D.VA can block literally any projectile, including team destroying Ults like Farrahs and Reapers...

>D.VA can block literally any projectile, including team destroying Ults like Farrahs and Reapers, can stop huge assault Ults like 76s and Roadhogs
>Roadhog can still hook people through fucking buildings and walls
>Bastion can shred any healthbar in seconds, can take down an entire Rein shield in a matter of 5 seconds if not dealt with.

We can all agree this is fucking bullshit, right? When are we getting some fucking balancing?

>still complaining about Bastion

I mean your arguement is invalid, also I love how people bitch how this is a "Q of the game." yet we have counters to it so people bitch about that.

Who counters a character who sits in a corner and just holds M1 to kill anybthing in a second? Are you suggesting I play Genji and get fucked by one of the other 2?

>autistic enough to lose against an enemy that has to stand still to be able to do any damage

genji, pharah, bastion sombra any focus fire behind a shield will out damage him.

Any focus fire under d.va D matrix, a flanking mccree and tracer who burns into his core.

He isn't hard you're shit, please stop standing in Hanzo ults too.

I don't know how I typed bastion but I totally didn't mean to, bastion is a shit bastion counter and you should never do that.

If you want to be pissed be pissed at the fact symmetra's shield generator is up less then a minute from when you killed it.

I fucked many bastions with widow, its the most satisfying thing ever.

oh shit I forgot both Widow and HAnzo destroy this guy too.

The problem lies in the map design and game modes. KOTH, while a clusterfuck, at least involves some semblance of fighting. It also allows more agile characters to flex their flanking abilities. On attack/defend game modes, the game too easily devolves into guarding a certain choke, and neither breaking said lockdown or enforcing it is particularly fun (at least not for me.) Abilities like DVA+Rein's RMB and Mei's icewall turn it into a complete pain in the ass and on most maps there aren't many other viable options. Hanamura and Eichenwald final points just turn into hallway simulator 2017 for me. Dorado and Route 66(point 1 and 2) are fun, but Hanamura, Hollywood (point 1 and 3), and Eichenwald (Point 3) remind me of why I fucking hate those game modes.

>>D.VA can block literally any projectile, including team destroying Ults like Farrahs and Reapers, can stop huge assault Ults like 76s and Roadhogs
But that's completely fine. Any shield should do that.
Her shield should NOT be able to eat Mei's ice robot or Zarya's ult. If it can't eat Roadhog's hook why should it be able to eat the robot?
It can stop Hanzo's dragon too, but I feel like that's rare.

you have to eat the initial arrow Hanzo fires when he ullts to stop the dragon, Genji can reflect Mei and Hanzo ults and even 76's heal canister the same way

Bastion is a threat when you're not in the higher ranks of comp because your teammates are retarded.

Because retards want to attack a choke by rubbing a rein sheild against a Mei wall and twiddling their thumbs until rein dies walled off after a charge or your team manages to pull man advantage through dumb luck. Next time pick characters that give literal zero shits about a choke. Pharah/Winston combo absolutely destroys and it's a comp you don't even need Ana for. Poke choke defense setups can't handle the combined crowd control and mobility because a Winston and Pharah attacking in tandem is so disruptive that even if Winston and Pharah don't get the easy kills, the rest of your team has such an easy time moving in there's not much the enemy can do except wait to die one by one. Good luck finding a single person who knows how to play Winston in comp, or outside of Masters for that matter.

Defense Matrix is not a hard ability to play around, I think if DPS can learn the cooldown of an instakill like road hook, they should be able to learn how to bait out wasted defense matrix. It's only problem right now is that compared to when Ana healing didn't exist you have to defense matrix much less than you used to to stay at safe health, it's not even a 600 HP issue it's just the fact that instant healing = no need for defense matrix in 90% of the situations where you used to have to use it. Make DVA die to her ult again and she's an honest character (that will never see pro use again but still)

There is no overwatch hero people won't cry about.

One day Winston will get a damage buff and people will wonder how anyone ever played him while also desperately trying to return the game

There needs to be more ways to deal with rein, not fucking less.

winstons mostly fine aside from his bubble cooldown.

the real problem with winston is Ana enabling the 3tank meta, he cant tickegun down the enemy healers without getting sleepdarted and or murdered by Dva/Hog

Have you tried shooting him until he dies?

