How does Sup Forums feel about this?

How does Sup Forums feel about this?

>awards shit

>online polls
I couldn't be more indifferent to it OP.

How do you feel about it? Did you also piss your pants went Undertale won some Gamefaqs poll? kek

That the majority of Steam users don't know what "The test of time" phrase means or that the majority of steam users still like skyrim even though it is the worst elder scrolls game bar the MMO?


I think people who love or hate Skyrim are all pathetic and I hope both groups go to war and kill each other.

I voted for Skyrim because I knew Sup Forums would be pissed off, I just wanted a card for gems. I voted for the game Sup Forums hated in every category.

This. Despite being a 2D side-scroller pixel game it's still one of the best survival open world games
Really makes you think

Doesn't really count when it's still getting regular updates.

>>I voted for Skyrim because I knew Sup Forums would be pissed off
Oh how the might have fallen.
I remember Sup Forums rigging awards to piss people off.
Now Sup Forums is the place taking shit like that serious and getting triggered over them.

Fucking tell me about it. I blame gamergate for the influx of kids.

Its beautiful isn't it. Like poetry.

Sup Forums in general went from a place that reveled in causing mayhem to a bunch of uptight conservatives who complain about every single little thing

But lets be honest, we have no one to blame but ourselves for this. We practically invited them.

What did you nominate, Sup Forums?
I nominated Deus Ex.

Look, when they had the nominations going around I put in my stuff to try and make the awards not shit.

They came out complete shit with very few exceptions like AoE 2 there anyway. So I just stopped caring.

I feel numb.

Something that came out this gen is just as good as playing it this gen. How surprising.

Civ 5 comes out, is shit, saved by expansions.
Skyrim comes out, is shit, saved by mods.
Team Fortress 2 comes out, changes business model, changes everything about the game, effectively has up and down swings in quality and is now pretty shit.
Terraria comes out, is okay, significantly updates over time to get better, STILL updating.

AoE 2 comes out, is good. You could play the release day version of AoE 2 today, still good. Only valid nomination in the entire category.

>Skyrim comes out, is shit, saved by mods.
Skyrim in general might be underrated here but I have not seen any mods that actually fix the game.

Anyone who does not like Skyrim won't have it be saved by mods.

Then throw in the expansions. I see them nominate Skyrim there, not Dragonborn.

In general Test of Time was a shit category because of this.

"It keeps getting better" would have been a good category that would also have acknowledged Devs that consistently update and improve their game and would have allowed games that started out weak and were made good to fit.

im triggered af

i had fun on my first playthrough when it released but trying to get back into it is just painful

honestly it aged like milk

I mean, it's still played a lot, just modded, so it kinda survived the test of time

It's accurate because mods.

TF2 probably deserves it the most. 2007 game that's still popular vs a 2011 game that's gained a little interest again because of a re-release with more bloom and a ruined atmosphere.

you think skyrim was saved by the expansions?

I can't fucking tell you what saved it in the normies eyes that still makes them play it and vote for it.

I could bring up SexLab aswell.

At least the category would have some sort of consistency if that's the thinking behind it considering Civ 5 also had 2 major expansions and mods save it, but no one would consider release Civ 5 good. Well, maybe the idiots that nominated Civ 6 for that other award would.

Yeah, it's weird to think, we called each other fag and nigger to keep overall society away but we forget that there was a part of society who thinks that calling everyone fag and nigger is cool

>spend an entire day downloading, installing, and troubleshooting mods to turn Skyrim into a passable RPG/3D Violated Heroine
>finally play
>get bored after a few hours
Skyrim is just a fundamentally bad game on every level. Mods can make it less shitty, but they'll never make it good.

The worst part for me was that I gradually discovered more and more mods I would've liked to integrate but at that point I'd have to not only shift so much stuff around or install so many more pre-reqs and hope it works but also would've mostly needed to start over my save again and go through the awful opening every time.

>Constant mods being added
>Just shilled out a new "HD" version to try and revive the game
>He doesn't call those updates

You are literally too stupid. Good luck in life.

First of all
But more importantly
>Game isn't even 10 years old
Fucking normies could have voted for kotor, system shock, deus ex, AoE 2, or some other widely known games that are over 10 years old but instead they vote for fucking Skyrim. A game that isn't even 6 years old won the test of time award

>start over my save again and go through the awful opening every time

You spent all that time setting up mods but never got an alternate start mod? What the fuck?

No. Out of that list they have to pick there is only 2 games that would be counted as old enough to be part of the test of time.
TF2 and AOE2.

The rest have been around in the last 5 years.

this is why i can't take PC FAGGOT RACE serious when they shit on console exclusives

all they play is 15 year old games heavily modded

>heavily modded

Because it makes the games like new, or in some cases, entirely new games.

Are you a retard?

I think everyone who voted for goat simulator should be murdered.

You are everything wrong in this world.

Should I get Civ IV?

They have complete edition for $7.49.

Played the shit out of 5 and 6.

god I remember these times. WHY EVEN LIVE! I want my old secret little niche back

>Winning the Test of Time award
>not AoE II, Civ V, or TF2

It's good.
Less streamlined, not sure if you'd like that or not.
