Name a more broken character besides Laura and Urien

Name a more broken character besides Laura and Urien.

Rog is still easy. Fear the cammy.

his anti cross up aa and jabs are too good

Fang, because they broke him...

>Rog is still easy.
they made him even easier with the screw smash input change, I had never played him up until a day or two ago

thats nice dear

>join date: 1/1/0001



>I win v-trigger on all 3
I was for the system until this

Laura barely changed. Her biggest gain was +2 on c.LK.
Everything else was marginal or normalized throughout the cast.
Anyone who complains about Laura is just upset they have to burn meter now to DP.
Prove me wrong.

What site is that profile from?

What were some of the nerfs she got?
Go ahead, I'll wait

Tweet your CFN to SFV_CFN

I think it's more a question of why would she need nerfs when she was already one of the worst 5 characters of season 1?
The general mechanics of the game itself have made her better, not any character buffs.
This is literally Makoto in SF4 all over again. Mak gained upperbody invinc on her uppercut, giving her an actual fucking AA that she lacked for a whole year, and everyone then says her buffs were so good, etc.

git gud

No I mean easy to beat.

>I think it's more a question of why would she need nerfs when she was already one of the worst 5 characters of season 1?
because the rest of the "worst" characters also got nerfs, FANG and Alex

Besides, she was top 10 last season and they decided to give her nothing but buffs. You're fucking insane or a delusional laura main if you think laura is "ok" right now

>she was top 10 last season

You're not wrong in that I'm a Laura main, but that's also why I'm more aware of her gains and how the gameplay has changed her in favor, but her overall character has NOT changed.
My original statement is that Laura is better because DP fags can't mash a DP whenever they want now and have to actually learn to wakeup safely and deal with the mixups the rest of the cast has.

I honestly think she was top 10 she just had that guile effect not much people were using her and noticed her full potential.

she was already pretty good and all they did was just buff what was already good.

I never had a DP, you shitter.

Laura got much worse to fight against with S2, she's even more unga with those 4f frametraps

this, she was like girl guile

great, but saw relatively little usage

>game has been out for a whole year and people still dont know how to deal with Laura
Unless she's laggy as fuck you have no excuse.
Most of the shit they pull online is not real at all and you just fall for it because you were too lazy to learn the framedata.

She's no Mika. Never was.

>season 2 balance patch has been out for 2 weeks
>people are still complaining about the new broken characters

she always had frametraps against 4f jab characters.



No, I mean how she forces you to block for 4f and then jump in order to avoid the mixup

Well I mean, its your choice to stay bad rather than doing your homework.

>I never had a DP, you shitter.
The fuck you going on about? How much more plain english do I need to use?
Laura is a better character now that DP (dragon punch, aka Shoryuken and similar moves) cannot be used against meatys and 90% of Laura's setups anymore.
Laura is better because of the change in general mechanics.

That always worked against her.
That was always the best strategy against her as it always stopped her offense.

You fucking joker.


kek, when people say "the character has potential but no one really brought it out" means the character is trash and has to work three times harder to do what other characters do for free which is the definition of a low tier

>Laura is a better character now that DP (dragon punch, aka Shoryuken and similar moves) cannot be used against meatys and 90% of Laura's setups anymore.
my character never had a DP to begin with and laura got much worse to fight after the patch. It has nothing to do with DP.

Yeah, you weren't forced to do it until S2


You're not "forced" to do it now either.

Just proves that you went through one year of SFV and never learned how to properly deal with Laura.

if you wanna see how stupid laura is just youtube idom laura.

motherfucker has been busting ass since season 1 with the bitch

Man, Rog looks like some legit fun to play but I can't play charge characters for shit.

Real dangerous characters this season:
Chun Li


Laura is a meme.
Bison, Balrog and many others are viable at the very least now.
Ryu isnt as ass as many claim, same with Ken.

this desu

>suck ass at fighters
>pick up cammy
>made it to gold in like a couple of days just mashing buttons
>fear that once people actually start blocking instead of teching or jabbing out of my pressure ill be lost

I actually fought an akuma that was patient and didn't tech much and poked my throw attempts and I was legit lost. But then I fought a bison and got the to st.hp CH combo and fucked his ass up for mashing throw like all bisons. Cammy is literally braindead if I can play her and make it to gold. Closest I got aside from that was with karin a while back.

it took almost a year to hit gold when all the good players moved on kek

>because the rest of the "worst" characters also got nerfs, FANG and Alex
He was solid mid-tier pre-patch. He probably still is around this position post-patch, maybe slightly lower. Play someone like Ibuki, Fang, Dhalsim, Juri, Bison, etc and then come back and talk about how "weak" your character is you big crybaby.

