no it's not

also granny porn is shit tier. neck yourself degenerate

Don't be afraid, Mercy will take her place for sure, gotta have a single-target healer for those tanks. She's unpopular now so she's due for a buff to rotate back into the meta and Zen or Lucio don't fit the quick single-target healer role.

>knocked up by some Canadian

I keep seeing this meme, I thought soldier was supposed to be Pharahs dad, isn't he American?

People are speculating after the last comic showed Pharah having dinner with some guy in Canada

Second "funnest" support to play right after Lucio.