I'm playing MGS 3 for the second time through and having a fucking great time...

I'm playing MGS 3 for the second time through and having a fucking great time. Sadly the first time I played it was the 3DS version; I didn't have the analog nub add-on, so I felt like I was just struggling with the controls the entire time. However now I'm playing through the PS3 HD version, and it's really fucking fun. I'm in love with the context sensitive buttons, I didn't even know that playstation controllers could do that shit.

Plus I'm discovering a fuck load of stuff I didn't know about when I played the 3DS version; mainly a shit load of wildlife I glossed over, a ton of controls (I had no idea you could stand on your tip toes, for example) and plus, since the game is actually playable control-scheme wise, I've bumped it up to extreme and it's fun as dick

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Glad you're having fun OP, do you plan on playing 4 and V?

Hell yeah, I've actually played through both and really enjoyed them. V wasn't perfect plot-wise, but holy fuck those controls are flawless. 2 is still my favorite however, and I plan on playing through twin snakes on dolphin OR hopefully a physical copy if I win this ebay auction

>I didn't even know that playstation controllers could do that shit.
how to spot an underage.
The pressure sensitive face keys were one of the most hyped shit with PS2, and MGS games were one of the few games to use them at all.

>and I plan on playing through twin snakes on dolphin OR hopefully a physical copy if I win this ebay auction
Don't. it's fucking awful in all possible ways compared to PS1 OG MGS1.

is that second statement opinion or fact?

Both. You clearly haven't lurked much.

No, I've been here since I was a freshman in Highschool and I'm 20. Fuck off, I've heard criticisms about it having campy cutscenes but that was about it

MGS3 is best MGS.

It's fucking great and packed to the brim with details, that's for sure. I'm about to unleash a poison dart frog I captured at some guards to see what happens

>I've heard criticisms about it having campy cutscenes but that was about it
Yeah, haven't lurked enough, and you're borderline cancer generation as well.

TTP is pretty much the DmC of the series.
It has inferior voice acting and localization, inferior soundtrack, butchered gameplay by mixing MGS2 gameplay with unchanged MGS1 maps and enemy encounters (especially bossfights are totally broken now), and even the visual style is fucked up and looks all plasticy. The total Matrix-tier cutscenes, with Snake acting like a fucking moronic teenager who can move like a Cyborg ninja, are only icing on the cake.

I love the amount of secrets he hid in the old mgs games, If you have the ps2 version when you get put in the jail cell save and quit and when you load back up snake will be asleep and you will be in his dream. His dream is a hack and slash game that someone at kojima's studio was working on but was never finished so he hid it in MGS3

>I've been here all summer
>without a hint of irony

Is 6 years not enough lurking to post

MGS3 would make for a better movie than video game.

Would have been kino as fuck as a feature film.

damn I have to try this how did I not know that by now


you haven't lurked enough.

It's a shit game with clunky controls. This is an irrefutable fact. People only like it because of the cutscenes and characters. Not the gameplay.

>you will never get to watch your favorite game become a 007 jungle kino


I like it because of gameplay

>you can tear the fury's suit open with a knife
>you can throw captured snakes at enemies
>there's three snakes on trees at the Boss's fight representing Solid, Liquid and Solidus
>you can carve markings on trees with your knife
>enemies in the caution phase will take note of it when they come across the tree
>ejected shell casings show up hot when wearing thermals
>the pain's hornets can be warded off with the torch

>People only like it because of the cutscenes and characters. Not the gameplay.
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

>>you can carve markings on trees with your knife
>enemies in the caution phase will take note of it when they come across the tree

is there a list of all the TECHNOLOGY somewhere?

I think so. Could have sworn I had a good link bookmarked somewhere.

I think you mean TTS?

>Matrix-tier cutscenes
Are you not aware that Twin Snakes is the story of the Shadow Moses Incident as told by Otacon, hence the embellished account of Snake?

I no joke learn something new about this game ever single day. GOAT.

MGS3 is great OP.

Im playing MGSV and fucking jizzed when I found a cassette tape for Snake Eater

I think that tree this is bullshit

It's one of the reasons why I fucking love it.
>kill guard in Krasnorgorje mountaintop
>vulture swoops in to eat his corpse
>kill vulture
>eat vulture
>that guard shows up in the Sorrow's river screaming "You ate me!"
What do you mean?

I fucked up my spelling sorry. I mean I think the tree carving thing with a knife and having guards recognize it isn't true. Or at least like 90%. Hold on im gonna whip out my ps3


It is. I haven't played MGS3 in a year but last thing I did was that.

