Video games with werewolves

Video games with werewolves.

List 'em. Discuss 'em.

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Diablo 2 LOD

Really? Didn't expect that.

Fuck yeah. Druid was my class.

Elemental, though. Love me some Armageddon.

Brad Bourne

Dankest Dungeon



Is that a class? I'm about to get into Darkest Dungeon.

that's not a werewolf you retard

Yeah it's one of the classes that you can add to your party.

What the fuck is it then?

it's not a "wolf" that's for sure. some kind beast, looks more like a moblin to me cuz of the snout.

>No good werewolf RPG

It's close enough whatever it is

>Beaten, branded and imprisoned for untold decades, this furtive vagrant hides a terrible secret. The Eldritch poison coursing through his veins has given him unspeakable power, at a terrible cost. As his form changes, so too does his role in combat!
Nah mate. Not a werewolf.

>run a team of 3 Abominations and a treasure Jew
>the other 2 Abbos gain stress when one goes Beast Mode

Really, niggers?

Look, it turns from a man in to a thing and doesn't look too different to a werewolf if you just imagine a bit of fluff on it, there's no need to nit pick. I don't give a fuck what the technical term for it is but it does the exact same thing a werewolf supposedly does.

>finally get to see how terrifying you become when you transform
Makes sense senpai

What did you think was gonna happen, dumbass?

It's just not a werewolf dude. Similar, yes, but they obviously didn't want it to be a werewolf or they would have made one. It has horns and a goat-like face. It's obviously intended to be an Eldritch Abomination, hence the name.

That they get the fuck over it and kill that wine skelly.

I liked Dragons Age werewolfs. Witcher 3 does them good too, i like their voice

Skyrim, shows potential for future Elder Scrolls titles, just need to flesh out the mechanics, theres something about being in werewolf form thats so satisfying but feels like its lacking

Tokyo Afterschool Summoners.

Fable TLC

I want to be fucked by one

>wine skelly
>3 abbos
>surprised about stress damage

What would it take to make a decent Werewolf rpg?


Lords of Shadow
Van Helsing
Baldur's Gate 2 and the other infinity engine games
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

Assuming everything was accurate to the lore and you had complete mental control over your body

what would be the better deal?

Vamparism or Lycanthropy? and why?

>tumblr meets Sup Forums

These were some of my favorite of all the normal enemies in the game, design wise. They are almost exactly how I'd imagine a werewolf / wolf beast to look and behave in my mind. Maybe a little clumsier than I'd expect a normal werewolf to be, but that's just because they are the first enemies you fight in the whole game, and they make up for it in sheer damage when they do actually hit you. Or especially if they corner you

Oops wrong size.

I so want this game in English

It depends what kind of person you are, personally I'd pick vampirism seeing as I never go out in the day time anyway and work nights, but if you were the outgoing type I'd imagine lycanthropy would be better seeing as you only have to hide for one night of the month.

I'd prefer to be human looking and free to roam at night rather than a hairy beast who would cause widespread panic if you were to step outside in your wolf form.

Am I stuck changing during full moons? Does it hurt?

tfw no werewolf bf

Theres an English wiki, so...
I mean its incomplete but it has the important shit.

I wish Elder Scrolls games did werewolves better.


Which lore?

Sup Forums hates sparkledogs though

I thought that depiction was interesting but I ultimately didnt like how insectoid they moved and looked. why are they so skinny and langley?

The other Werewolf guy you meet that was a much better example (the NPC that kills and eats the other NPC's you bring to the safe havens)

Id imagine after a while you'd get used to the pain if it happened every other night




nice red rusker

How did I not catch that?

Vampirism. You don't lose your powers in society and you're effectively immortal.


Holy fuck this is some prine fedora shit.

>You don't lose your powers in society
Fucking normalfag


-Forcibly changed during full moons
-weak and agitated by silver
-strength of about 20 men or so
-urge to slaughter and kill things due to animistic instincts
-Become completely normal human again at moonfall
-all food thats not flesh and blood of something taste like ash and burns the mouth
-can transfer lycanthropy through bite/scratch
-enhanced sense of sight,smell and hearing


-Weak to Garlic, Christian imagery and crosses and Stakes to the heart
-can shapeshift into wolf,bat or mist
-sunlight burns and weakens you
-you need to feed on blood less you weaken significantly
-unnatural longevity
-can transfer vampirism through bite
-strength of about 10 men
-hypnosis and power of suggestion

Fucking underage newfag.

god i hate CGI so much

>The other Werewolf guy you meet that was a much better example
That guy was an "abhorrent beast" and yeah he was basically a real werewolf in the game. IMO he looks too burly and monstrous (and electric) compared to the textbook werewolf design. The wolves on the bridge are really just humans who have turned into wolf monsters forever from the beast plague.

