"Perfect games don't exi-"
"Perfect games don't exi-"
Other urls found in this thread:
The unbalanced PVP, backstab mechanics, magic and shields
The mostly poor selection of bosses
The fact that even the good bosses have practically no health
The entire second half of the game
The 4-point rolling while locked on
The playerbase/fanbase
Dark Souls isn't perfect, if that's what you're implying.
It's a perfect game until after anor londo, then it becomes mediocre
I love dark souls but fuck you. It is far from perfect.
Just the inventory system alone is a joke.
I love this game to death but the covenant system and p2p pvp is shit. also
>Lost Izalith
The inventory alone gave me actual headaches.
Okay dude
o fug my sides
Just a little though.
>playing souls for the pvp
I don't play them for the pvp because the pvp is shit.
>try to join friend
>open up 10 ports for steam
>set region to japan so online will actually fucking work
>spend 2 hours trying to find his shitty sign
>didn't find it
literally the worst online system ive ever encountered
This, what a disappointment. I never even finished the game because it got so lame.
Bed of Chaos
What's wrong with the inventory system?
That's because you're not supposed to be able to deliberately play alongside friends. Signs are supposed to be randoms you encounter by luck. This is done this way by design
yeah i love that perfect cinematic 8 frames per second in blight town
If it was so perfect, why did they change it in the sequels?
not while nearly half of it is an unfinished mess
DeS is the only perfect Souls
get good
then why did they add the password system in later games?
and it is the worst online system ive ever encountered. even if you do join a game, you cannot ever speak with them because lolnotextchat
>inb4 b-but they designed it to be shitty like that
6/10 game with how awful this shit is
Nope. DeS is certainly a more polished experience than DaS, but only BB really feels conplete.
*teleports u in front of me*
heh....bet you thought it was a holagram...get real kid
10/10 pre Anal Lodor
8/10 post
Overall 9/10
Still one of the best games of the decades.
Ive played the game for like 1300 hours
Those points are flaws though
Demon ruins and lost izalith are not nearly half the game. Stop with the hyperboles
ToH >>>>> DaS1 = DeS >>>>> Nioh, Lord's of the Fallen,"the Dark Souls sequels", etc.
frame rate issues
It's like a 7/10 post let's be real, but its still top 5 of the decade for sure
I would agree if BB wasn't severely lacking in replayability, it would be perfect if it had equip load and more branching pathways
they designed it to be like that
this isnt a fun multiplayer thing, they're supposed to just be wandering ghosts that enter your world then leave
that feel when black knight greatsword drops from the tower dude
>what is dukes copypasted archives
>what is tomb of the long linear pathways in pitch black to make it seem more open
>having issues with iron golem in the first place
heh, looks like you only have yourself to blame... kiddo
thanks for the link but its too late for that now, my friend isn't interested anymore and im not either
>top 5 of the decade
user how fucking jaded are you
i prefer this one
>they reuse the same enemy, therefore it's unfinished
I guess right from the start it's like that since they spam the same hollow from firelink to the parish
>what is tomb of the long linear pathways in pitch black to make it seem more open
It's unfinished because it's linear? Are you retarded?
>7/10 post
It wasn't that bad. 2nd half did have it moments.
not just the enemies, but the entire area is just the same room like 5 times
If dark souls is perfect then what is bloodborne which is objectively a better game?
I see you haven't reached Lost Izalith.
no shield = shit game
i know that feel bro
It has a shield though.
Equip load is retarded and a non-mechanic because there will never be a situation where a person with a brain chooses encumbrance.
The repeatability is the same as the rest, this often comes up as a point but people fail to articulate why other than dubious muttering about "less builds", which simply isn't true.
I do agree with the branching paths though. A few more would have really made the game pop a bit more.
The reason why it's better is because the music, weapons, movesets, enemy design, level design consistency, atmosphere, and a lot of other shit are pretty much unmatched by the rest of the series.
>tfw you get the gargoyle halberd drop
my first playthrough i got that drop. what a great weapon.
i assumed it was guaranteed on NG until i finally made another character and didn't get it.
Your gun is your shield, get good.
Garbage ass game same with DS2. Linear as fuck, pretty envirojment that you cannot access due to arbitrary limitations, a jump feature that is 99% useless, combat has no weight and no feedback, enemy animations are wonky as fuck.
Only Demons, BB, and DS3 are good.
The last quarter drops to a 7 from a 10
When considering that most of the game is a 10/10, and that most games suck post 2006, then yeah it's top 5
filthy dex user
dont talk to me or my big fucking sword ever again
>Equip load is retarded and a non-mechanic because there will never be a situation where a person with a brain chooses encumbrance
Sure, but if you had a stat that affected your equip load, you'd be given the decision to allocate limited stat points into the equip load stat to be able to equip more stuff while staying below the encumbered limit.
Dark Souls really is a 10/10 game. All the criticisms are the same typical horseshit. I haven't seen any good arguments against the game, and I personally can't think of one.
>pick up Velka's Rapier
>that scaling with magic
>max out it out
>literally poke to win
Quality weapon, champ.
>The fact that even the good bosses have practically no health
Someone clearly looked at a walkthrough unwilling to find things on their own, or simply grinded like a chump.
Bed of Chaos and it's area.
qualityfags are just people who can't make decisions.
Nobody is talking to you in the first place, you fucking moron.
The inventory system
The PC port
The entire game after O&S
What I do, is I either make sure I have the bowl that let's you teleport, or I don't light the bonfires on the beach, and I homeward bone all the way back up to firelink shrine. That might seem like a long trip, but the only reason I'd go there prior to getting the bowl, is if I want to cut the dragon's tail off and get the surfboard sword.
