
Hello, I never played this game when it came out and later because people said it was bad and a clusterfuck and the combat system broken,
And also I didn't like the edgy protagonist.

Now I'm deciding whether I should replay IX for the great music but then again I already know the story, or try FF XII.

Should I give VIII a chance instead? Or is it indeed shit

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I believe you've strayed from your flock. I'll see if I can find your shepherd.

Should I ask Retrogames?

VIII is actually not a good game. If you want to form your own opinion of it, go ahead, but don't say we didn't warn you that this game sucks.

VIII is good. Just different. Give it a chance.

your rival joins female shao kahn because she implied he's a virgin and he helps her destroy time because some reason also whatever is actor's son and vagina is singer's daughter because it's like poetry


he's literally the most mature and focused hero in the series, he keeps his feelings to himself and does his fucking job

autismos get mad because he chases after his waifu, something they'll never get a chance to do

I don't understand how you could dislike Squalls attitude. After reading this post, you guys have so much in common.

He's literally the definition of edgy after Sanic and Sasuke

You literally don't understand the word

I would suggest playing IX again over having to deal with VIII's or XII's shitty combat systems, characters, summons and really everything else wrong with said games

>complains about shitty combat system
>recommends IX

atleast in IX you don't have to spend hours drawing spells from enemies and then running away from them to get as little XP as possible.
And, you know, you can actually play it unlike XII

At least in VIII you can finish a fight in a couple of seconds because the camera doesn't do 5 360° shots around garnets ass and stops the action. :^)

>finishing a fight
>without running
You fucked up.


You do know you don't have to spend time autistically drawing all spells, or running away from battles to min-max and make the game even easier if you don't want to right?

Are you gay

8 is one of my top 5 FFs faggot, but then again id rather be an edgelord than a faggot like the rest of the protags after 8.
Story is pretty wonky, and left itself open to a bit of interpretation witch led to some interesting fan theories.
Combat is just git gud, never had any trouble with it even as a kid. If you read the explanations you should be good.
Music is great.
Card game is hard and fun as fuck.

Don't let Sup Forums make up your mind, Sup Forums is mostly closeted faggots and teenagers.

>caring about level scaling
>when everything dies in one hit
wew lad, how can someone be bad at JRPG?


>I never actually played the game: the post
Good to know

8 has a lot of good mechanic ideas and a great protagonist stuck in a complete clusterfuck of a game storywise, with some of the worst side characters in the series.

Top it all off with the limit break system being completely broken on top of Squall being really fucking overpowered, capable of easily one-shotting every boss that doesn't have a second phase in the game, including optional bosses, and it's kind of just bad overall.

I do, that's why I stopped caring about drawing shit and just started running away from everything and still steamrolled the game

I was 11 years old and lvl 36 when I beat it and I don't think if an eleven year old can roll the game with minimal fighting is a sign of a good game.

Even as a kid you were a pussy. KEK
I leveled all characters to 100 as a kid and still had no trouble, probably because I don't have down syndrome.

FF VIII is harder than Dark Souls! Ecks Dee

>just started running away from everything and still steamrolled the game
Of course you steamrolled the game since enemies and bosses scale with your level but you get ever-stronger magic spells to junction and increase your stats as you progress so you get progressively stronger against them while they stay stagnant relative to you.

For all of its bad parts VIII had my favorite final boss and ending of the series.

Every protagonist since VII is edgy. Overall the game is decent, worth a playthrough.

I'd say go for VIII, I honestly liked the game, and triple triad was an excellent mini game with a good series of side quests related to it. The story is pretty interesting mostly because of how bizarre some of the sections are. I would advise using the GF to turn weakened enemies into cards if you do start it.

Leveling isn't as big a deal as some people make of it. If you bother learning the combat system, even if you max your level there are a bunch of ways to beat the harder bosses. If the game is too hard for you just pick up Lion Heart, and some cards can be converted into powerful items that will let you cheese anything you're having too much trouble with. The game also has some cool optional quests like hunting down all the GFs.

I honestly believe the game gets way more hate than it deserves, but I enjoyed the story, and I know most people hate that part of it. I went in knowing you're not supposed to level and did anyway, finished around 50s and none of the bosses were too hard in my opinion. I'm not sure how hard they get if you actually grind, but I think at higher levels they actually use skills they don't at lower levels so that could be kind of cool to see.

Also has some hype moments like the Odin counter.



Even if you take Lightning into account (who was just a bitch) you are extremely wrong. Despite Noctus' appearance; he is incredibly chilled guy.

I'd remove squall from the list, most people would consider a popular loner who wields a gunblade and has a catch phrase like "whatever" to be edgy.

Cloud isn't really that edgy either.