>it's 2017
>he's still on Windows 7
It's 2017
win 10>8>7
>needing another girl
>windows 7 was released twelve years ago
I haven't updated my Windows 7 since June 2016 either.
>It's 2017
>He's so insecure about his OS choice he needs to justify it on a Burmese heating and cooling discussion site
I never saw a reason to update it
Nana-chan is cute.
what is the best linux for gaming?
I'm fucking tired of Jewindows
I was just doing some math, no need to be a bitch about it
if you're not a nerd just use ubuntu, there's no point in using other badly designed distros unless you really want to impress other nerds for cred
They all do the same stuff, it's just a matter of what you want to set up. Look on the steam game list for ones that work natively on Linux. Don't expect it to run just released AAA stuff yet, either. With how Vulkan is coming along graphics support for Linux is growing by leaps and bounds.
Unironically gentoo. If you '""need""" the greatest and latest you'll have to pci passthrough though (but discreet gpu + cpu's onchip gpu works just fine)
Didn't MS release a new update client in July to fix the problem with updates getting stuck?
I just want the best OS to play, should i continue in jewindows?
I don't fear spyware since i don't have nothing to hide, i just heard that linux don't crash and bug just like windows, is it true?
Well, what's better then? Real talk.
When games stop supporting 7 I'm moving to Linux. Fuck MicroShaft and fuck Israel
Will we ever get a proper alternative to fucking Windows?
What makes you think they're stuck.
>Nothing to hide
Here we go again. Just stick on Windows 7 or whatever you're using. You don't actually care about gaming on Linux.
Yeah we will, when another corporation cuts the NSA a better deal.
Were those $0.12 from MS worth these shameful posts?
>tfw you fall for the windows 10 meme
would've switched to linux ages ago if I wasn't so lazy
The only distro that actually works for me is gentoo. For example, ubuntu installer enters an infinite loop or simply crashes when trying to setup separate home + root on encrypted lvm. In 2003 I would have definitely agreed though.
windows 7 best os for producing
Windows 8.1 & 10 are superior to Windows 7 in every way, shape and form. Only autists that get triggered by tiles and flat UI will disagree.
If it wasn't for me going to prison I'd still be using windows XP. Windows 7? What was that like? I'm using Windows 10 on this gifted laptop.
> 2017
> Falling for botnets
>"upgrading" to an OS that runs games worse to be able to run garbage windows 10 exclusive games that dont even run well
>Not using the patrician choice Windows 7
I use 8.1 at work and it's fucking trash, Rajesh. New windows operating systems offer nothing revolutionary or useful over Windows 7.
>But my new processors working with windows 10 only
>But direct X 12
Still unneeded upgrades that offer nothing of value
It really is the only choice for windows©®™ systems
I have windows 10 on my laptop and it is the worst shit I've ever experienced. I got this laptop for free too. Piece of shit shuts down to update whenever the fuck it wants and the UI is godfuckingawful. Take your bait and leave.
Check out Linux Mint and remember to pick the "XFCE" version as your desktop enviornment. (My recommendation of Mint over Ubuntu is purely down to the default window managers)
Install steam from the software selection menu. The number of linux games still isn't great, but you can get a feel for how the system works at the moment. You can also try installing Wine for emulating windows games. It's hit and miss, but a lot of autists have genuinely put in a lot of work to get their favourite games running.(I've never done it, but apparently you install the windows version of steam running inside wine and you may be able to run games. Basically to wean yourself off dual boot)
You will want to run a dual boot system. Most linux installs will support setting this up automagically.
Windows 8.1 with classic shell is the best version of windows.
Prove me wrong.
Actually no, it's 7>10>8
>putting 8 above anything, especially 7
So both 7 and 10 are bad? Well, it's either what I have now or ask my folks back in USA to look high and low for an american windows XP cd and key.
That could take forever.
It's not. Windows 7 is the best windows. Prove me wrong
Pro tip: do it without getting paid by MS
7 is fine
>having cp on your computer