Katawa Shoujo thread
Anyone else played this hidden gem of a jrpg?
Katawa Shoujo thread
Anyone else played this hidden gem of a jrpg?
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Game was alright, but the vietnam flashbacks were a bit extreme.
I can only stomach so much necropedophilia before i have to turn of a game.
>hidden gem
I came in this thread expecting to find suckers taking transparent bait, and, sure enough. .
I thought the nigger culling true end was a little extreme
Katawa Shoujo seamlessly blends western story telling with Japanese Art and Gameplay. A true perfect game.
>being disgusted by necropedophilia
you should consider to stop living
Why did they make the nuclear arms talents so overpowered
it was just meant to be a pun on powered prosthetics, there was no reason to give you an actual nuke at level 9
loved the gameplay, especially the RTS parts, the story was pretty bland for my taste though and the characters are too generic
The scene was just very gratutious you know.
I get that its a great way to display the MC's loss of innocence and his realization that he was suppressing the childhood memories of uncle Chuck taking him out to the shed.
Thing is, it didnt have to be 2 hours long.
>heh I was just le pretending to be le retarded le
epic dude bet you'll get a lot of upvotes on reddit
>running a Hanako, Rin, Lilly, and Emi party
>this motherfucker throws wine in Hanako's face, stressing her out
>goes over the edge and gets Fearful affliction
>runs to the back, pushing the blind chick to the front of the line
Fucking RNG bullshit.
I have to agree with you
The writing and symbolism of the scene was on point, you can really sympathize with the characters.
The main problem is that the scene was too graphic and too long, it felt kinda needlessly prolonged. Sometimes less is more.
>Shizune died before boss is defeated
>Stays an entire level behind Emi and Lilly for the rest of the game
damn you guys are taking it to the next level.
Was he /ourguy/?
Cant believe Hisao murdered him.
He was completely right about LITERALLY everything.
Just because he roasted some vienam fucking shits over there, doesnt mean he should let Hanako service the bull while he watches.
Completely contradicts him lynching Tyrone's squad when they were behind enemy lines.
he is the hero we needed, but didn't deserve
Nonsense, there's o such thing as too much necropedophilia, I specially loved how well MC's face was done in the CG that game after the fifth child had her face leaking cum from all the drill holes. It really captured MC's despair well.
That scene when Hanako murdered Kenji and then used his soul to power the Crimson Scar Engine and blanket the world in hellfire was intense.
>tfw no invisible girl in KS
Wait, you didn't see her scenes?
No, for some reason all the CG's only had the background
Now that you meantion it, where did they find a drill in the burning ruins of Vạn Phúc?
This fucking scene
I was so angry I almost dropped the game. But when he found Kenji's letter explaining his feelings towards Hisao I just started crying and couldn't stop.
Call me a bitch but that was the saddest moment in my life
Wasn't it something about one of the soldiers being ex-nazi torturer and that's why he had a large collection of tools at his disposal? Pretty sure the guy was modeled after this guy en.wikipedia.org
Rin did nothing wrong, all those vietnam children were necessary casualties.
>agreeing on agent orange and blinding Lilly
Rin a shit, she should've tried a little harder than not at all to prevent all those deaths but she stood by and let it happen as if she had no choice.
The entire thing was just artisanal.
They managed to make you feel exactly like the protagonist.
Quite amazing really.
That cliffhanger ending with him retrieving one of those napalm cannisters from 'nam was a bit confusing though.
Will there be a sequel?
Why did he get the napalm?
Will there be a directors cut/remaster/gotyay edition?
enjoy getting your shit fucked up as soon as you turn your back to her
Well there certainly are alot of similarities.
Afterall he never fought for an ideology, but rather just to experience the joy of pain, both recieving and inflicting it.
Gotta say though, i already asumed that his squad died when the huey crashed and the others were just figments of his broken mind trying to justify his actions.
The game played that part our really well, at times I felt like I was going insane too, especially when Hisao saw those burning children playing football.
I thought it was a vn, what is it really?