D.Va's matrix no, not really.
Hooks through walls yes, definitely
Bastion no, he's so shit by himself and can be so easily killed from a distance that he shouldn't be an issue for a decent team

Will that work with Mei too?

shoot at his shield until it breaks/he has to back off

you had a point until bastion comment

Hi there!

If he gets buffed the game will become very VERY unfair for everyone else

>complaining about Bastion
So people on Sup Forums really are shit at this game.

How about not trying to kill him on your own

>Game comes out
>"Ult to win the game"
>Present Day
>"D.va can literally block any projectile, including team destroying ults"
Always something to complain about.

>shoot at shield
>break shield
As it is right now, his shield doesn't stand sustained fire for too long, so you can easiƱy shatter it or pressure him to back off even with Zenyatta. Plus, both Winston and Symetra's attacks go right through.

Literally half the roster counters Bastion.
Hed be the worst character in the game if Sombra didnt exist.

Defense Matrix is fine.
Her newly buffed damage and hp ontop of Defense Matrix is not fine.
A tank with 600 hp(pls 150) with high maneuverability and an extremely powerful shield should not be outdpsing most of the fucking dps characters.

how do i properly monkey in overwatch?

Killing tanks is impossible and squishy targets can chunk off like 250 health before i can kill them because of his earth sized head. And the shield has about a 3 minute cooldown

The thing I hate most about Overwatch is that it's so fucking chokepoint reliant. It's a large area culminating in a choke point, another large area, another choke point, then a slightly larger area for the end point.
TF2, being the most direct comparison, has multiple ways to get around the map that may never intersect with the objective path, but could still lead to it. Take the air vents in Turbine, the water in Well, or the minecart rail in Dustbowl, for example.

Problem is she can only out dps them when she's nose to nose with her giant critbox up in their faces making the extra damage pointless as her TTK is still going to be higher. If she doesn't have a pocket healer, or she didn't catch the DPS unaware she's fucking dead as soon as she drops her DM.

>still this mad about bastion

so you just got overwatch on the christmas sale, right? (yes)

>overwatch is first blizzard game ive played in years
>the nonstop issues with character balance reminds me of how wow classes were constantly broken and blizzard did an absolute shit job at fixing anything or when they did try to they made things worse

>playing reaper
>meatshot a dva 4 times from behind
>doesn't kill

>Stop playing game aroubd October
>Come back
>I'm fucking terrible
>Stop playing again
How do I have fun in this? I never touched ranked when it was released and I don't want to get thrown in the shitter division

Because her ult is "ult to win the game at the final push with no counterplay"

Who is monkey good against and how the fuck do you play him without getting melted


>playing ranked

Theoretically, shouldn't Bastion be really good in a tank meta? Who cares about a Zarya with 80+ charge if you just keep shooting and she'll be dead before she can do anything?

Winston is fine, his problem is the Tank meta. Winston is great against squishies and thanks to how fucking absurd D.Va, Zarya, and Ana are he's just not worth the slot with any good team is going to have 3+ Tanks.

I play super carefully, never engage tanks since you do nothing against armor and act as more of a distraction and nuisance in teamfights so that the enemy team focuses on you while your team takes them apart, if you can bag some supports while you're at it, great! Keep jumping so you are harder to hit, you do damage in a cone so it shouldn't affect your accuracy too much.

Almost always kill the supports first, it will wreck the enemy team's healing and give your team an edge even if you happen to die

Going after lone squishies shouldn't be a problem unless you get caught in a junkrat trap or something specific like that, and never be afraid to jump away if shit isn't going your way, like a reaper popping out of the woodwork, or if you just feel outgunned.

Probably best to avoid tracers since they outmaneuver winston every time, genjis can also be very annoying in 1v1 cause he dashes like mad

Also remember, if you land on someone that's 50 dmg and a push, since your gun does very little damage, that's a huge addition to your dps and if you get lucky you can even push people off of ledges.

Sort of. The tank meta means 3 tanks

so you've got 3 spots open for 1-2 healers and a damage. Bastion is very immobile, so if you're running bastion, you're either minus 1 support, minus 1 damage, or minus 1 tank.