He's a metric fuckton more fun to play that he was back in 3S both before and after the patch too despite all of SFV's problems.

Wait, Alex on 5 worst characters? I think he was always mid-tier as fuck.

>Wildcard: Dhalsim
stop right there cowboy

He's ~10 this season

How do I learn charge characters?

I'm pretty sure the Alex guys are just meming at this point.

Not that hard. Sit down for a few minutes in training mode every day and you should get it down.

You need to get a feeling for the charge timing, and the way you buffer stuff without moving forward.
Its not hard with Balrog because he can just charge all of his moves from downback position.

He's got much better neutral now and also stupidly good divekeks now.

They nerfd his gay teleport setup faggotry, but overall he wont be bad.
Its just hard to judge because there arent many proper Dhalsim players around.
For some raisin japan never picks him.

His divekicks are unchanged from s1, they're just getting used more often because they absolutely gutted j.hp and c.hp

You can still teleport and do other attacks like instant overhead very quickly as a finisher, and the old teleport game is still safe behind a fireball.

I do think he's better, but the buffs were blown way out of proportion when you consider that they severely nerfed two parts of his only BnB combo. Yes, 1f slower on c.hp is severe. I noticed that his combo is harder than it was in S1, you have a much tighter window to hit after the slower c.hp, and a similar situation when linking j.hp to c.hp. They also completely removed his ability to do vskill > > c.hp > > m.flame unless the is a counter, you used to be able to do it every time even hit

I'll stick by ~A tier now B tier last season, but his wakeup game and lack of a reversal hinders him

It is such a shame that they made cammy the absolutely scrubbiest character in the entire game.
she didn't need such strong buffs at all, playing againstz her is pure annoyance

Laura is perfection.

>mash anything after or
>mad damage
>knockdown to start it all over again

I play cammy its its almost comical how braindead they made her,

I don't think cammy is that hard to fight, she does a lot of damage but crumples to a decent defense

Shut the fuck up you idiot, Cammy is one of the weakest characters in the game after Alex and Juri.



Neither Cammy nor Alex are anywhere near the weakest in the game.

Why the hell are Alex players such bitches? Or atleast the most vocal ones anyway, every thread is filled with you guys complaining that your mid-tier character is only better than half the cast

I'm going to shit down your neck New York-style you biggot. Get that ass banned.

should I play Balrog or Guile as a new player?

play both and pick your favorite

>Ryu isn't ass

>DP is shit now
>stubby normals are even stubbier and slower, RIP st. LK
>nerfed damage
>nerfed throws kill all his setups
>moves that were already super unsafe (tatsu, parry) become even unsafer when whiffed
>overhead, axe kick minus on block
>the only two people that had tournament results with him in season one are dropping him

Please delete this character

ok. Delete cammy,chun lee and all the other waifu characters too.

>inb4 "muh 3 resets"

>look at my smurf account I took to silver as proof that this character is broken!

They gutted Elbow as an approach, removed active frames from a bunch of important moves and removed the only true meaty setup post forward/command throw but buffed his VT optimal meterless damage.

I think he's bottom 3 right now when he was the most solid midtier last season.

Why isn't Guile in your list? He is ridiculous now.

Try playing a cammy above silver rank.

You know, the ones that don't kill themselves at you.

Where did I say he was broken?
I said he was easier to play, read more carefully

Well, you are posting in a "name a more broken character than Balrog" thread.

How come he didn't block?

There are two kinds of Alex players.

The ones who think he was and still is as mid tier as a character can be.

And the ones who thought he was garbage then and is legit the worst character in the game now.

