Fuck Kattfag, Vote for Fou-lu Edition
Marvel Vs Capcom; Infinite
Other urls found in this thread:
No Joe no dough
Recent supposedly leaks: twitter.com
Roster based on that twitter:
Mega Man X
Captain Commando
Nina (BoF2)
Simon Blackquill
Phoenix Wright
Rathalos (Giant Character)
Masamune Date
Frank West
Iron Man
Captain America
Captain Marvel
Ms Marvel
Black Panther
Black Widow
Iron Fist
Luke Cage
Ghost Rider
Rocket (w/Groot)
Doctor Strange
Squirrel Girl
Fing Fang Foom (Giant)
Ryce, the most trustable leaker, has called bullshit in these leaks.
Its because we all want the original back after Agent Venom and Bendis raping the poor thing.
Reposting from the last thread.
I'm glad to see so many want Venom. It seemed like for a while a lot of people just hated him because hurr black costume Spidey or edgy or some shit. I mean sure Eddie was a dick but other than his hatred for Parker, which he later got over, his was an anti-hero.
It's just such a contrast to a different game where a highly debated character entry splits the discussion down the middle and causes shitstorms, whom I'm not mentioning by name because again I don't want a shit storm. Eddie/Venom seems like a unanimous "add this mother fuckers".
I don't play fighting games, but Fou Lou would make me give a look at it I suppose.
or anything BoF related.
even if it is just background art.
like a sign with BoF on it. or maybe an eye-goo.
These threads are cool cuz you can talk about comics and vidya
Do you have a VA wishlist, Sup Forums?
Yeah I noticed after posting. Many wouldn't see the old thread depending how long this one lasts. Thanks though.
jennifer haile for captain marvel
Same, it's a beautiful crazy idea that became a phenomena on its own, due both thanks to the great gameplay, characters you can play with, and most of the times Capcom giving a damn about every Marvel character they put in.
Hopefully Infinite does the same, and that at least we can have more than 30 characters in the game.
Dogwelder please
I want Carnage over Venom.
I want BoFIII Nina over BoFII Nina.
I want Fortinbras over any Onimusha character.
Yes, I know it's sorta crazy, but hey, if I have at 1/4 of these characters, I'm in.
If Shuma got in, do you guys think they would change his gameplay a bit to match his cosmic deity status? Like, returning characters in SFV got changed a bit, but SF3 characters who skipped 4 are pretty much the same.
Sucks that it seems like the comics side are what barely anyone seems to know fuck all about and just take what they read in the thread as their own opinions.
Especially the ones on Sup Forums
The cast of Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes.
But noooo, gotta use the new show that shills the movies.
New leaked list. Cant reveal my sources
Eddie (Mega Man)
Viewtiful Joe
Tardy Sakura
Shin Dan
Dr. Wily
Harry Mason
Lisa Garland
Peter (SFV)
Kent Swanson
Monster Hunter
Demitri Maximoff
Sissel (Ghost Trick)
Howard the Duck
Dog Welder
Black Bolt
Rocket Raccoon
Dare Devil
Yellow Jacket
This is so impossible.
It's like he put a lot of possible characters, then around 5 characters in each camp that are so out there it's unbelievable they are actually in.\
Like Nina from BoF? That's too fucking out there.
what's the deal with kattfag anyway
>60 characters
That already confirms it as fake.
Nothing. It's mad Fou-Lu fags mostly.
I hope they DON'T have Ashley Burch voice Ms Marvel
It's not too out there when Capcom has went on record saying they want to revive some of their dormant IPs. This game is great to familiarize the masses to the characters. This leak alone makes me want to check out Red Earth.
All I want in MvCI
>The Thing
>Cyber Blue
>Linn Kurosawa
They already shitted on BoF. Everybody that played BoF was waiting for 5 and they went mobile with it. It isn't even goddamn selling.
Also pretty sure this is fake anyway. But if we are talking about getting someone from the BoF series, I'd rather they take Fou Lou really. BoF2 Nina is too old for anyone to remember. BoF3/4 Nina would have been better.
It most likely is fake as Ryce (reliable leaker) said it's fake. But it's a good fake as the logic is sound
Squirrel Girl, Gene, Super Skrull, El Donte Costume,F.A.N.G., Cyclops or Bust.
Waifufags ruin everything. I bet half the votes for her havent even played BoF2.
T.J Rotolo as Frank if he returns.
>Frank West
If its the new one the game gets D R O P P E D
Ryce, the guy that leaked the existence of MvC I said it's 100% fake as show in my pic... I'd rather believe someone with some sort of credibility than some guy who made a twitter and said, here are the characters
>Sissel (Ghost Trick)
lol i wish
>Felicia isn't "presentable" as deemed by EPSN, Marvel, and Disney
>But Katt, Ada, June, and Morrigan are
>But Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Gwenpool, Storm, and Squirrel Girl are
Did they get their top retards to determine this?
i main eddie and tardy sakura
Reminder that Kattfag has admitted to merely shitposting as if you couldn't tell.
>this much shit taste
If we're lucky, they'll tell ESPN to fuck off and just leave SFV for them.
Wait a moment. Is Donald Duck universe part of Marvel multiverse? That would make Howard the most insane foreshadowing ever.
This TJ Rotolo IS Frank West and wouldn't want Michael De Santa from DR4.
tfw Rotolo lives 10 minutes away from me
this is fake as hell
Ask he's been doing any voice work or will be fag
>Katt got more 7 votes
>Is Donald Duck universe part of Marvel multiverse?
