What are some relatively easy JRPGs with good stories? I'd like to avoid he generic stuff if possible. I was told Xenoblade, for example, had a good story. It did not. I'd like to avoid stuff that feels like it's written for small children.
What are some relatively easy JRPGs with good stories? I'd like to avoid he generic stuff if possible...
This game is pretty easy. Less than 15 hours. Straight forward plot.
Megadimension Neptunia VII
if you want to good story, read a book
you won't find one in videogames
total weabo trash
Thanks, I'll check it out.
I mean I'm not expecting high literature or anything. It's just always disappointing to see the great work by the artists, composers, etc, being in service of a half-assed mess of cliches.
Lufia 1 & 2
There's a Sailor Moon rpg for snes that is fun for what it is.
There's also a Ranma rpg on snes.
>wants to avoid generic JRPGs
>people give him the most generic JRPGs there are.
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
You want a good story, you gotta work for it.
Trails in The Sky.
It has one of the slowest start of most jrpg but i feel like that the story is worth it.
Xenoblade chronicles.
The last story.
Tales of the Abyss is really easy, its story and characters are incredible IMO but it's a remarkably divisive thing because there are a lot of assholes and the main character is the opposite of a role model. Give it a shot.
Suikoden 1 and 2 and Lufia 2, probably FF4 and FF6 too, they are short yet direct.
Who is the girl in the pic btw?
Not him, but his answer still stands, you wnt find awesome stories in video ganes, best I could recommend is chrono cross
worst girl
Ukyo Kuonji from Ranma
Persona 3
Thats not kodachi nor tsubasa
this image means nothing unless u've played/are playing the game. I forgot i'd even seen it before I actually reached the ending while playing.
how much time until ranma becomes a meme?
>I'd like to avoid stuff that feels like it's written for small children.
A book might be better for you.
Ryoga was supposed to deliver the meme but got lost for some reason.
Doesn't hurt to be safe user.
Suikoden 1 and 2. First one is also really short at around 20-ish hours.
If you want to really get into some shit, play the original Xeno____ game, Xenogears. Xenoblade faggots are meme-loving shits, and I'm sorry you had to put up with that mess.
Squaresoft gave the guy who wrote Chrono Trigger free reign for almost an entire decade and made enough content to fill 6 full fledged Squaresoft RPGs, but could only make one of them. So he picked the one that was the equivalent to shooting someone out of a cannon every 10 minutes.
None of it will make any god damned sense and trick you into thinking it's a generic JRPG at first, but the way it unfolds has not been matched in modern gaming
Also, the gameplay is very simplistic, but has a lot of optional challenges.
I hope Winnipeg is enjoying the Ranma memes.
until we get a new anime
My nigga. Sadly criminally overlooked game because it was never released in NA.
>good story
ahahaah oh wew xddd
Are you implying it isn't already?
>I'd like to avoid stuff that feels like it's written for small children.
Avoid JRPGs.
go fuck yourself fucking animefaggot
>OP doesn't want generic shit
>suggest a Tales title
I mean, let's not pretend Tales games are anything short of pure anime retarded and run on cliches and shit.
and here goes retard
>I'd like to avoid stuff that feels like it's written for small children.
Then Jrpgs arent your thing
It's been ages since I last saw a proper Ryoga here.
There seemed to be an attempt recently but he never went anywhere.
am i getting old
>relatively easy JRPGs
Well I was going to recommend Nocturne but it would appear you're a massive pleb.
If you unironically enjoyed and remember Ranma 1/2 as part of your childhood, you are way too old to be here.
It's nice to see the old waifus again
there's a depressingly low number of well-written jrpgs. it doesn't help we have to play translated versions.
I don't mind difficulty per se, it's just that "difficulty" in JRPGs usually translates to "grind for hours until you're close in level to the boss".
Lost Odyssey for the Xbox 360
Ukyo is mine desu
Play Dungeon Travelers 2 user-kun.
>If you unironically enjoyed and remember Ranma 1/2 as part of your childhood, you are way too old to be here.
Fuck you, I'm not gonna let those kids ruin my lawn.
