The Scorpio will end PlayStation

The Scorpio will end PlayStation

>Potentially 4 times as powerful as the Xbox One
>Supports VR
>Backwards and Forwards compatible with Xbox 360 and Xbox One
>Literally the most powerful console ever made
How can Sonyfags even keep up?


>Winning a battle in a war you've already lost

Fucking genius.

literally 0 exclusives

No it won't.

Why would people buy a powerful console filled with shit games when they can buy a weaker console with actual fun games?

It's about the games, OP, not the hardware.

>Forwards compatible
What the duck does that even mean?

>literally 4 times more powerful than xbox one
xbox one is shit
xbox scorpio confirmed 4 times as shit

is just simpl calculs

that you can play old games on your 360 that you already own and future games on pc that you also already own

But how much will it cost?

Games made for scorpio have to be made for xbone too. So no matter the power it is automatically hamstrung. You are getting all that extra power just to bump the resolution or fps. In other words it suffers the same problem that exists with pc ports.

finally someone that understands it all.

>How can Sonyfags even keep up?

With games

Right, just like the more powerful original Xbox killed the PS2.

>scorpio is out for 1 year
>ps5 is announced


>having games either

now that's debatable

Sony and MS should just have shown the next gen at 2017 E3 and then started selling them before 2018. This mid-gen gen is just pathetic sillyness streaght out of the "how sega destroyed itself" handbook

>Powerful hardware/good graphics makes a good system meme.

An arm and a leg, probably. Which will it make completely bluffness to most people who want to buy or upgrade. It would be hilarious if old $600 meme was turned on its head.

>all games available on windows 10
>nothing special that defines it as a console and not just a shitty PC

>Why would people buy a powerful console filled with shit games when they can buy a weaker console with actual fun games?
>fun games
Hate to tell you this user, but most people aren't interested in weebshit or movie """""""games """""""

Merry christmas doc.

>movie games
>indie shit
>weaboo garbage
kys faggot

Besides weaboo garbage, both consoles have the same shit.
Movie games and indie shit for days.

So xbots are still alive...

merry christmas doc

Merry Christmas doc

Enjoy your Queers of 4, Gaylo infinte, and Forza a billion pieces of Horizon, faggot! Xbots will be the death of America and the world, BITCH!

>Forwards compatible

>You are getting all that extra power just to bump the resolution or fps.

to be fair, those are good things.

I get your overall point, that it's silly to have the Scorpio be this powerful, yet handcuff the games by making them work on the XB1.

All these retarded Scorpio threads remind me of the "most powerful console ever made with the power of THE CLOUD!" shit Microsoft kept pushing when the Bone came out.

I really wish MS would stop the Windows 10 exclusive meme and just support Scorpio full throttle. If they keep it up it'll just have worse versions of PC ports, which is a waste for such a powerful console.

>Forward compatible


If they could somehow make it 100% compatible with the HUEG and the 360, it might have a chance. Microsoft is gonna have to go buy some developers for 3rd party games, though.

I want the Xbox to be good, it's not good for gamers if the Playstation is completely dominant the way it is now, but Microsoft needs to put more effort.


>having games

>Power doesn't matter
>Yet the Switch is DOA because is weaker than the PS4 pro
Sonyggers, please

>Xbox always wins

Has it ever won?..

The issue is that it's being sold as an upgrade to the XBox One. Any game that can't be played in the One isn't going to exist. It's like a more extreme version of the PS4Pro.

Making it compatible with the original XBox seems like an unnecessary expenditure, though. I mean, people who already own the games are set, but where can you even buy old XBox games anymore?


Why would we buy it when we can just play the games on PC? at better res/fps with mods/fixes

>forwards compatible

Will it have a pricetag of $399 or less

If not it will sell like shit regardless of its specs, poorfags/console peasents want cheap, and Sony/Nintendo will give them cheap

>No exclusives

man i cant wait until you peasant shits fuck off back to school.

You'd buy the games digitally, of course.

I understand it's unreasonable to even imagine, the HUEG had a custom made NVIDIA GPU or something.

It has plenty of games, and tons more coming out soon. The PS4 has way more to offer than the Xbone, now and later.

Xbox has never won.

Its going to cost like $600

It will literally end itself

Not so. The PS4 Pro and the Xbox Scorpio can easily be used for four or so years. It doesn't do Sony or Microsoft any good to invest the R&D to create a totally new, very powerful console which much be sold at a loss (yes, it must be sold at a loss or you would hear people complaining, "Bullshit! $1,000 for a console?!") when they can still ride on the R&D for the current generation of consoles.

Meanwhile, it's highly doubtful anyone else will create a console that'll blow the Sony and Microsoft offerings out of the water. Nintendo doesn't have the money or the business culture to do it. Google, Apple, and Amazon have the money but don't appear to be interested in creating consoles.

What killed Sega was putting out utter garbage that truly served no purpose because Sega themselves had something better. I'm talking about the 32X when the Saturn was already out. Later, Sega panicked when the original PlayStation (which was wildly popular) came out, which caused them to release the Dreamcast too soon.

Sega still might have died because they didn't have the budget Sony did and thus may not have been able to create powerful enough hardware and terrific software development tools to take full advantage of the hardware and make writing great games easier.

>XBOX getting most powerful console
>Sony getting the best exclusives

Yeah, Sony still wins. If you want a powerful machine, just go for PC. After all, even Microsoft acknowledges the xbox as a failure so they're bringing over a lot of exclusives onto Windows 10.

It's meaningless. It'll barely catch up to what the pro sold

Sony made a smart move. They developed a much cheaper and less powerful console so that they would have the entire console graphic-whore market for more than a year before this thing could even sell

Combined with the fact that it will be MAD expensive, and the fact that it will literally have 0 exclusives (because everything is going to PC); they just killed themselves... even more

>Gamecube and Xbox more powerful than PS2
>PS2 still wins it generation

Hint: It is the exclusives

Scorpio and Switch will end the abomination that is PlayStation.