This. Every "criticism" is a non issue if you aren't shit.
Or those who want to use a specific weapon.
It's not bad. If you don't like it for some reason then just go through it quickly. It only takes like 10 minutes, and it's basically 200,000 free souls.
Nothing wrong with any of those. So sick of people pushing this crap that all games have to be boring, easy, linear pieces of shit. Oh the game was good until it became non-linear and I didn't know what to do.
It was boring and I didn't like it.
Pretty sure you were just awful at it
>Nothing wrong with any of those
Holy shit there was so much implication in your crazy statement that one memearrow wasn't enough.
Dark Souls was rife with imperfections. But that's what made it good. That it had so much going against it and yet still managed to be a good game.
So there's something wrong with it, but you won't say what, and I'm just supposed to accept it. The fact of the matter is, it's the best inventory system yet in a souls game, because it has 1-frame menus, unlike in DaS2 and 3 where they added unnecessary animations, in favor of being able to switch weapons and rings around more quickly.
Is the DS1 inventory system going to be the hot new spicy meme? It's perfectly fine, if anything 3 is worse since you can't order weapons the way you want them to
Dude there is everything wrong with it.
The fact that you have to scroll through all items to dispose something should be enough
Everything about it fucking disgusts me
Have you ever tried to use the bottomless box?
I never thought someone would fucking defend this piece of shit inventory system.
Fanboyism has gone to far.
I wish I was only 13 and could love Souls as much as you guys.
>worse than Demon's Souls
toggling to 30 frames using backspace will allow you to get past things like that
Fuck this, and that one branch that you will fall off if you don't run, when going up from blighttown to valley of drakes.
Puberty is hard isn't it buddy?
Don't worry. you won't be 14 forever.
It doesn't.
The only proper way to do it is to walk off the branch to the left which somehow lets you magically walk on thin air and onto the platform.
>1/3 of the game is admittedly half baked
don't think so my man
roleplaying should NEVER FUCKING EVER supersede gameplay. This is a VIDEOGAME first, bullshit roleplaying second. This is the kind of shit that ruins paper and pencil games
>why is x so shitty?
>because it's le realistic lol
>but is it fun?
>lol doesn't matter it's let roleplaying flavor
>ok but this is a GAME
Surprise, you played the game wrong, just like everyone always says. If you have that many items, and you're not throwing things away that you don't need, or better, not picking them up in the first place, and putting things you don't use but might want later in your bottomless box, you're fucking up. I can just imagine how many longswords you had to scroll past. You mean you didn't throw those away, and continued picking them up?
I can't imagine being so delusional as to think this amazing game, with great bosses, great level design, top-notch combat mechanics, great music, great atmosphere, great story - None of that matters to you, because you think you found a flaw with the inventory system, even though you really didn't.
No, the bosses just have no fucking health at all.
replaying the game is a bland joke because everything dies so quickly
>dude the inventory is great because you get to spend even more time throwing away the garbage to make it not cluttered!!!!
I played through ds1-3 and the "souls magic" really fades away fast, soon you will be min-maxing your gear, and find every secret/defeat any boss without a problem.
The lore of the games is extremely overrated, it's just a bunch of item descriptions and one or two sentences from an NPC.
>but omg! Miayzaki is a geniussss !!!
he's ok...
>navigating blighttown
>can't see shit, cap'n
>enemies from everywhere
>surprise venom blowdarts
gotta hand it to them, they did a real good job making that part feel desperate and awful
i still dread that part. usually i take the master key and skip it, but there's some good loot
thank god you'll never make a game
>Surprise, you played the game wrong, just like everyone always says. If you have that many items, and you're not throwing things away that you don't need, or better,
That is not the argument you massive retard
> None of that matters to you, because you think you found a flaw with the inventory system, even though you really didn't.
No no no no no no
It is one of, if not my actual favorite game of all time
It just isn't fucking perfect.
The classes aren't balanced.
The game is clearly unfinished.
FUck you
Its not perfect.
and "you played it wrong" as an argument of why an inventory system is shit is beyond retarded
you are the reason everyone hates soulsfags.
Fuck this fanbase is worse than any other fanbase.
>lol it's YOUR fault the programming is shitty and you go grabbed while behind the guy when he was swinging in front of himself
You would think darksouls were nintendo games, with out fervently they're defended by their fans.
don't play rpgs if you don't want any form of roleplaying
I like how it's only hard the first time, but after you find the first bonfire everything becomes so easy.
>The entire second half of the game
It's worse than the first, but really not that bad. It takes a few playthroughs for it to click, but I know the more I played it and explored the less shitty it was. You'd probably know that if you got past Capra Demon, little cuckboi.
This is probably the most trivial thing I've ever seen someone complain about.
It takes like 3 seconds to scroll through even the most bloated of inventories.
Why do you even need to use the bottomless box as anything other than a garbage can?
>not letting Tarkus 1v1 this guy
How bad is your PC?
And yet, it is still a flaw.
wooo, proved my point for me :')
>You'd probably know that if you got past Capra Demon, little cuckboi.
Proved my last point true here too.
>This is a VIDEOGAME first, bullshit roleplaying second.
Agreed, but this is neo-Sup Forums, where anons post about story in video games trumping gameplay and how that's a good thing. Save your breath.
>This is probably the most trivial thing I've ever seen someone complain about.
Its still a horrible inventory system
If you call something perfect then it can't have any flaws.
I think you were dropped as a child if you don't understand that simple concept.
>summoning anyone to any bossfight ever