They walk up to it, ? and say something like "what is this?"

Wow, that is awesome.

in MGSV, if you throw a magazine at an enemy's head in reflex mode, a little boxing bell rings and they get stunned

Probably common knowledge but I barely found out about it and it's great

Not when you make it sound like you're an old-fag, no. So lurk more you pussy bitch nigga

no fucking kidding

I haven't tried it but someone said shooting a sleeping guard in the crotch with the water gun will cause them to wake up thinking they pissed themselves

>t. Sup Forums user for 1 year

is one year not enough user? I learn something new every year.

That is amazing.

>guy goes with shooting everyone in the dicks
>this happens


> "Additionally, an Afghan and an African lullaby tape can be found in the respective locations. Playing the appropriate regional tape at night-time will make any guards that can hear it fall asleep at their post."

Wow. I love developers now

Like the song?

Yep! Africa, outpost number 21

Holy shit, Kojima is god. How the fuck do they come up with some of these ideas?

>Guy Savage was removed in the HD versions
Wondering why

lmao that's fucking hilarious

>using the sonar radar in the caves will make the bats go crazy

I'm trying to think of more technology in mgs3 that aren't in

>"I'm worthless now!"
How did they get away with this?

I think I might have just discovered one, probably not: but if you shoot the tires of the hind at the base map the tires will deflate

> There's a bucket of ice in the crew's lounge on the tanker. If you shoot it, not only does the ice fly out, it melts realistically; the cubes closer to one another melt slower than the isolated ones.
It's incredible. Imagine your work just making TECHNOLOGY for people to be surprised a decade later

MGS3 is extremely good with elevated difficulties. The enemies actually get smarter and tougher to deal with.

there is a more comprehensive list, I just happened to have that in my browsing history for a quick link

what are the odds for a mgs collection to be released on ps4?
never owned a ps3 but somewhat considering buying one just so i can play 1-4

low, because that would take a porting effort and Konami isn't in the video games industry anymore

Copyright, same shit as the sketeboard and Ape Escape.

MGS and the developers are truly gods of gaming

>Didn't even fucking know PS2 and PS3 had pressure sensitive buttons till playing MGS2 with the whole coolant spray

The AN-94's barrel (the rifle used by the enemies in the plant in MGS2) recoils like it does IRL and I'm pretty sure that in 2000/2001 that rifle was extremely obscure.

>MGS and the developers are truly gods of gaming

There's a good video on the making of MGS2 which shows a book with suggestions Kojima's team makes with drawings and Kojima looks at them either to approve or cancel suggestions based on if they improve the gameplay or not.

I could imagine a lot of techology was suggested then

They did make an MGS3 "movie" of sorts.

It even has the 2 round burst ontop of actually having accurate dimensions for the 5.45x39's case.

Nice seeing a civilised mgs thread
finished mgs 1 today
ive read the books and played V and GZ
holy shit 1 is LIT AF

MGS1 had the best story in the series imo

i love mgs with all my hearth
but ive only been able to play GZ TPP and Rising
now that i can emulater and have a joystick im looking forward to playing them all :D

I think you might have some issues with the PS2 MGS games... Unless there are ways to work around in th eoptions of the game or emulator


>throw stun grenade behind you when fighting ocelot
>the soldiers yell "hey we aren't even fighting you!"

Cool, you won't be able to play MGS4 though, since it's PS3 exclusive.

yea i know that
what do you mean?

ok this will sound pathetic but huge mgs fan BUT since i have not been able to play the games i watched on youtube fuckin' love the stories and the characters but only now getting around to paying them all

>the soldiers yell "hey we aren't even fighting you!"
>coming from the shitcunts that won't hesitate to hose you with bullet if they see their fuccboi losing

the things is i dont understand what do you mean with "pressure sensitive buttons"

>shoot beehive

>ocelot shoots beehive

The coolant spray needs you to press hard on the button to fire at a longer distance

Literally how do I grab someone without slitting his throat

Press the button lightly. Also pressure sensitive buttons are an utter shit gimmick.

Press square to raise rifle, press square hard to fire. Press circle to grab and hold an enemy, press circle hard to cut their neck.

hold O but don't press too hard

oh damn
well there is probably a fix for that like there was for mantis's fight

xbox360 doesn't have pressure sensitive face buttons

i bought a controller than goes with PC and with PS2
so i guess the problem solves itself?

Yea the Xbox version had revised controls,

And that is the reason why MGS2 and 3 are better played on the 360.

If it has pressure sensitive controls and you have the appropriate drivers.

thanks senpai