A social experiment
craptawa shitjou is not a game
it has lost of story between gameplay, thats why most people jokingly call it a VN
Performance art piece
>he's not playing the KS fighting game
>not BTFOing Hanako mains all day
Are there any dating sims that don't have the protagonist as an angsty cipher?
man I love playing Hanako, but the community totally ruins it
I just want to have fun and not being called a faggot because everyone thinks I'm an obsessed Hanacancer
Rance? Those games are actually games, though. Maybe Fate/Stay Night, but Shirou might be seen as a little angsty depending on the route.
Not really, its basically hardcore modern art aimed to show us the consequences of the Vietnam war and the way we treated the Veterans coming home.
The way we threw an entire generation away and the ramifications of this betrayal of shellshocked warriors that left their humanity in some shithole in asia.
Would play a Katawa shounen where you play as a crippled girl going after crippled boys.
Rance isn't a dating sim, though. It's just outright porn.
The Betrayal ending is pretty fucked up, but to reach it you have to really play the game wrong.
Most people just get the Peace ending on their first playhrough, though the canon one is Redemption.
Though Betrayal has some exclusive flashbacks and after seeing those you can empathize with Rin despite everything she's done.
Just read The Fault in Our Stars
>not being obsessed with Bacon-chan
War... war never changes
But i want to read something with multiple routes where i can cuck some crippled nerd
Does it really take years to make a vn the size of KS?
Could it be done in a year or so?
Depends on the ability and motivation of the people working on it. Like everything else in the world.
That depends alot if we are talking about something with multiples routes and endings
I don't know what you're talking about, this is a thread about Katawa Shoujo the RPG which is in no way related to Hanako getting raped
Hisao did nothing wrong.
What's shakin bacon
>not maining Kenji
At least from the comment you can tell that someone finally realized the image was a ruse.
>A VN about fucking the disabled.
Yeah I'll have to pass on this one fampai
>Missing out on prime A romance because you hate cripples
I seriously hope you don't, my duder.
>not fucking disabled people exclusively
Stay pleb, m8
>he doesnt know
saved, thanks user
Reminder that best girl did literally nothing wrong.
>makes dinner
for some reason this makes me remmeber that comic where the woman who got raped made eggs for her rapist. you know, the one that pops up in lol threads a lot
End yourself.
speaking of rape...
>that part where Hanako picks of the flamethrower and starts burning people
Had to put the game down there.
filename should be 5 years after KS and vodka instead of beer
that would be basically me
Was Katawa Shoujo a mistake?
Most difficult thing would be the art and the music.
Once you've got a good artist he just has to make the backgrounds and the characters with varying emotions.
That should take a month at best.
Getting the hang of renpy, for example, is fairly easy.
While the assets are being created you can learn how to use it.
Then you just need a script.
If you've already got a good idea of what you'Re going to do, it shouldnt be too hard, though making the conversations sound normal is harder than you think.
Then you have the music.
I have no idea of how someone makes a score, so i cant tell you anything about that.
All in all you should honestly be able to make a decent VN in less than a year, as long as you have people helping you or if you can actually do everything required on your own.
t. someone that tried it once but gave up because the idea was shit
Was it a K-On one?
I'm glad it was made, but I'm not glad it attracted such an autistc fanbase.
Why don't Mods instantly nuke these threads?
You fags were exiled to /vg/ half a decade ago
Well obviously.
Those vientam fucking shit children had it coming though, they were spotting for NVA mortars, no wonder Hisao would go apeshit on them.
No anus was left unfractured that day.
>you have to eat all the eggs
>that way you will be strong enough to rape me some more
It was a hot scene before that bullshit assault on the manor that you literally had to deal with forced stealth bullshit using a charecter who can't hear how loud she is or where others are around her.
No it was Sup Forums one
We actually had three or four people trying to make, but the entire thing was destined to fail from the beginning.
No artist, the writer didnt have time, the rest were idea guys.
I'm really happy that this joke is still around.
It's "hidden" for a reason, user.
You can only unlock the Kenji JRPG route after getting the secret ending in Emi's mom's route.
I mean "an Sup Forums one"
That wasnt the name of the project.