No games

>fun games
>movies and weebshit
kys Sony cuck

thinly veiled

If I wanted power why wouldn't I just get a PC?

Now if there was only a game I wanted on it.

>gamecube was more powerful than PS2

Its gonna be like a steam machine. We are working on windows game mode for that reason

>599 us dollars

Sold at a loss, at that, probably.

Especially since Scorpio's exclusives are coming to PC as well

are there even still xboners left
aren't you just baiting a shadow

I don't care how powerful it is if it only comes with brown and gray FPS and sports games.

Power alone wont win anything, you needs games for it and as far as Im concerned the xbone has none

>brown and grey meme
Sunset Overdrive
Any Rare Game

And yet the games still look like dogshit.

>Potentially 4 times as powerful as the Xbox One






The PS2 was a pain in the ass to develop for. It was so bad that most games couldn't even take advantage of the full specs of the hardware.

Power is pretty meaningless if developing for your system is such a chore that no one can do it right.

Oh man, that literally changes everything. I'm so going to camp out at the midnight release to pay $600 for the most powerful system ever to play a console version of minecraft.

>Sunset Overdrive

Didn't this thing bomb like crazy?

All I know it that was a really mediocre Tony Hawk wannabe

>next gen
Xbox One was MS last generational console.

People won't buy the Scorpio for a while, it's too expensive, and still a bit niche. 4K isn't standard for another few years. Meanwhile PS4 recently surpassed 50m sales and the PS4PRO will only give it further advantage.

One of the primary reasons why the PS4 outsold the Xbox One at launch was it's cheaper price tag. People want the cheap alternative, so they'll go for the PRO over the Scorpio. Not to mention most casuals aka the majority do not switch console allegiance until the next gen of consoles release, and given that PS4 users vastly outnumber XB1 users, the trend will keep going.

Don't forget Halo, something I'm happy 343 did when they took over with Halo 4 and 5, is that they brought back the bright vibrant colors of Halo 1-3 along with the shiny graphics of looking like a cartoon Halo was known for.

>Tfw the Xbone is actually pretty nice but Sup Forums won't let go of their pride to admit it

the only good thing is the controller, because it has a microswitch d-pad

The controller is excellent, and backwards compatibility should be standard, that's the only things it has in its advantage. The Scorpio will garner a large performance advantage most likely, but is a sizable investment and also requires a 4K tv to be worthwhile so eh.

I don't even know anyone who owns 4k tv or monitor. but anyway these "upgraded" consoles are so shitty.

I dislike you gamers. Why are even buying these current generation consoles when they keep releasing hardware upgraded versions? It's absolutely retarded, you're going through the PC route yet you're getting massive losses.

Switch is DOA because it has NO GAMES!


Literally Steam machine tier

Why would anybody buy third party games on PS4 when they will all look and run better on the Scorpio? This is why the PS4 pro sold like shit and the FAG-company Sony is starting to die again.

I love watching console rats slinging shit at each other in the gutters.

wasn't that the case with the ps3?
the ps2 had tons of games

>Sony is starting to die again
Good, they need to

>not owning a pc, xbox, ps4 and other significant consoles and ascending to the true god race


>>not owning a pc
mobile poster detected

is it going to have a water cooler like the xbox one

you know that the first XBox made Microsoft a shitton of debts?

Pretty excited desu. PC power with the optimization and huge player base of a console.

Not to mention lives great online servers that don't throttle my connection and complete BC with mods.

I'll be waiting for this instead of getting a pro.

t. uneducated retard

it's ALL about the hardware. there's a reason the 360 was initially more popular than the ps3 and that's because of the multi plat performance alongside being released ealier. the same goes for the ps4. the average joe doesn't say "oh i want a ps4 because i can play this Japanese game nobody has ever heard about" and the same went for early xbox 360 exclusives too except the big hitters like halo.

there's also a reason sony includes "the most powerful console" in every single advert they have ever made. the casual wants to know he can play his fifa and cod at "muh ten-aytee-pee" or "muh four-kay".

That used to be the case but while there were many reasons ps4 beat xbone one of them was because it was more powerful.

>neither has any exclusives
>might as well get the better running more powerful one for my multiplat machine

find me a pc which can run all the latest titles like forza horizon 3 at 1080p 4xmsaa, comes with a controller and 4k blu ray drive and a free bundled game for the same price as an xbox at £200.

>That used to be the case but while there were many reasons ps4 beat xbone one of them was because it was more powerful.
well, PS4 were cheaper too, and don't forget some "plans" what Microsoft skipped (you know, DRm, always on).

>>>>>while there were many reasons ps4 beat xbone

If it releases with a higher price than the PS4 Pro it's fucked

Estimated at $399.

>Why would anybody buy third party games on PS4 when they will all look and run better on the Scorpio?
Why did anyone buy third party games on Xbox One when most look and run better on PS4? Because most people don't give a shit, I've bought games on Xbone that are better on PS4 and PC, and vice versa.

>Why did anyone buy third party games on Xbox One when most look and run better on PS4?

they didn't. you =/= everyone else. the top 10 sales charts were always dominated by ps4 sales and i say this as an xbox one owner. power is everything and that's going to be the biggest advantage for the scorpio. it's a big enough advantage to swing the "console war" back in MS favor.

>What is the PS3

It's going to cost $600+, all the games on it will also be available on Windows and at that price point might as well build a better PC. The only people who will buy one will be hardcore Xbox loyalist, most people and their friends already moved onto the PS4. They're not going to switch to play in 4k while it's really expensive and most people don't even own a 4k TV yet.