How is it that KF2 is so much superior to CoD Zombies?

How is it that KF2 is so much superior to CoD Zombies?

Is it the lack of idiotic overly convoluted easter eggs? Is it the music? Is it the focus on interesting enemy compositions rather than scaling zombie health? Is it the progression system that doesn't rely on RNG?

I think it's all of the above. KF2 is the best co-op horde slaying game around at the moment.

You're wrong.

Killing Floor's enemies aren't zombies. They're mutant specimens created by a cloning machine.

I didn't mention zombies in relation to Killing Floor you dingus.

Also, they call them "Zeds" which is pretty much just bad branding given that they ARE clone monsters.

You'd be right that the second one is the best if not for the fact that the first Killing Floor exists.

KF2 has huge balance issues that (to my knowledge at least) are still not fixed post-launch.


Certain perks are plain useless. Survivalist is shit and will always remain shit because it was lazily thrown together at the end so they could say "Look, we added that other perk we were talking about!".
Commando is the worst trash killer. There's no point in playing as it except for extra Zed time which is only useful if your team has shit aim.
Support has been nerfed to shit to the point where most competent players gloss over it when they want to hunt down larger zeds. Berzerker was also nerfed to shit and can no longer tank hard. Firebug was nerfed too and while the Microwave Gun is no longer super good at taking down large zeds, is still pretty okay. Gunslinger remains the best trash killer because it has penetration, large ammo pool, can carry 3 great dual weapons, has a speed bonus, and is actually competent against large zeds. There's no point even playing any other trash class if you're a competent player.

These problems most likely don't surface as often on Hard and Normal, but above they're very obvious.

>Commando is worst trash killer

I disagree vehemently. I don't know what to tell you other than I think you're wrong about a lot of this.

Why is Commando better at killing trash than the other classes?

>idiotic overly convoluted easter eggs?
did they still do this nonsense in iw?

depend what your looking for
cod is more immediate fun and a bit less teamaxed
plus they're a lot more zombie at the same time

It isn't really. I can't think of a single thing I like more about KF or KF2 over CoD zombies, from design, feel or technical aspects.

>Semi Auto Mode.

Then play Gunslinger. You also get penetration with that class and two different ways to aim your guns. Not only that, but you get 2 different hand cannons to deal with larger zeds. The best hand cannon can kill a Scrake or FP faster than any Commando would ever hope.
Hell, even SWAT would do if you want semi-auto or more controlled fire. They can not only kill trash as well as Commando, they get a larger ammo pool and can slow down larger zeds. Scrakes become easier for the team as well as FPs.

So, KF is a horde type game that isn't as unneedlessly complicated as CoD Zombies? There has to be a catch right?

How much DLC is there and how much is it on sale right now?

it's the feel of the guns

no catch.

>kill zeds
>earn dosh
>buy guns
>kill more zeds

7 second zed time with a swat with unlimited ammo is fucking nuts mate

>Being this shit at the game
No problem killing as Commando with semi-auto and headshots.

Support's still one of the best at wiping out big zeds

Good Berserkers hardly ever die even post-launch.

Firebug was op as fuck with napalm and caulk 'n burn with an AA-12 for bigs yet it still ended up getting buffed across the board thanks to shitters.

>There's no point even playing any other trash class if you're a competent player.
Scrubs will always spew this shit despite picking who they consider overpowered.

I was under the impression KF2 was a horrible abomination compared to the first one.

Is it good now?

It has a 75 on Metacritic. Are the reviewers/stupid wrong or is Sup Forums just shilling?

I might buy it before the Steam sale ends

The only microtransactions are all cosmetic stuff.

I thought this was one of the worst aspects of KF2. Everything feels so clunky, probably because it's the unreal engine. The mouse input feels horrendous, even with oneframethreadlag off. The sway and inertia is just over the top and makes everything feel unwieldy.

Reviewers are always retards.

They probably rate it poorly because it's simple and repetitive and maybe they don't like the music.

Watch some footage and see for yourself. The last thing to consider is "Zed Time" which is when the game occasionally slows down into bullet time for the whole party which lets you line up good headshots or watch a grenade gib a horde.

It had a shitty Early Access launch that they've since rectified with the last few updates. It just took them a year to do so.

It's still early access trash as it was since it 'launched'.

Feels pretty much like an upgrade over the first.

>Support has been nerfed to shit to the point where most competent players gloss over it when they want to hunt down larger zeds.
Which is completely wrong and it's still one of the best perks. Now welding is viable because Support can finally fix these doors and certain shit can be done (like Demo/Support explosive door combo).
>Berzerker was also nerfed to shit and can no longer tank hard.
Sadly yes but it got buffed with new shield&Mace which is fucking op but has terrible hit sounds.
You can still tank but not as much before.

>Firebug was nerfed too and while the Microwave Gun is no longer super good at taking down large zeds, is still pretty okay
All his weapon got buffed again and it's good again.