Nah dude you come back and say that to my face after you entered the dark world of circulated VHSes in the mid 90s expressly because the only times you got to see Ukyo's fine everything was in like one volume of Hard Battle and Nihao My Concubine
You had to do things and know people, fuck
Nocturne doesn't require much grinding if you are good at analyzing a boss and devising a strategy from it; approach each boss as a puzzle and grinding won't be an issue.
Persona 4 on easy. Not a particularly difficult game on normal but has a couple hard-ish moments, so easy should be completely fine.
>tfw finding only the male sexually attractive
Shampoo would be hot if not for those damn balls
Trails in the Sky is probably what you're searching for.
Any Quintet game really. The Soul Blazer Trilogy and Granstream Saga are all pretty hard hitting.
Is ranma a Sup Forums meme now? I've been seeing it a lot lately.
name games with stories you find good
When did you first show up, this summer?
I only watched it on TV. She was great there at least.
Qt tomboy that cooks for you.
Not new, I've just been seeing a surprising influx of Ranma threads is all.
JRPGs aren't your genre
MGS to a degree.
Metroid Prime.
Zero Escape 1 and 2.
Alan Wake for what it was.
Dark Souls
Nice. I already got it when it was free.
Ranma is a underrated husbando
>complains that story is written for small childrens
>never played Chrono Trigger
Wew lad
Underage detected
>I'd like to avoid stuff that feels like it's written for small children.
As someone who loves jrpgs you won't find many that aren't targeted towards children and teenagers.
That's just their audience.
But that doesn't necessarily mean that there stories are solely meant for children.
Once you get into them you'll find that there can be often more to them than you'd initially think.
There are some jrpgs that will play cliches straight throughout and at times they do that well.
And there are some that use cliches as a method of setting up your expectations so they can be shattred.
I think there's probably a handful of titles in the genre you might like, but I'm not you and can't really recommend what you're looking for.
Did you know that if you were born in the same year Sup Forums was created you're currently 20? Rly mks u thnk.
I wonder if you even read books.
Because if you did you wouldn't have this false idea that books have better stories by default.
Seriously, Tactics Ogre.
I love jrpgs but as im getting older and older its so hard to find even more than a handful that scratch my well written story itch like fftactics
most great jrpgs stories are ones that are good not for their depth but rather simplicity like dq8
I don't have an aversion to stories that are targeted towards younger players, so long as they're well-written. I used Xenoblade as an example because I felt like I was being spoken down to throughout the entire game.
well, classic books
>calls someone underage
>doesn't even know how sage works
I think he's """"baiting""""
>Adding sage on all fields as we used to
>get called a newfag
I'm sick and tired of you retarded shitters claiming that JRPGs require grinding.
Do you want examples of some, or are you just pooper peeved?
Name a dozen that literally cannot be finished without grinding.
>not Etrian Odyssey
>relatively easy stuff with good stories
Trails series. Only Trails in the Sky and Trails of Cold Steel have been brought to the west though, easy for the most part but they have really difficult late-game bosses. Some of the best writing in the genre. It's a good starting point for people who want to get into the story-heavy side of JRPGs.
Other JRPGs you need to check out for the stories are the Suikoden series (especially the first two games), Xenogears, Phantasy Star IV, and Terranigma.
Suikoden 2 is the best JRPG of all time
>really difficult late-game bosses
this faggot is unironically the hardest jrpg boss i've ever fought
dropped the game for a month because of this
Rance VI
Took me around 18 hours spread over the course of 3 days to beat him, the fact that he can one-shot your entire party in a single turn is pretty bullshit.
This is hard, iirc the older tales of games on the psx didn't talk down to players.
I'm not sure about the ps2 are though.
Suikoden is also pretty good.
Earthbound/Mother should be up your alley too.
I'd also reccomend the snes FF titles since they're the least divisive and tend to get universal praise.
The guy who posted chrono trigger was also right on the money.
Grandia is also pretty solid too.
Thanks, man.
Persona 3 has difficulty spikes in its mini bosses and only really gets good in the late game story wise.
Doesn't p3 have frustrating AI teammates though?
really don't get Sup Forums's obsession with Nep it's really fucking bad
I haven't played any of them, but I've become slightly interested because of videos I've seen of its gameplay.
The battle system seems to be a variation of FFXII's from what I can recall.
I would probably have gotten into it if it wasn't for the fact that I don't think I can stomach the moe aesthetic for a 40-50 hour jrpg.