Plus he can easily get shit on by Dva. She can fly over, delete his bullets while someone else blows him up.

but I think your point is, overall, valid, you should see more bastions than you currently do. I think he's better than people give him credit for.

there's a reason bastion never gets picked by the pros. easy to counter if you and your entire team isn't dumb

>qp shitter
>thinks its superior in any way to ranked

Have fun playing games with no teammate coordination while the 5 dps heroes on your team run around on opposite sides of the map trying to kill tracers and genjis.

>Theoretically, shouldn't Bastion be really good in a tank meta?

Yes, against a shit team. I play bastion every now and again, and it's the BEST thing killing dva mechs and hogs in 3 seconds, and being able to deny rein shields.

the prob is that everyone will hate you and counter pick at the start, and half the roster counters him. Plus, hog hooks you out of turret form, so you need to stay far away. But staying far away means you're an easy shot for anything i.e Hanzo, Junkrat, [insert any other character]

>purposely lose all my placements
>get placed silver
>start killing people effortlessly
easiest comp points ever desu

>be roadhog
>bastion hunkers down
>hook it and blast it

Why are there so many instagib opportunities in this game? It seems like every other ability can shred a player's hp, even if they're a tank.
I went back to TF2, and skirmishes actually felt like challenges. The only times I was killed faster than I could realise it were from crit explosives and headshots.

You're just pretending to be retarded, right? How can you not know how to counter a stationary turret that leaves itself open for a good 2-3 seconds while switching to Recon Mode?

In theory he could if protected by a Rein shield, but then the other team would just switch to a comp that shits on Bastion and then go back to tank meta when Bastion is dead.

>complains about instagib
>so i went back to TF2

>reinhardt exists

enemy team either gets a face full of lead or funnels into another area, where hopefully the rest of your team is ready

Ranked is literally quick play with more salt and team-blaming. I lose nothing from neglecting to place.

>crit explosives
>crit headshots
>demoman sticky
>spy backstab

yea no, I'm never going back to that ponyfag infested hell hole.

>half the tanks in the game can instagib/outdps most characters, with tons of utility on top of that

>having any idea what balance is

Who the fuck are you playing, Reinhardt? Choke point strats are dead easy to circumvent on attack, your problem is playing garbage immobile heroes on both attack and defense praying your retard team wins a pick battle rather than just picking heroes. Masters/GM level players are the ones who go Pharah or Winston or Genji or Tracer on attack and play to the strengths of the character AND the map at the same time, whereas if the sum total of your offense game is trying to be the best at doing chip damage around the edges of a rein sheild as soldier you are going to lose often and deserve it.

If you're in gold and downward. But I guess I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were good enough to place higher. My bad.

*Rather than just playing better heroes for the situation

It's far, far worse in Overwatch. The closest TF2 gets to OW levels of damage output is the kritzkrieg.

I'm not saying that choke points are hard, I'm saying that choke points are linear as fuck when they're present in each and every map. The maps in overwatch are designed to look cluttered, but are incredibly linear.

Just don't play ranked. There are shitters like and the amount of stress will probably make the game un-fun.


Was Widowmaker a good wife?

TF2s instagibs are also almost entirely random which in turn makes them so much worse.
I know when I go against Roadhog I have to stay beyond his hook range or im fucked.
I have no idea if I get close to this Sniper if hes just gonna crit me for my entire hp with one swing of his melee.

If you're still complaining about Bastion then you basically admit to being in Gold or below.

It's the same shit in all ranks. If anything the higher rank the more massive ego and more blaming around.


>He doesn't know that currently it doesn't matter at all if you lose or win placements IF you had played comp last season

I'd rather have abilities that I can memorize the cooldown of than a random crit rocket blowing up my team because he rolled a natural 20

>Roadhog can still hook through walls and buildings
No he can't. He landed his hook fine. You and the hog just continue to move a little bit before it actually starts to pull, especially if you're jumping.

Ana is the actual biggest balance problem this game has. I refuse to play comp until her shit is fixed. She just makes the game competely boring and unfun.

Almost completely RNG. You'd have to co-ordinate with a kritz medic to have guaranteed full crits.
>crit headshots
This is in every arena shooter, so I believe it should be discounted.
>demo sticky
The only redeemable thing on this list. They need to be nerfed.
>spy backstab
Exclusive to possibly the squishiest class with the least amount of survivability options available.