Rest of okay i guess?
The new preview update is good and there are people who are complaining about the cross-weapons because they are THAT retarded.
They are fucking complaining Gunslinger being able to use the Wincester or the SS being able to use the deagles.

buy it on g2a for $12

>Support has been nerfed to shit
Laughing my ass off.
Can solo every enemy in every difficulty

How fixed is it compared to when it first launched?

Pick one and only one. Of the 1000 hours I've played this starting a few weeks before they "officially" released, the only time I'd seen anyone weld doors was myself for the quick 50-60 xp in between waves.

That game is just really really bad

It's easily an upgrade over the original. More perks, better graphics, more fun gore, etc.
Sadly slightly smaller amount of weapons and maps, but they're adding them in patches. (a new zed type is coming next patch too)

The Sup Forums hate meme stems from them TRYING OUT THINGS IN EARLY ACCESS DEVELOPMENT, like the damage resistance system. It's actually pretty stupid, isn't early access specifically for that? For developers to try things out and get feedback? But Sup Forums took it as a final game and complained until release.

Haven't opted into the beta updates. Any fun loadout combinations to try out when sideperk weapons go live?

Probably as fixed as USFV will be 2 years from now compared to SFV at launch.

eh it's ok

just gets old fast

Support with Medic Shotgun/AA12 or Commando with Medic Rifle/M4 with greande of Demo
SS with Deagle.
There isn't as much as variation of KF1 but there is still enough.

I'll think about it and probably cave in later.

Is it playable on bad college internet that get 120 Ping in Overwatch at times?

I'm sure they meant the option to use semi auto and swap back to full auto whenever needed. The crazy huge magazines on the guns help too.
Less reloading means more trash taken down quicker.
The guns also do WAY more per shot than SWAT.
SWATs most powerful doing 32 per shot without bonuses and Commando's best doing 50 per shot without bonuses.
The biggest guns gunslinger has do 150 per shot without bonuses, which is equal to 3 shots from the SCAR.
Only the SCAR can have a 50 round magazine.
Which means at base damages the magnums will do 1500 damage per reload and the SCAR can do 2500 per reload.
With all that in mind they can also easily spot cloaked enemies and can see enemy health bars.
Ensuring that every piece of trash that comes into the area will go down with only as many bullets as needed.

It really just comes down to the commando being hilariously reliable.
They put out non-stop fire to keep all the little enemies off themselves and teammates and can swap to full auto when something larger shows up, putting out a large amount of sustained damage.
Not as quickly as a gunslinger but the bullets don't usually stop till the enemy is dead.

>activly playing KF2
DONT, do not do this, trash games are a health hazard, i prescribe KF1 for a better time

Main issue with KF2 was that they took too much time between releasing new content. And instead of new class, gun, boss or whatever they decided to push early cosmetic microtransactions.
Core gameplay was solid ever since beta just before Early Access release.

Commando with Medic AR
Commando with M40
Support with Medic shotgun
Support with Firebug shotgun
Gunslinger with Sharpshooter's Winchester
Sharpshooter with Gunslinger's SW500

it funnels the zeds

This guy knows what's up.

KF1 is dead user
KF2 killed it. Then it killed itself with early access

Kf2 has better gameplay
Kf1 just has better maps and gun selection

Its hard to go back to kf1 once you start having fun throwing ice grenades at a fleshpound and railgun him in the face

shame that tripwire wants to focus on vietnam shit

The game needs more fucking bosses. 2 is just pitiful now that this game is out of early access.

Reviewers only care about narrative and/or nostalgia, haven't you learned?

KF2 is my top 4. game of 2016. I can always just pick the game up and have fun, because the guns and classes just feel satisfying. It's a very fun "turn your brain off and relax" game.

>better gameplay
i disagree, but respect your opinions

Tripwire doesn't work on Rising Storm 2. It's Antimatter, faggot.

I'd like to see a "Crawler Queen" type boss. Could

They said in a stream they are going to bring one more this year


>KF2 shills are getting THIS obvious

Needs a "more banter" DLC.

If you have a support and keep welding a door long enough enemies will usually give up and take a longer route. They can also repair destroyed doors.

If you have a demo, doors welded by them explode when destroyed doing enough damage to seriously wound or kill most trash enemies, making your team have to deal with less from that section for a short period of time.

If you have BOTH
This leads to the option of pretty much outright denying trash enemies access to any room you choose to hold up in
Or you can run around the map and randomly bomb doors for some free kills and have the support fix them later.

>1 more boss within a sometime next year!

I guess it's better than nothing but the fucking game should have shipped with at least 4 bosses imo.

I don't think you played KF1.

>4 bosses imo
3 was planned from the beginning
doc, pat, mat

>I guess it's better than nothing but the fucking game should have shipped with at least 4 bosses imo.
The game isn't even fucking released yet. KF1 was even MORE barebones on release than KF2 is now.

