2017 is the year I start no fa-

>2017 is the year I start no fa-



stop fapping to cartoons

If you can't get pussy and don't masturbate you'll go insane.

God I wish I could get hard this easily. Are all of you teens?


Low test detected

I want more porn of Kat

>video game forum
>is everybody here a teenager?

I thought fapping DECREASES testosterone.

Kat smells like a sewer!

No, that's a myth.

>delicious brown 2

i'll wash her on my own

>red dress kat

This. Wtf am i gonna do. I dont own enough tissues to absorb the amount of loads im gonna blow to this little brown succubus this year. Kat is actually going to make me hurt my dick this year boys


>Want to stop fapping

Why? It's going to happen naturally when you get older and your libido starts to give out. Enjoy it while you can.

>no fap day week
>let alone no fap YEAR


is there even any good porn of kat

>delicious brown in short shorts


I'm 23 and I already don't fap as often. Damn...

Most of these show enough of her figure to trace a nude filter out of them.

Get to work, drawfags.

Not enough of it, that's for sure

27 here and I'm still going strong.

Do you guys actually fap to this? like damn... there is literally nothing to fap too. It aint even lewd.

can you fags post more pics of this semen demon?

>No Fap
>During the year of the cock
Explain yourself OP

Second from the left seems like it might show some bare butt not obscured by leggings finally.

>Year of the monkey was last year
>No Ape Escape 4


Because I do it too often. There have literally been times when I have turned down opportunities to hang out with chicks at their homes and i turn them down because I already fapped and cant be arsed to entertain and whoo them for the "possibility" of getting to bust a nut.

How the fuck can you go more than a week without fapping?

I fap like 2-3 times a day alone

>Trump got elected
>Hillary couldn't win against the cock

Alright, that is a bit much. I fap daily, but that won't stop me from trying to get some pussy.

How the fuck can you go more than a DAY? Serious question. It's different if you're on vacation or something but fuck I just can't stop slapping my monkey.

That does not sound like a problem to me.

NoFap is a cult.

She has amazing legs

If i don't look up porn before going to bed and fap, i ended up having a really really weird dream and wake up in an awkward mood.

Specially if it's vidya porn.

I hope the reason for all those short stops is because someone is killing the faggot op.

How the fuck can you fap more then once per day

How the hell can you fap even once per day

I get that some people have problems like that, but if I don't fap for more than a week (sometimes even less), I just wake up in the middle of the night cumming in my pants after fucking someone in a dream. Sometimes I fap just so this doesn't happen.

This right here.

Do nocturnal emissions ruin no fap?


t. low testosterone

>School uniform

I fapped so much that my dick is numb


I am 30 and I have been fapping 4 times per day every day for like 15 years or so.


Is it, I fell like quitting jerking off for awhile will reinvigorate my sex drive, now a days I can only get hard to weird shit like traps and other degenerate things

Alright boys, what was your first fap of 2017?

【少女映畫】園田 海未 チャイナドレス

Was mine

Just today I've already fapped twice after like two days of not stretching my boy.

Not even memeing, you probably have low test.

Because I tend to see red after I wipe on days that I fap.

I haven't actually had mine yet. Any recommendations, anons?

I do find that not fapping for at least a day greatly increases my load when I next fap though

Do you genuinely fear for your sex drive
If so the answer might not be some internet meme cult and visiting a doctor.
A doctor might tell you that NoFap would fucking give your sexual drive the last hit to kill it

But try it if you want. If you are stupid enough to actually kill it then maybe it is good your genes stop with you.

So, is this a GR thread?
Can we talk about the gameplay?

I fap once a day just fine, while I was a NEET I could do it twice a day easily, even three times if I was particularly horny, but at the point it starts to hurt.

Still have to decide on something

[鎖キャタピラ (よしろん)] 凛として忍 (閃乱力グラ)

how would you do it when there's comiket every new year?

The new Asanagi doujin. I was a little dissapointed by Takeda's work. The art was fucking great, but I felt like it needed more fucking.

I would recommend the one I posted, if you're into it, it's good fucking shit.

Or JAV, MIRD-163 and MUM-115 are some of my favorites.

[Shindou] Mating with Oni ~Mother Chapter~

why do you care how big your load is when fapping? do you eat it or something?

It loses effect the more you do it

Got to build it up

The bigger the load I blow the better it feels


I don't usually fap to images but I'll check it out anyway. Thanks.

thanks I just pre-ordered


2B on Honey Select.

>he doesn't mindbreaks himself, turning into a fapping machine

I'm yet to fap

>Can we talk about the gameplay?
I mean, at least it's not as bad as Nier threads. Sometimes these threads have substance.

I don't usually do it either, but this one really sold me. It helps to have some porn playing in the background so you can hear the moaning.

No I don't fear for it, I constantly have a boner, bit how I get those boners is what worries me. I just wanna go bad to chicks with big tits my dude

Amygdala and Winter Lanterns from Bloodborne.
I just don't know anymore.

Is Honey Select worth installing? It looks neat, but I dunno if it's a hassle or not to get working.

I'm purchasing Gravity Rush 2 for the gameplay.

God I have no will power when it comes to no fapping. How do I control the urge? I tried wearing tight clothes so it would be harder to get up and do but I still manage to do it. It's my only addiction.

Don't do no faps, guys. Cut back but don't stop.

I tried about a year ago, after a little while I grew a big lump on my right ball that ached literally 24 hours a day.

I thought I had cancer until I fapped which eased the pain and a few pops later I was back to normal.

Worth the hassle, infinite jerk off potential

It gets easy after the first week..
I did it for like 2 months.
then my body fapped while I was asleep.

still mad


Everyone always seems to have trouble installing that thing, but for me it was one and done. Got about a dozen faps out of it until it got boring, not enough positions.

Sup Forums - Wankers

I don't get it why are these girls worried about saving the world when they could be earning money being beauty pageants, I'd be their producer gently.

It's pretty great. There's even a nice pack with a lot of the popular decent mods on hongfire, and you can easily download cards to add your waifus to the game so you can fuck them. It gets boring after a while, but I still "play" it once in a while. Getting a scene where I was raped by a yandere 2B made me fucking diamonds.

Cum has an expiry date, if you don't get rid of it your body will.

Mi negro

>tried wearing tight clothes

You realize that has the opposite effect, right? The friction entices yer weener.

You need to cleanse the mind, not punish your nuts.

no fap is for faggot redditors who dont know the placebo effect is

Why the fuck do they not just -actually- release them in the west, digital only or something? Surely it wouldn't be illegal, and I'm sure people would buy it for ease of use.

literally how could that happen, sounds like bullshit