Okay, now I'll go.
>any offensive ultimate
>roadhog's hook/shot
>mccree headshot
>reaper meatshot
>junkrat's bombs
>bastion's turret mode
>hanzo's arrows in general
>zenyatta's balls with discord
>tracer's burst
>S76's helix rockets

Soldier 76 can rape any bastion if he's not guarded by a Rein

Memorizing abilities so that you can experience them over and over in the exact same way sounds real fucking monotonous.

>pick Roadhog
>hook DVA
>shoot mech in the face
>shoot mech in the face again
Why can't people figure this shit out?

At informed levels of play, the best way to think about attacking into a defense comp is to view it like a puzzle. You have to identify the key tactic the enemy is using and the easiest way to circumvent it. Then, use your character to circumvent it or switch to the character that does.

play Winston to understand what I mean because there is no defense comp that Winston doesn't tear up given smart play, but you have to understand the sequence of events required to disrupt a defensive comp. Pharah will never not be good on attack no matter how good people tell you soldier is right now, thanks to concussive blast and the fact that you don't have to be in any character's LOS for more than a millisecond per rocket to bombard their position

well I didn't play comp last season aside from placements and even then I only got plat so this time I said fuck it and stopped caring about my SR

>play game
Why can't people figure this shit out?

meant to reply to

>any offensive ultimate
Only ults that 1 shot are dva and mcree, and you'd have to be retarded to get hit by them
>roadhogs hook/shot
its a combo, try dodging and staying beyond its range
>mccree headshot
only on flankers, try flanking
>reaper meatshot
does not instagib
>junkrat bombs
do not instagib, try dodging and look at the floor
>bastion turret mode
you're havin a fuckin laugh
>hanzo arrows
scatter arrow is legit retarded ill give you that, dont go into melee range with him unless you're a tank
>zenyatta balls with discord
dont instagib
>tacers burst
its burst, not an instagib
>s76 helix rockets
try dodging projectiles

I don't care about strats at informed levels of play, linear maps that rely on choke points to gather every team member into one spot is either lazy or demeaning towards the target audience.

>People actually have trouble countering Bastion
>People actually have trouble counterting Torb
You must be the idiots that keep maining Hanzo.


His primal rage is just an ult sponge for the enemy and every time you punch you best hope you have your enemy locked into a corner or you're not killing him

>hook and shoot once
>does 2 damage
>Dva shields and boosts away for heals

woah you got her nice

I did placements just to place but I'm not going to play comp until Blizzard does something about Ana. It just isn't fun playing nothing but tanks every match.

>still playing sjwwatch religiously

There's your problem
I regret buying this game, got bored of it after a month

Here's a good bastion counter:
Get a friend that is above bronze level
Have fun

>all those non-instagibs
Stickies and crits aren't insta-gibs either, chump. All of those things can shred 70% of the cast in seconds, and you can't disprove that.
Maybe Overwatch should be compared more to MOBAs, considering it's all about the high burst damage.

>shoot mech in the face again
are you playing against brain dead monkeys?

>can't deal with bastion
git gud

Making Winston's cannon do double damage only against shields (including personal shields) would be literally the only thing needed to make him perfectly balanced.

>D.va is the biggest target in the game, so that means she can be hit easily by everything

>Roadhog has zero damage mitigation and mobility, unlike all the other tanks.

>Bastion sucks cause hes only decent in turret mode and its so easy to take him out, especially with Ana on every single team. Every other time it's inferior to 76 in every way.

The only one that needs a slight nerf is D.Va because she outclasses Winston now, with a better mobility tool, better shield, better mitigation and better health.

Nobody said they were, but they are instagib when they become random crits.

Winston just needs a new ability or a remake just like how Symmetra was redone.

Maybe make Winston's barrier block all damage but only last a few seconds.

I've been saying all this time


that's the only balance you need

Even if you did just placements that determined your current rank this season. It was around either +200 or -200

No, they're not. A rocket launcher crit at point blank range isn't even enough to gib a heavy. That's not even taking into account the rest of the classes and their weaker weapons that mostly unable to gib a spy.

But it will gib everyone else.
Your arguments seem to be spinning here user.