>create new Steam account because getting harassed on current one
>enable family sharing
>try to play game from main account
>won't let me without wiping save data because my "account credentials" don't match
What do I do now bros?
Create new Steam account because getting harassed on current one
just block whoever is harassing you?
>implying that stops them from spamming my profile with invites and posting it on Sup Forums saying I ERP
thinly veiled ERP thread? whats your steam
Just report them to steam and ignore it until they get banned.
Play stupid games and win stupid prizes
>responding to reports that aren't outright scams
>cyber bullying
Just shut the fucking monitor nigga.
But I want to play video games
>just play in offline mode bro
yes and then I can't play games online.
>abloobloo somebody harrasing me!
dumb redditor
Ignoring this problem will only make it worse. Report him, block him, make it clear as day you don't want to communicate.
I did the same thing.
I didn't really have any saves that I couldn't live without though.
Toughen up, cutiepie.
how is cyberbullying real
This is kinda hot
I want to bully OP
This. Consider lifting.
I will help! Use this link!
Post your steam OP
I'm not gay though?
Yes, and?
Stop responding to it you dense retard.
Holy shit we're one day into 2017 and you already managed to ruin it.
God why do you have to be such a fucking pansy holy shit
I swear to god, 10 years ago such shit wouldn't fly
Where did we go so wrong
When you block them, they can't post on your profile.
As for the Sup Forums thing, place mouse over the decline button on Friends list, then spam click until none left.
Wow, so difficult.
Dumb snek.
Are you a girl too, OP?
I don't interact with people online because the same thing happened to me. Just delete and ignore till he gets bored.
when I legit need to post my ID people decline me "because I'm an asshole" for declining people frequently
it's been two years
Damn... almost had another one for the pile
But yeah block all communication stops people from posting on your profile. ERP spam will eventually stop if ignored because the person in question will get bored
>Need to post my ID
Why would you ever need to?
And ERPfags usually don't do other shit.
So if it's for ERP purposes, you're an autismo who should die.
trades and adding people to play games with
>anime posting ERP fag getting bullied on the internet
of course he isn't, though he desperately wants to be one I'm sure
Change your unique profile id and your name.
Please be in California
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