Do you guys ever turn on the 3D effect on your 3DS when you're playing games?
3DS 3D
Yes, all the time except when it makes the framerate go to complete shit like in Pokemon.
I can't stand it in most games, so no.
No. It's really nauseating for me.
Yes, all the time except for Rhythm Heaven and Picross
Some games like Ace Attorney use it for Anti-aliasing too and without it it looks jaggy as fuck.
But that's because I play mine at home. If I ever used it somewhere else I wouldn't turn on the 3D because of battery issues.
I do all the time , but sadly it doesnt work in Pokemon sun
People actually use that feature? It hurts my eyes so badly.
Anyone ever use the AR feature.
I think I tried it with Tetris axis or ninte dogs and never used it again.
All the time, except when i meed to use the gyroscope because
But i love it.
Used the cards it came with to the point of finishing the minigames. The fishing one was pretty neat. Also used it with Pokedex 3D to see actual size comparisons.
It very very good compared to the old 3DS.
I used once to try it out and beat the dragons then immediately quit
It's a shame the 3ds doesn't have more flying and racing games. Looks really nice in pilotwings, ace combat and mario kart.
Nah, hurts my eyes
99% of the time unless I'm trying to save battery
People meme about it but it makes underwater fights in MH3U a lot easier and is basically required to dodge shots in KI:U at 9.0
I also like the effect, I find it immersive.
It hurt my eyes for the first week and hasn't since
The opening of Bravely Default looked really fucking cool on my Coffee table
This. Once your eyes adapt to it there's no point in turning it off unless you want to save battery.
What were these guys' problem?
Always on, in fact it has made me consider buying a 3d tv/monitor.
no. gives a headache after a while.
thank god 3D meme is dead until resurrection in 2030
Do you guys ever turn on your 3DS?
Almost always. Having depth perception is super useful.
They call it VR now.
Yes. I showed it my dick. It was pretty turned on.
Boner now in 3D
It's really popping out of the screen
Yes, almost all the time. I'm really going to miss it. I always wished to see it in a more powerfull handheld and with a better screen.
I was worried I was the only one who liked it. Its so much better on the New 3DS I was shocked. Definitely going to miss it
No, I'm legally blind at 31 from playing vidya in my Mancave with zero lights for roughly 25 years.
I don't need something else to cause my eyeballs to fall out faster.
I didn't think Pokémon had 3d? at least on my Moon it doesn't
If it doesn't kill the framerate, sure. I like the feature, but some games are just too much for the hardware.
>I'm legally blind at 31 from playing vidya in my Mancave with zero lights for roughly 25 years.
That's no how that works
Pokemon SM don't have 3D, you're just wasting your battery
>miss it
What? Is the 3DS dying of a terminal illness?
Do you have a QR code of it?
Nope. Occasionally I'll turn it on for 5 seconds every 3 months to see if I like it and then proceed to turn it off.
I wasn't being serious; I'm just super near sighted.
The Switch doesn't have 3D (or it doesn't seem like it does). And I don't think Nintendo is going to make a succesor to the 3DS other than the Switch, it doesn't really make sense (even when they say the Switch is first a home console)
Poe's law strikes again
Only time I ever used it and found it worth using was Super Mario 3D Land. It's not a really well executed gimmick and I hope going forward the next Nintendo Handheld will just be a better piece of hardware with dual screens.
I never turn it off, it pisses me off when games don't include it.
>Poe's Law
Poe from Star Wars has a law named after him?
Shit is SO cash.
>Do you guys ever turn on your 3DS
ftfy, no
Ayy lmao quit shitposting faggot.
I do when I watch 3D porn. I have a clip of Hitomi Tanaka on my 3DS and some 3D pictures I found on /h/. They basically work like those hologram pictures you know from your childhood.
I'll just barely turn it on sometimes to check out the depth/paralax but most games perform better in 2D
The Switch will have a "VR" headset so we can keep playing in 3D.
Also, you guys need to start at 1% 3D. Don't play a game and just set the 3D at max. Also some games have additional 3D settings in their options like Resident Evil Revelations.
Some games have subtle 3D like the Sega 3D games, while others such as PilotWings Resort have fucking intense 3D depth.
If you start seeing overlaying graphics or doubling then you need to turn the 3D setting down.
I did once in 2012 and never again.
not now
it does when you use the pokefinder, that's it though
No, it adds nothing.
I've used it maybe once since I got my 3DS and only for like 5 minutes.