Possibly. But this is MARVEL vs Capcom, not Marvel and Disney. They still try to keep the two (and Star Wars) separate, at least for now.
Supposedly Morrigan's bust size has been reduced so she's presentable.
As you can see, Disney and ESPN thinks that large breasts aren't safe, but sexualized small tits are.
>Capcom is listening to ESPN's inane bullshit
>even though they know that people will quickly find the 5 or so OP characters and do nothing but play as them
This is fucking retarded
>Morrigan's bust size has been reduced
>Morrigan's bust size has been reduced so she's presentable.
what the fuck, is the queen of england playing this game and not want busty succubi?
The games gonna get balance patches
>caring about fanmade polls
We've already seen them in the trailer
At least she finally has Fangs
morrigan's bust doesn't look that much smaller in mvci than it was in mvc3. i need to see a comparison pic
And then they'll play as the new OP characters
Watch, the moment the DLC comes out and it's allowed in competitive, everyone will be checking out to see if Storm and Magneto are still OP
I second the motion.
>Supposedly Morrigan's bust size has been reduced so she's presentable.
>Morrigan's bust size is drastically reduced
Still looks big to me
Man, if a Star Wars character actually makes it in, not having Hayato for the Capcom side would be an absolute crime
I have a leak list which is 1000% truer than every other FAKE leak list out there guys here it is the actual final roster
Megaman X
Megaman 4 (the best versio)
Morrigan with smaler boobs (for da gurl players)
Terry Bogard
Fire Emblim character
Dante DmC version
Trish Stratus
Dr Doom
Sally Acorn (fromi comics)
Squirel girl
The Flash
Iron Man
Joker (Suicide Squad version)
Triple HHH
John Cena
>Leon is RE2 Leon
>Ada is RE4 Ada
>Leon is most liked in RE4
>Ada had pretty much nothing to do with RE4 except for the 2 moments she showed up just to tease Leon, until the PS2 re-release added some stuff they shat out
>El Donte
>Sally Acorn
>Triple H
Give me the game now
>Juri was considered and would've been based on her SSFIV appearance
Fuck Gill, Juri should've been in
>Scrooge is a character by Disney which Marvel is part of
>Scrooge has multiple games made by Capcom
If he appeared in the game would he be a neutral character?
prontoman is like the more expeditious version of protoman
My source couldn't tell me about the Marvel side for some reason, but he said that this Capcom list is 200% legit
>What Breath of Fire character should make it into Marvel vs Capcom Infinite?
where is the option for none of them?
How, walk up to his house or some shit and get a restraining order?
>wanting Scrooge in when his voice actor is dead
Unless they find a 1:1 replace VA, I'd rather they didn't.
How does David Tennant grab ya?
I think Vergil and Fou Lu are too similar.
If one of them gets in, the other must stay out.
All the katana wielders you need in Date Masamune.
>Dmetri isn't in because of Midnight Bliss
>not even because of technical reasons, they just don't like the attack
They just don't like to work. They would have to create models for every character. Plus, ESPN.
ESPN seriously needs to fuck off.
You know why nobody complains about women's sports having them in skimpy outfits? Because nobody gives a fuck. Why would people suddenly care about skimpiness in a game where the main demographic either doesn't care or likes it?
>Implying Capcom's modelers don't model female versions of every character and share 3D animated porn among each other to jerk off and keep motivation up
Greedy cunts need to share their FemCap and FemTony animations
Yeah, how many games do they air thats full of cheerleaders?
>A "Souls styled reboot/remake" with 3D + side scrolling sections was the most recent thing I'd heard regarding the series. (Ghosts N Goblins)
This guy is pulling shit of his ass confirmed
a souls style Ghouls and goblins?
Die R63 fags.
Man, seeing how detailed UMvC3 stages were, I really want a beat-em-up mode in these games.
Just walk up in front of his house and yell, "ARE YOU WORKING ON ANY VOICEWORK FOR THE NEW MARVEL VS. CAPCOM GAME???"
So now they are going to copy Taro's style?
I hope he stays the same. He's just so much fun to play. I do hope he gets a remix of his old theme though.
Can someone please ask about psylocke? I asked him twice about it and even replied to a tweet of his even though I hate twitter.
It would make this girl very happy. He most likely a fake fag tho. Wonder why he's not talking about her when she is just below venom in terms of want, then it's Cy and gambit.
As if Capcom would ever acknowledge GodHand again.
Then just let him kiss dudes. Easy.
NOW it sounds too good to be true.
>>The Thing
I feel like we'll never get ff characters cause they'd feel like they need to put the whole team in
Wait, if I remember correctly, that's why we couldn't get at all F4 in MvC3, as due to Human Torch not working correctly in the game's engine, they had to go with a emergency back-up using Super Skrull (who had all the abilities of the Fantastic 4)
Would you accept Simon if he was just Nakoruru?
Her standing animation got her bust reduction. From the trailer, her L3 still reuses the animation from uMvC3 so it might not be fully done yet.
It could all change by the final release.
Also, its coming to Steam so modding could fix whatever they changed.
>only my vote on Lin
I regret nothing!
Skrull is a better character, anyways. Also, what power did he use from the invisible woman?
I could see her being fun to play.
His block animation and force spheres would appear around his fists on certain attacks.
>everybody wanting spidey and venom back instead of spider gwen
c'mon people!
He turns invisible during the start up of his meteor smash.