Don't remind me.


can't bring myself to beat IV because it got so bland

i don't even have a healer & i've steamrolled everything

I always thought the first game was the best, aside from how like half the abilities were glitched, kek

>mfw this gets announced for an international Switch release.

>tfw fell for the "IV is easy" meme
I struggled with almost every major fight, and had to switch to casual to beat the heavenbringer. I couldn't beat her on normal difficulty until my entire team was level 70, and even then it was only barely due to luck, TP items, and burst healing. Even some regular mobs fucked me up, especially during the 5th dungeon and all the new parts of the older dungeons. Sup Forums even told me my team wasn't bad, and I made sure i got good skills and subclasses. I always had the best armor and weapons, so I don't know what the hell I was doing wrong. this is my first EO though, so if this one is """easy""", maybe i shouldn't go near the others yet

the series is pretty hard in general, but that's why its so great imo, pure dungeon crawling rpg goodness without much if any handholding.

Though the remakes of 1 and 2 with the story mode shit is kinda gay desu, but at least you can just play classic and bypass that

What's wrong with that?

Higher resolution character portraits, better backgrounds, etc.

well the thing is that everyone who plays EO is usually a veteran of the game to begin with so they already know what to expect and how to deal with them. Random Encounters are always the most challenging since EO has monsters that actually do weird skills.

In EO5 there are these really annoying slime monsters that if you dont kill fast enough, they combine and form a FOE strong monster, and its a fucking common encounter

>moeblob loli artwork
>game actually prides itself on stepping on your balls and making you work for victory
I was iffy when I first played this series cause of the artwork but it turned out to be one of the most standout handheld series out there

Don't judge a book by its cover folks

WHo fucking cares
DT2-2 look more interesting

>moeblob loli artwork
Just because the community is cancer weeb shit, doesn't make the games so. Not including the shitty untold series, of course.

There's always male counterparts, and the stories are extremely self contained and rely a lot on your imagination to make it how you'd like.

le doctore



>DT2-2 look more interesting
>How to spot a vitard

the female medical practitioner

>tfw like both EO and DT2 but resigned to eternal shitposting about one or the other.

All I want are fun dungeon crawlers.

can't you just love both without the shitposting user

I feel like IV tends to be easier simply because the classes were more carefully designed and focused around a couple obvious strategies. And strategies that you actually build upon in a natural manner as you level. You can look at one's skills, know how it should be built and what cross-class skills will help it in that role. It's very easy to come into encounters with very optimal setups on your party. However, this comes from having much more aggressive level-gating on skills, which a lot of people actually hate.

In comparison, classes in older games felt more messy and let you get a lot of shit whenever you felt like it. A lot of the difficulty came from knowing which skills were actually worth a shit at all, and rushing for them hard out of the gate, which could often be impossible to know just from looking at the list. Also the synergies weren't as intentional, meaning things that look like they should work together don't work at all, and you just wasted tons of time getting to it.

Wait why is it never ever?
Also how does this compare to the other ones?

probably lack of comfy map drawing

Anyone tried the 7th dragon: code VFD?
Playing it right now, it`s ok

thats becuase its going to the switch.


>LoK gets an English patch
>EOV gets completely ignored

The what now

Because we have a shitposter scream this whenever a new one is announced and isn't instantly localized, with the whole clusterfuck around the P5 localization of fucking course this is going to take time to get to the west

It won't be released on the west because of piracy

Got a source on that fag face