>The game isn't even fucking released yet
It is. For about 1,5 months now.

After playing 850hs of KF1 i dont see the problem with 2 bosses. The only thing i dont like about KF2 is how chaotic it becomes, to the point where you cant guard a place at all since wielding is pretty shitty compared to 1.

To be fair, its a very small part of the game that isn't important at all. On top of which its a medium to allow them to release DLC for free.

Welding has been pretty consistently buffed over time.
For more info.

What's the survivalist perk even meant to be? Is it just a "Hurrdurr I use whatever guns I want" or does it actually have a purpose?

There are plenty of long chokes on most maps that render welding impractical anyway. It seems more chaotic with inexperienced players that block the front of chokes, burn through their ammo when enemies are still at suboptimal range, and rage the fleshpounds/scrakes instead of letting sniper or swat stun them beforehand.

I loved running around with AA12 and a medic AR before they fixed the support weight limit transferring to other perks, so this is pretty good.

>SS being able to use the deagles.
Aw yiss.

Today, I will remind you.

>Use w/e guns without suffering from less exp gained by off-perking
>Healing grenades
Not as good as the specialized perks but not complete shit. It's just there to please off-perkers.



this is the game where it takes you 10 seconds to 'sprint' across a street intersection

this is the only game where I distinctly remember laughing for a while at just how terrible it was, how far it took bad game design, without irony or self awareness

it holds a special place in my heart because it shows just how mentally damaging military shooters are

Something something balance and gameplay,

something something snail turtle walmart motorized cart

all my friends bitch at me because I play SWAT as if I knew it was overpowered as fuck when I picked it. I only selected it because it wasn't in KF1 and I wanted to do something new after maxing most of the classes in the first game.

>this is the game where it takes you 10 seconds to 'sprint' across a street intersection
Still bringing this up. This shit's been fixed for a while now.

CoD zombies has better and actually original music, but KF2 is better because it's not attached to an outdated engine and treated like the unsuccessful stepchild. CoD is focused on the PvP multiplayer and the story first and zombies is an afterthought.

has it user, has it

Can't tell if bait or stupid.

>unreal 3
>not outdated

Good meme. Shit, even modern CoD engine forks are are brand spankin' new, while Tripwire *still* uses the worst meme engine from the mid 00s.

He's legit right though to be honest

It's on a modified UE3 that has the features they wanted from UE4 in it.

So both engines are new.

Pick the female character with the war helmet, glasses, and a rocket launcher and you'll have a feminazi.
Yes I am embarrassed at myself for laughing at that when my friend did it

Don't girls often want to play as pretty characters and like cute things? Which there's neither of in KF. He's likely just alienating a female audience by being an SJW cucked faggot.

I'll just stick with KF1. I don't want to give this fuccboi anymore of my money.

How is the girl on the left objectified or half-naked? Pretty sure her story is that she's a retarded party girl who works as a secretary and hates wearing professional getup. And the guy on the right is cherrypicked as shit because there's also a guy who dresses casually too (the black guy). And then there's foster and the punk girl who are worse off than that dressed girl because he wears a suit/jacket.

The rest are pretty much professionally dressed though.

>UE3 requires you to redownload huge chunks of the game during updates because they need to be recompiled
>5GB update for Survivalist perk and nothing else
It's shit.

So every UE game is shit because of update issues?

first game is much better.

fuck off. KF2 is fun.
t. fan since demo of 1.0 version of the UT mod.

Yes. Updates are always unnecessarily large because of UE3's compilers needing to be downloaded all the goddamn time.

its just as unrealistic, except he's catering to legbeards instead of neckbeards, even though neckbeards are his primary audience

i couldnt care less until he added this character, because i actually dont like women being over sexualized in vidya because it breaks the immersion

but so does this tumblrina

but it honestly isnt a huge change to the game, im just bored of it and decided that hypocritical faggot can get fucked for all i care and got my money back by refunding it, lmao

>dressed in pinup fashion and covered in tattoos
>character isn't morbidly obese

Idk mang.

I got to lvl 20 commando after playing a few hours a night solo and just got the game last week.

Also haven't been called a faggot by an 8 year old anu time i hop on KF2. Cant say the same thing about cod.

Holy shit
I've never heard this before and I can't stop laughing

Killing Floor's aesthetic is grunge
Killing Floor 2's aesthetic is gore

If only there was some way to combine the two

I have one hundred hours in Black Ops 3 and Black Ops, I got a refund on KF2 and have 20 hours in the first one. Its simply not that engaging to me to play so I get bored after a single game. Its also a lot harder despite being simpler. Black Ops Zombies isn't hard because of the gameplay, its hard because of teammates and check lists of chores. Sometimes special enemies are hard too.

>t. didn't play above normal or get past level 5

>because it breaks the immersion

This is fucking killingfloor m8. What fucking immersion? The more nonesensical the characters are the better.