>expecting normalfags and casuals to ever learn
well you certainly are one for buying The Division
>bought the division and Rocket league
You're just as retarted OP
I got it for free in exchange for CSGO items.
>playing the division, cs:go and mobas makes you any better
I bet you buy microtransactions to you massive faggot
HA! Sucker.
But I actually like it.
>100 best sellers
>1st game is F2P
what the fuck is wrong with steam
Doesn't matter, don't call it top sellers when it didn't sell a single copy
>measured by gross revenue
that means NMS got into the list because it was overpriced as fuck
Lap up that Valve shit. Good boy.
You are trying to hard.
It didn't mention selling copies, just selling. Stop trying to worm your way out of your initial stupid post, fucking retard.
You are still one retard
ITT: people who don't know what "best selling" means
don't ever reply to me again
In all seriousness, apart from a few odd ones like NMS, that is a pretty good top 100 list. There are a lot of games there that I thought were way too niche to make any top 100.
This doesn't include refunds,
Just how many times purchased,
Just like it says.
The games within a tier aren't ordered by revenue
Regardless, it sold more copies than GTA, Rocket League, and Fallout.
>this is what the pc has to offer
wh-... whoa.... just whoa.....
>mfw consoles don't even have 100 games
patrician taste user
although i have a soft spot for the total war games
I can play most of these games on my xbox, tell me why a PC matters again?
I got it and the season pass for 25. It's pretty fun. Just a standard tps with stats and damage numbers and loot. It's a good game to play if you like modern military and grinding.
>Owns CS:GO, Rocket League, Dota 2 and The Division
Yeah you are a retard.
Even garry's mod sold alot better than STreet fighter 5
how do you know?
Says it right on the list
sure it may have reached a high point in sells but they also lost most of their money in the mountain of refunds steam gave out for any reason.
>YFW Call of Duty Infinite Warfare is the least sold game of the top 100.
They're all in the same tier on my list
>Calls other retard
>Owns CSGO, The Memevision and Rocket Meme
>Plays Dota
Doesn't make it any better, you could have gotten ANYTHING better for those items.
I'll just write what I expect from this thread
>RNG simulator
>No Man's Buy
>Casualisation VI
>Tom Clancy's: The Downgrade
>Car sports lol
>Bugfest 4
>Worst Souls game since King's Field
and etc
DOTA2 isn't first, they are in a random order every time you refresh
>The Division
>Thinking you're any better
I can play all of those game on my PC, why do consoles matter again?
you are right, why call it the top 100 then if there are no real ranks.
Casuals are the worst thing to happen to the gaming industry.
This is a FACT
Top 100 doesn't include ranks in it's definition
People treating games as pastime like they are are the problem?
You need to go back to r/games faggot
The problem with the video games industry is that it got invaded by business guys who don't care about games or the consumers. They brought their "Screw the customer for every penny and if it's not maximum profit then it's not worth doing" attitudes with them.
>Total Warhammer
Hell yeah!
Only for big companies like EA or Ubisoft. The smaller companies are still fine. In fact there are plenty of quality games in there that I enjoyed
>Xcom 2
>Rocket League
>Civilization 6
All quality games and worth playing