They look like they are prowling / stalking their prey when they move; it only seems insectoid because they still have relatively human shaped bodies, so their arms and legs look really long when they crawl

now post the one

where he hatefucks her while calling her a whore bitch harlot ect ect

Vampirism is obviously the better choice by FAR. Lycanthropy is full of cons while Vanpirism's only cons are the strength of ten men instead of twenty which is fine, can only go out at night, also fine, and has to feed regularly, probably wouldn't take too long to get used to seeing as you can literally turn in to mist, seep through someone's window and have a cheeky munch when they're asleep then fuck off before they wake.


Childe, you're in for a world of pain.

>tfw the only things that scare you on a primal level are werewolves and aliens

The first werewolf ITT that's at least a little disturbing. I don't know why most werewolves are drawn like they're from Lion King.

Lycantropy should look like it's a curse, like the Abomination in Darkest Dungeon or the werewolf in TW2.

What is this thing ?

Same. Werewolves always scared the shit out of me far more than any other monster.

What is this from?

Yeah, the problem is when I see that image, I don't think "that's a werewolf" like I do when I see the OP's image. He just looks like a creepy beast man who is far more man than he is wolf

Where can I read this shit?

Whats wrong?

Redpill me on Dogmen /x/

but then again you basically become a super human killing machine every other night.

and while you want to eat and kill everything you dont actually have to (you can chain yourself up every night if you think you lack the mental disciple )

>werewolves and aliens
>not Darkness and ghost

Its the "werewolf of Fever Swamp from the goosebumps movie

vampirism feels like the better one because it'd allow you to live without drawing too much attention on you
the easy transferring sucks about both

They're big.

is that the hot new shit after goatmen?
i want to know it all

>who is far more man than he is wolf
To be fair, that image is supposed to be concept art of Fenrir Greyback in his human form.

someone post that picture of a were_ _ _ _ _ _ _

It's the newest run of Marvel's "Great Lakes Avengers" comics. It's an old series about the runts and "misfits" of the Acengers, but sadly its most recent incarnation is done by the same tumblr-pandering hacks that many other comics are falling prey to these days.

That blue werewolf is actually a girl when human, but does trans bullshit and becomes "Good Boy" when shapeshifted.

>No World of Warcraft

>werewolves are an allegory for the primal dark nature of man and the hidden urges we all wrestle with day by day

truly the scariest fictional monster of them all, for it makes us realize that we are the monsters, and in every human there is a potential for great evil that is hidden in plain sight


Wasn´t also there something along the lines of Vampires having no reflection and cast shadow? Also I vaguelly recall them having to ask permission from the owner or resident to enter an house.

Still it would probably be better than deal with that while being in control than to deal with the consequences anfter a rampage.



Sangfroaid was good, in a B movie tier vidya style.

Skyrim with moonlight tales and bloodmoon rising is pretty fun.

Even at level 76 at legendary and difficulty enhancement mods it's still viable.

Bonus points for having Apocalypse spell package and using Ocato's Recital to cast cloak and armor spells.

Magic werewolf is the coolest shit.

Look up Dogmen encounters on Youtube and listen to a few episodes if you've got the time to spare

I actually told a psychologist buddy of mine that and he said it's because I have trust issues.


As anyone else played WolfTeam?
I used to love that game when I was younger.

No one wants to be a Chihuahua werewolf

Zelda Twilight Princess

Am I weird for thinking this is cute?

>go to all that trouble to show brutal wounds on the werewolf and his victims
>instead of carrying the corpse with his claws embedded in its neck or something he holds it in his hand like a human

Missed opportunity to be honest.

I want to get knotted by one, and then fucked through my own transformation.



The Shining Force series have at least one Werewolf party member in the mainline games.

Sounds like somebody has read that wfa comic.

Nah, it reminds me of that short comic about the girl and her monsterdog that outlives her.