I think he is perfectly fine where he stands now, pretty slow but with good buttons, can win a round after finding a single opening, stuns in two combos and has tools to deal with various situations.

i'm waiting for the lobby

Nah that is the wrong two

There are those who played him like a bad Necalli, wanting to be always in and pressing a lot of buttons when he was bad at that in S1 anyway. Then there are those who play him right, a slow neutral heavy character who on occasion has explosive damage

It doesn't help that he is a very unexplored character, like today I saw a video on stomp set ups which I just don't see people doing


maybe i should reinstall waifu fighter v again

brazilian bae best bae

Her neutral game is still shit, but her setplay got much stronger while in v-trigger.

Guys, how do i balrog? I'm really ass and need some advice.

>light elbow into cr.hp

What the FUCK was that. Was it a anti jump setup, a frame trap or just a random normal? Smug literally lost the round to that. I though she loses her turn after elbow?

>people actually play this shitty game

How and why? Every char is worse than their previous, the mechanics and overall gameplay feels like shit, models are bad, stages are shit, nobody who actually likes/plays fighting games dont' even like it

how much of a faggot are you people? Just like the shitties who ask who to play a charge char?

What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?

Wouldn't you be happier in a thread about a game you enjoy?

just ignore the thread then

what are you trying to accomplish

All right, to the two other possible Rashid mains out there, how y'all feeling his S2 changes? Still haven't had that much time to put in work in the lab to get a good feel of his S2 changes but all I know is that he has more damaging CC combos, new properties on certain normals, and that his H WW into VSkill into properly placed Eagle Spike set ups no longer work(which is sorta lame)

Apply pressure and try and mix them up

>too lazy to mash jab


>i'm okay with eating shit, it's perfectly fine!

The stomp/elbow cross-under set-up is really gimmicky and unexplored because it requires you to sacrifice guaranteed VT cancel damage for a setup that isn't guaranteed. Alex only wins off of VT cancel damage and general memery in S2 so to give that up for potentially no reward isn't smart unless you know the enemy loves pressing buttons.
They literally took away Alex's meaty Elbow setups and gave them to Laura, but even better and they lead into her 50/50 nonsense. It's partly why I'm so salty about the changes so far.

shes +2 on hit for elbow but yeah that was really dumb for smug

ignore the thread

Literally picked up SFV yesterday. I'm thinking about maining Rashid because i like what i see of his style.

Am i fucked, Sup Forums?

why do you care what other people eat?

That's what I don't get when they say dp spammers are bad players. Guile could easily throw an ex flash kick and pressure Balrog, since he doesn't have any defensive options.

perhaps I like fighitng games and street fighter

people need to know what they are eating

ignore the thread

no need to be in a thread of something you dnt like

Other people like different things you literal autist

Alex got nerfed in some ways, and buffed in others. Some people played him more patiently, with pokes and shit, which were nerfed, and some people played him pressuring the crap out of people, which was buffed.

>The stomp/elbow cross-under set-up
Actually I was just referring to general meaty set ups off stomp. People generally underuse the move and don't really know what to do after it. Your little tirade there made you look a bit silly

>They literally took away Alex's meaty Elbow setups
Oh no, now he only has a load of options still.


You've got that completely backwards. Slower buttons and less oki options mean an Alex who plays pressure is much worse. Meanwhile lowered damage easier whiff punishing make it easier for the neutral heavy Alex.

Welcome to the Pre-Nerf Little Mac Era.

If you don't expect to actually win EVO, any character's viable. There are some gold league Giefs out there doing some good ever since S1. Tiers are discussed mostly out of wankery unless you're a tournament player.

Yipes asked him about it after he won and he said it was a new buff.

Bitch is plus on everything now. She wouldn't be so bad if 90% of her moves are safe and when she has meter you just have to take her bullshit

How do you play Balrog vs Alex

I don't know how to stop dying against Balrog in v-trigger. As soon as we're both on 1/4 HP, he touches me and I die. What's the point? I can't even stop his brain dead ex punches. what's to convince him to stop these random dash punches? I even get hit out of my neutral jumps.

I'm new to fighting games. Can someone explain what the abbreviations mean? Does c.LK mean close low kick? I have no fucking clue.

c. is crouching
lk is light kick
mp is medium punch
j. is jumping